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4n0n3m0u5e ago

girl is told she will have to reimburse the company for tickets and suite

Save the ad outlining the deal, then sue the kikes for all they've got because they broke the agreement. Legal payout sounds like a better deal to me than $5k. Are women this retarded that they can't figure out how to hire a lawyer to defend themselves?

Broc_Lia ago

Yeah, but how does she get home? They (probably) have her passport and her return ticket.

Also, in order to escape the situation she has to go public and shame her family with how she ended up on a porn shoot. Or... she could do the shoot, take the money, and no one knows except a few rich Australians.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

but how does she get home?

To be clear, there is no 'good' outcome for this girl. She could go to law enforcement, she could get raped (in which case, rape kit and then law enforcement ends this scam sooner for the kikes), or she could go along with the plan which is what happened (I didn't realize this was all real until a couple of hours ago. . I must have missed this from a month ago.)

Also, in order to escape the situation she has to go public and shame her family

Sucks, but then the kikes that are scamming don't get exposed to sunlight and can keep operating freely. Same mentality persists with rape victims - the victims are stupidly encouraged by feminists not to report and the rapists go on to rape another 200+ victims. What was Rottedam, like 13 Saudis that raped 2,000 girls/women?

and no one knows except a few rich Australians.

Again, I'll forgive you for not knowing there is a legit precedent to the screencap in OP, as I did not know. These girls got doxed regardless of the lie that was told to them by the scammers.

Broc_Lia ago

Sucks, but then the kikes that are scamming don't get exposed to sunlight and can keep operating freely. Same mentality persists with rape victims - the victims are stupidly encouraged by feminists not to report and the rapists go on to rape another 200+ victims. What was Rottedam, like 13 Saudis that raped 2,000 girls/women?

I agree, but I don't think that's a realistic perspective for some teenager in another country surrounded by angry men.

Again, I'll forgive you for not knowing there is a legit precedent to the screencap in OP, as I did not know. These girls got doxed regardless of the lie that was told to them by the scammers.

Well, yeah, we know with hindsight that they had every intention to make the film as public as possible, I was just trying to present it as how she might have seen it:

  • Back out of the film, have to find her own way home, possibly have everyone find out she signed up to be a video-whore

  • Go ahead and it stays her dirty little secret

4n0n3m0u5e ago

some teenager in another country

I should probably give replying to this thread a break until I actually read more in-depth about this scenario. I thought these might be U.S. girls all funneling to CA for these 'photo shoots.'

As for the second part, yeah, kids being easy victims for scams in general. Back to women in general having the mentality of children that need supervision, it's a similar mentality to battered wife syndrome. They seem to have a poor time understanding that things can get worse than embarrassment.

Broc_Lia ago

I should probably give replying to this thread a break until I actually read more in-depth about this scenario. I thought these might be U.S. girls all funneling to CA for these 'photo shoots.'

Actually you might be right, rereading it it doesn't actually say where she was from. Even if it was all internal in the US, she was still hundreds of miles from home, no doubt intentionally. If they recruited local girls they'd have the option of walking from the set and taking the bus. Not to mention having local contacts to rely on.

As for the second part, yeah, kids being easy victims for scams in general. Back to women in general having the mentality of children that need supervision, it's a similar mentality to battered wife syndrome. They seem to have a poor time understanding that things can get worse than embarrassment.

I watched an interesting video about that the other day, it's surprisingly simple: Men evolved in an environment where they were not physically dependent on their social group, women evolved in one where they were absolutely dependent on theirs. If a guy got kicked out of the clan he went and hunted for himself and eventually found a new one. If a woman got kicked out she got eaten by wolves.

The result is that women are much more suceptible to this kind of social hacking than men are. Embarrassment and ostracism aren't just annoying things, they're a threat to her future and possibly her life. Obviously this isn't literally true in the modern era, but those instincts are still there.

Kinda explains why women are willing to put up with years of abuse rather than break free and try to start fresh: The fear of being alone is worse than the abuse.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

That's an interesting take on the evolutionary behavior.

Also, as should be expected, OP is a faggot and duped everyone in this thread by misrepresenting what really happened with 4chin's pants-on-head retarded retelling of events.

Broc_Lia ago

Paywalled, can you copypaste?

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Fuck me, I failed at one of the most important rules of the internet: archive EVERYTHING. It was not paywalled when I linked it earlier. I don't know if someone clicked out from Voat (does Voat obfuscate link-clicks?) and they locked up shop or what. Sorry, man. If I figure out a way to get the article contents and can paste them, I will.

update: hey, @Broc_Lia, it turns out it was not paywalled for me when I accessed it through my web browser; but the direct link also locked me out. Here is a screencap for your perusal and sorry about the confusion.

Broc_Lia ago

Thanks man, and don't worry about it, I forget all the time.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Fuck me, I failed at one of the most important rules of the internet: archive EVERYTHING. It was not paywalled when I linked it earlier. I don't know if someone clicked out from Voat (does Voat obfuscate link-clicks?) and they locked up shop or what. Sorry, man. If I figure out a way to get the article contents and can paste them, I will.

Intrixina ago

In this day and age of "equality" though there is no excuse for a female to not have the ability to say "Fuck off" and start afresh.

If one is working, regardless of whether they are male or female, they should be making a plan B and a plan C and a plan D if the shit hits the fan.

Broc_Lia ago

Women still have womens' brains, even if the law requires us to treat them like men.

Intrixina ago

Well, if I were kicked out of my social group I'd go it alone. It's happened before, after all. Negative fucks given to that shit. In fact, in some ways I prefer being on my own - don't have to deal with all the vapid shit that females for the most part have to say.

That doesn't make me a man though.

Broc_Lia ago

There's always exceptions and I'm sure there's men out there who are highly socially dependent. On average though it makes more sense to assume men will act like men and women will act like women, for better or for worse.

Intrixina ago

That's a fair point.