boekanier ago

America is just Israel, only bigger.

Merlynn ago

Ok,I'm going to say this clearly so you fucktards get it.


They are ALWAYS infiltrating. Do you know how many jews are on Voat right now? On Gab? Poal? ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA,ON-LINE FORUM,OR VIDEO HOSTING SITE? They're everywhere,and always looking to get in further. There were jews in the Nazi party. They are everywhere. And they get everywhere because they have money and "friends in high places" helping them out.

So even if a politician is specifically against jews,they will still try to infiltrate. The only way to keep them out is a zero tolerance,kill on sight,no jews policy with a helping of eternal vigilance. Anything less is getting infiltrated. That you need a list to know Trump's surrounded by jews shows you don't know enough about jews. And now you've been told.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Le_Squish ago

The thing that many fail to understand is that Trump can't remove them even if he wants to (which we have no way of knowing). They will JFK him in a heart beat.

WolfShepherd ago

His daughter is jewish. Why would he betray family? By blood laws, he is jewish. This isn't his first betrayal.

Le_Squish ago

Anyone with aspiration of taking down the juden would have to do it as an insider preferably by marriage. Politics is not just elections and banks, dynasties and strategic marriages are just as important.

WolfShepherd ago

Literally, lol

Also in charge of:

  • prison reform
  • middle east peace plan
  • economic reform

Top keks!

Le_Squish ago

He's still a boomer. What do you expect?

Le_Squish ago

If you watch the jews when Trump gives speeches in foreign places, they don't seem at ease when he addresses them.

They aren't confident that he's on their side. No one knows where Trump's loyalty truly lies and that is a very good thing.

Le_Squish ago

Rich people been marrying off daughters for political gain since forever.

WolfShepherd ago

Bingo, hes part of the kike dynasty. All signs point to him loving it. The "Trump Heights" in Israel are an example. A true friend to jews, Israel's map changes for the first time since the 6 day war!

Le_Squish ago

Not bingo. The marriages of the sons are where to look.

963189_137 ago

No with the kikes it is matrilineal. No one gives a fuck about the man because 9/10 they are not the father anyway.

Le_Squish ago

Assets, brah. Jews use intermarriage to steal assets. If ugly daughter inherits nothing important, she becomes an acceptable sacrifice.

963189_137 ago

Only jew daughters inherit everything. Jew males are expected to parasite off goyim on their own recognizance. Why do you think that trump agreed to a Jewvanka dynasty and passed over Turmp (the kike) jr.

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Oh_Well_ian ago

and yet.... all Israeli Embassies closed around the world, yesterday, and all Diplomats were recalled

just after BagDaddy, top (((ISIS))) Terrorist was killed

lol you voat cryptoJew cunts are finished

WolfShepherd ago

Oh_Well_ian ago

old news, faggot...

You fucking Jews are panicking, huh?

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol Why are you not dancing, Rabbi??

Trump killed BagDaddy and expose Israel and you call him a Jew Puppet?


It's coming SHLOMO.... better hold on to your yamaka

WolfShepherd ago

Interesting strategy, calling me out for pointing out Jewishness? Well here's more for ya!


top. Kek.

Jews in the Trump Administration

American Presidents & Israel|Donald Trump Administration|US-Israel Relations

Avrahm (“Avi”) Berkowitz

Special Assistant to the President and assistant to Senior Advisor Jared Kushner

Jared Kushner

Senior Advisor

David Friedman

Ambassador to Israel

Jason Greenblatt

Special Representative for International Negotiations, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict [Resigned September 2019]

Steve Mnuchin

Secretary of the Treasury

Stephen Miller

Senior Advisor, Policy

Anne Neuberger

Deputy National Manager, National Security Agency

Gary CohnDirector, White House National Economic Council [Resigned March 2018]

Reed Cordish

Assistant to the President, Intragovernmental and Technology Initiatives

Avrahm Berkowitz

Deputy Advisor to the President and his Senior Advisor Jared Kushner

Rod Rosenstein

Deputy Attorney General

Elan Carr

Special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism [Nominated]

Jeffrey A. Rosen

Deputy Secretary of

Alexander Vindman

Ukraine Advisor

My own addition

The jew responsible for "compassionate releases, ICE detainment director Natalie Asher

Oh_Well_ian ago

wait a second >> ALEX VINDMAN?? LOL you cunt...

I know who that is >>>

WolfShepherd ago

Are you too dumb to realize trump says one thing then uses jews to sabatoge so people don't question broken promises?

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol sorry Jewboy..

Trump has betrayed you. That's why he's 80% unfavorable among JEWS

You cunts are finished.

WolfShepherd ago

You realize jews hate their shabbos goy most of all?

Oh_Well_ian ago

I realize you're a Jewish piece of shit...

next question shlomo?

WolfShepherd ago

What makes me jewish?

Oh_Well_ian ago

now you're just spamming, you fucking cunt Niggerjew piece of shit


963189_137 ago

You would think at the very minimum that the universe itself could no longer support their combined parasitic weight.

Veggiehead ago

Are no American firsters available for these positions?

963189_137 ago

Americans haven't been 'first' since the bolsheviks murdered 100,000,000 Russians and used their blood money to conquer the Western (((governments))).

ESOTERICshade ago

I keep telling Qtards like @vindicator that we are being put in the oven. They don't listen. Their feelings are the most important thing in the world to them. It does not matter to the Qtard that Coleman Rogers from 24 Hour Patriot Soap Box got caught using the Q trip code on 8 Chan. They have no balls and want a political party to save them.

Good luck with that. Qtards, get the Patriot Act repealed and we will take you seriously.


The rest and most woke part of the "patriot" movement. Fucking Israeli my peace.

WolfShepherd ago

Trump was put there to draw out white nationalists and slightly slow the decline to prevent revolution. The media has been great idiotic controlled opposition to convince people hes "ourguy".

It has worked like a charm.

ESOTERICshade ago

Trump was put there to draw out white nationalists

I don't blame the Qtards for hoping and wishing. I just wish the Qtards would so something real. Qtards like @vindicator have a platform and a voice that could make a real difference. They could start a movement to repeal the patriot act. Instead, they jack off to some "plan" which is nothing but a confidence game.

Qtards have spoiled a 30 year movement. They don't even realize they are posting along and with zionist shills. Its hard for me to hate them, but GOD DAMN

goatsandbros ago

We should totally vote for the candidate with no Jews in his entourage. What was his name again?

963189_137 ago

Patrick is a civnat Open Borders CUCK who believes that 'only jews are a problem'.

Niggers aren't a problem

Spics aren't a problem

bugs aren't a problem

The USA can accommodate the entire global population except for jews and it 'isn't a problem'.


goatsandbros ago

What does that video have to do with Patrick Little?

963189_137 ago

He is an Open Borders will figure it out.