Bigwhistle ago

These sentences will be overruled on appeal.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Liberal judges need to be eradicated from the face of the earth.

Rival67 ago

Did you see the video? Proud Boy was just enjoying a street brawl. Mutual combat should have applied or just a disorderly conduct. Dudes getting 4 years for nothing.

Don_Tomaso ago

Only way to get this right is to start doxxing these jew whores and letting nature take its own turn.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Another example that further convinces me that (((these people))) have infiltrated our society with the intent to subvert and destroy it.

whatisbestinlife ago

why would you go quietly? FAGGOTS

Deadleftist ago

Sounds like a case of blatant racism, those dirty Kike Judges.

BurqaFart ago

Sounds like the judge needs to be killed.


Don't worry, they're not racist.

ArcAngel ago

jew judge?=grounds for appeal...

DanielR ago

This is jewish justice

MuricaPersonified ago

Last time I did jury duty, a pompous judge gave a speech before sorting all the jurors into different cases. I'll never forget the groans when he proudly said "Our system might be flawed, but it has the most fair and impartial form of justice anywhere on Earth!".

I still seethe with fury every time I think about it.

Never_Surrender_23 ago

Judges, prosecutors, and lawyers are all part of the same team.

Question: where does someone get a "law license "??

They dont is the answer.

But all 3 are members of the BAR association.. which is nothing more than a Union.

My point is that all court rooms in the current form are designed to screw over who ever it is that needs the screwing.. unless of course, you are of a certain ethnic tribe..

canbot ago

With corruption this blatant and no action taken against it one wonders what it would take.

Capt_Save_No_Hoe ago

Don't forget the pantifa in NYC that only got 18 months for nearly murdering a Trump supporter at a Cernocuck event.

WhiteChickens ago

At least one of the "proud boys" has a nigger wife and kid.

TheTruthTheFacts ago

Judges are evil.

SisterOfBattle ago

Proud Boys: Push Antifa idiots blocking traffic and streets out of the way and protecting the weak from getting harassed by them: 4 years.

Antifa Faggot: Nearly brains a non-aggressive unarmed person to death with a bike lock. Says they'd do it again if they could. :Probation.

Something is very wrong here and they all start with 'J'.

cdglow ago

The hilarious thing is that one of these "Nazi proud boys" as the media likes to kvetch about has a negress wife. Nothing about reality makes sense anymore.

polygeek ago


Time to ride.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I'd hate to be these judges when the civil war hits. They won't live long.

TopTierCIAShill ago

And their death will be slow probably tbh idk really im not saying a threat or anything, just judging from recent revolutions that may be the case.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Me neither, it's just pure pragmatism and common sense.

TopTierCIAShill ago

like gaddafi and hussein and mussolini

Dark_ArrowDCU ago

I was sitting in on other court cases in NYC , awaiting my own hearing.

When I see famous Lawyer Marvin Kornberg with his Hasidic Rabbi client being sentenced for molesting a little girl.

My jaw dropped when the Judge said:.

" I hereby sentence you to four months.....


WolfShepherd ago

We are fully ZOG now

And, lol, fuck gavin Mcinnes cuck boys

PoopityScoopy ago

Proof about the child molester part?

Scroobius ago

I gave the links, find my comment

PoopityScoopy ago

Mind answering 1 more question?

Scroobius ago

Why do jews rape so many kids? Idk poopity, it's just their nature I suppose.

PoopityScoopy ago

True, but that wasn't my question

CrispyLE ago

Kickstart campaign for their legal fees?

nmgoh2 ago

So you're saying that the jew having a better lawyer is a surprise to you?

DeadFox ago

When people say don't go on mass shootings of "innocent" invaders, and tell you to go for HVTs, I think they're refering to people like that judge

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

And the bearded guy is married to a black woman with 3 black kids. Oh no but he's a Proud Boi

CheeseboogerHimself ago

The jews have corrupted all of our systems, our TV, our art, our music, our schools, our corporations, our games...

justregtoasku ago

... governments, banks, money, juidiciary, armed forces, police, medicine

C'mon there's more...

CheeseboogerHimself ago

That's why I left a dot dot dot

bourbonexpert ago

Iā€™m assuming the shitbag is up for election this year. If you live In The area vote him out.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Being made a political example of. The exact equivalent of the gulag. Hey Trump, these people defend you. Now defend them. No amount of appealing to people who militantly didn't vote for you is going to make them vote for you. Defend your own people for once, it's what the democrats do.

user9713 ago

Hey Trump, these people defend you. Now defend them.

And risk being called a racist by the liberal media? Tough luck, pal. He's got an election to win. And your vote doesn't matter.

LibertarianForChrist ago

He's already called that. No one who defends antifa is going to be voting for Trump.

user9713 ago

He thinks he's polling 40% with blacks:

Don't underestimate his stupidity

GloryHoleInMyAnus ago

Alright, that's enough. I may be new here but I've already had it up to hear holds hand far above head. These filthy checks surroundings JEWS have gone too far! Holds head high proudly.

Some piece of human filth diddles a child slams fist on table and gets three months because "it's going to be such a traumatic experience for this poor victim of a misunderstood system" and these PROUD American flag waves in background American Heroes are going to Prison for fighting willing combatants?

No. Just no. These god damn checks for listening devices under plant Lampshades have done enough damage. Enough is enough! We wont take it anymore.

anticlutch ago

Why are (((you))) such a faggot?

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CognitiveDissident5 ago

That's why it's called the jewdicial system.

Adriansun ago

The judge is either jewish or female

Splooge ago


justregtoasku ago

Or a freemason

Sitnikoff ago

*shabbos goy

justregtoasku ago


Seems they have their tentacles wrapped around everything


GloryHoleInMyAnus ago

Probably both.

RoBatten ago

or both . . .

madmardigan ago

I thinks it's asidic.

justregtoasku ago

Is it?

Chabad could be similar with the silent c but i don't know about chasidic / asidic.

Or are you referring to asidic as in asid? Im a bit tired so apologies if i don't make much sense.

madmardigan ago

I failed at being humorous. Asidic like acidic.

CrudOMatic ago

Absolutely corrupt justice system, eaten up with kikes. Jews ALWAYS get away with shit.

Wheatstone ago

Because psychopaths attack the victims and defend the perpetrators!

When you get paid more for injustice and you love causing suffering, being a judge is the best job a psychopath can get.

Their motives are narcissistic supply, power and money. That's why we need mandatory brain scans for these key positions.

AlphaOmega ago

That judge needs some fucking senators up his ass calling for investigations. This was clearly a show trial and these guys are being made example of. Not to mention the leniency for child molestation. What the everlasting fuck?

Ken_bingo2 ago

That worthless rag of a constitution did not even flesh out the judicial branch. Never in the history of Congress has it held federal judges accountable for crimes, misconduct, or malpractice, or lack of ethics, even though that is an enumerated, if vaguely worded, power.

Vrblpollushin ago

That judge doesn't need senators up his ass, he needs to be necked. The whole lot of them do. Bunch of corrupt fucks.

Kristov ago

Marines need to be rounding up corrupt (in)justices and shipping them iff to gitmo. Round 2 would be con(gress).

Niggardly_Jew ago

The united states legal justice system is designed to protect kikes from being punished by the goyim for their crimes, while enforcing the kikes will upon the goyim.

gabrara ago

You forgot to add the most important part to the end of your sentence:


TopTierCIAShill ago

ah fuck i gotta upvote you again you fucking niggerfaggot

Sitnikoff ago

That's literally an invasion. Kill the invaders and those who perpetuate it.

jewsbadnews ago

We need to bring back mob and vigilante justice. The best forms of justice.

WilliamCutting ago

Look up Leo Frank. He was what ultimately led to the creation of the ADL.

jewsbadnews ago

Already know everything about that story.

WilliamCutting ago

Im sure you do, that was more for the uninitiated reading.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Could you image if op's image was shun unto the light by any main stream media source?

TheAntiZealot ago

The Batman & The Punisher in crowd form with tar & feathers.

RoBatten ago

the (((kikes))) and their useful puppets . . . . . . .

stealthygeek ago

According to experts, the proper procedure in such a situation would be for the judge to correct the error on the record. However, there is no evidence that this occurred.

ā€œThe judge would now have the responsibility for arranging for a new [hearing] where the error would be corrected,ā€ legal ethics expert and Pace University law professor Bennett Gershman told The Jewish Week.

ā€œItā€™s inexplicable why the prosecutor didnā€™t take the affirmative step of making a motion, or the judge, on his own, didn't call the parties back to correct his error,ā€ he continued.

ā€œThat they didnā€™t, thereā€™s got to be a reason. Is it because itā€™s a headache? Because they want this thing to be covered up because itā€™s embarrassing to the judge? I guess they felt that this case was such a hot potato that they wanted to get rid of it.ā€

The Brooklyn District Attorneyā€™s office declined to comment on why they didnā€™t seek a hearing to correct the error.

It's because they're all in on it together, protecting their own.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Maybe to scare any proud, young white boys to not fight back and to obey or else four years. Go ahead and rape a boy though. 3 months and all is kosher and you can demoralize and ruin another future man.