BroNational ago

I mostly used reddit to shit on local faggots and have seen this steady decline coming. But that was a bold move. It's accelerating alright.

NotaQjackass ago

Neo-cons are dog shit!

Mustard_Monkey ago

Fuck Reddit. This is another lame faggot ass attempt to get GOATS to check it out. GTFO RedditFaggots.

lordvain2 ago

First I've heard about it.

Skins ago

Good. Fuck that Israeli shill hive.

fluhthreeex ago

nothing will come of it. nothing ever does.

no one will stop them. no one ever does.

muh trump will save us. no.

but muh fore more yeerz to fite thuh oppo!

leftist tech won. the right "fought back" and elected an impotent joke president.

lets avoid the "joke" candidates next time fellas, eh?

Maggotfeast ago

Reddit had nowhere left after cringeanarchy was deleted

DeathSlyce ago

Fuck reddit. Fuck spez. Fuck the left. Do they want more extremists to appear? That's how you get more extremists to appear. Spez should be tried for civil right violations.

pretty_wise ago

People here you are not worried about this should be, having a post on reddit helps with the culture war. You're not going to win shit if you can't bring in and influence people outside your group.

Earth_Crumbling ago

I really hate Trump, but that quarantine is what made me switch to here finally.

hello_reddit ago

this does seem like a good bit of 'accelerationism'. it's not like the democratic debates mean anything at all anyways, but now we get more white people pissed off and learning about jews

Simpleusername ago

Let this be a lesson to those who think sucking kike cock will protect you....

Skins ago

So many glowniggers in one thread.

EpicWin ago

But of course - typical leftoid move. Fuck em!

PS I don’t recommend watching their “debates” sober, should you be so inclined...

fightknightHERO ago

We don't want these Niggers in here


crazy_eyes ago

I spit in the face of any redditfugees. You're fucking disgusting worthless pieces of shit and should be turned to Soylent green. Fuck off the lot of you

Zoldam ago

T_D users who have even basic intelligence and political values that leans towards the right, will come to understand the JQ rather fast. It's the the common denominator in...





Central Banking



Just to name a few out of many.

gonight ago

Fun Fact: Kikes did 9/11. "Dancing Israelis".

midnightblue1335 ago

Hey I heard those dancing Mossad agents, posing as movers, were only here to "observe", in their own words. Observe what? Well, they were unclear about that, it was just a coincidence that they were observing in NYC on 9/11/01.

Andrynor ago

Fuck reddit and hello you glorious faggots.

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

It's not suspended, it's Quarantined.

You can still access and join it.

irradiated_toaster ago

Literally the last place right of center on reddit, and tge biggest one for that matter, this is going to be fun to watch.

knightwarrior41 ago

more Qtards incoming yay!

gonight ago


jesojr ago

No sweat it,ll get leaked, you can't stop the "DON"-LOL

RacistCatWhistle ago

Oh look, Media Matters’ Melissa Joskow did a hit piece on that subreddit 2 days ago calling for it to be banned.

Answering the Jewish question didn’t take long: https://pdfs.semantic

invisiblephrend ago

carlos maza too.

subofassholes ago

New User.

Jo99pine ago

We should all be mad about this

mightnotbearobot ago


Jo99pine ago

Because the same shills are already here filling this place with porn. It's only a matter of time before you aren't allowed to speak freely anywhere on the internet.

basedmangod2015 ago

how does porn being on here limit your freeze peach?

Octoclops ago

Because its spam

basedmangod2015 ago

nah bro its freeze peach.

Cockboy ago

Kill yourself faggot.

Jo99pine ago

It makes me not want to come on here because I dont like the 50/50 chance of click on anal sex videos

heygeorge ago

I’ve been here for years vs. 6 hours and I can’t think of a time I chance clicked on an anal sex video. Maybe you need to disable autoplay!

Jo99pine ago

You are lucky. And I'll change that setting now.

drozzxd ago

You never colored a connect the dots coloring book ya daft cunt?

mightnotbearobot ago

You can't anyway. Look to the right of this post and you will see some rules about what you cannot do. Even the mighty Voat has restrictions on free speech, and I don't mean on how many posts you can make a day.

Jo99pine ago

Soon Alexa will start sensoring people in their homes. Calling the police and arresting folks.

Improbablyanasshole ago

They're gonna need more cops.

squidicuz ago

Doubtful... They just need a population with no integrity and they will do whatever they want with impunity.

Oh.. Guess we're there already. Have more soma then.

GradyStilesJewnior ago

Buncha faggoty jewnigs

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

At least the T_D people who thinks niggers can be "based" will get down voted to hell here.

BubbaMcDonald ago


gonight ago

Look at that fucking kike.

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

Timing is way suspect. Fuck Reddit.

metricisokay ago

Oh yeah great. So all those fucking idiots who are only coming here as a second choice are going to show up and act like they are supposed to be here.

Spaceman_mike1983 ago

You sound 12 fucktard. The_donald was a huge boost and help in Trump winning. If little pricks like you want to keep spouting your bullshit you need to get behind this. Censorship is bullshit no matter if you support the cause or not. First they came for the_donald but I wasn't a redditor......

Octoclops ago

First they came for the_donald

Lmao. You really are a sad little cuck.

ANannyMouse ago

It wasn't T_D that they came for first, not even close. Subs have been getting banned for years, the first migration from Reddit to Voat due to censorship was like 4 fucking years ago. You're late, faggot.

Spaceman_mike1983 ago

Whilst that is true. The_donald had a massive user base and is the first large conservative subreddit to be quarantined/soon to be banned. Also I'm not late lurked for ages, now have a reason to be here. Considering this is a censorship free site, there are plenty of faggots here that seem to think censorship is a good thing.

metricisokay ago

Also I'm not late lurked for ages, now have a reason to be here.

Your reason for being here is you are no longer allowed to be where you would rather be which is exactly what I said. You are here out of necessity. So again I say fuck off.

Spaceman_mike1983 ago

Reddit was a much better user interface, only reason I still used it. Fuck off to you too.

gonight ago

We're not being ironic, delete your account and go back to sucking nigger dick.

Spaceman_mike1983 ago

What do you mean we? Are you over there guzzling that little faggots cum whilst he types. Get fucked.

BubbaMcDonald ago

Fuck off back to reddit.

The Jews did 9/11, USS Liberty and they have shaped your opinions since you were born, including with the holohoax.

gonight ago


carlip ago

Interesting that they would take any steps short of shutting it down (oy vey). Almost as if to give the subscribers a chance to coalesce at another site before the ban hammer comes down?

irradiated_toaster ago

All quarantined subreddits have been banned, they just use it to redice the shock per say.

outrider787 ago

Reddit assholes

horeeshit ago

r/the_donald is a zionist-run shithole subreddit, with some occasional /pol/tards. neo-con idiots.

LifeWillChange ago

The_Donald was a fun place to check before the '16 election. It's a shell of it's former self, but even that shell is too much for the liberal faggots over at Reddit.

Get your niggerfaggots ready fellas, T_D refugees are coming.

Spaceman_mike1983 ago

T_d refugee here. That was the last subreddit that wasn't completely full of faggots. Fuck reddit. You cunts are my new friends

divineketchup ago

There's still r/debatealtright, though it's quarantined as well.

CameraCode0 ago

wasn't completely full of faggots

You mean faggots as in leftists, not literally faggots, right? Because The Donald was definitely "We love our faggots, we have the best faggots".

LifeWillChange ago

Well met, nigger faggot. You'll find the brand of freedom here has sharp edges, but if don't try and sit on it and you won't get butthurt.

Btw, the Jews are vile racists and are gaslighting the rest of the world into believing the opposite is true.



hello_reddit ago

they're shooting themselves in the foot by trying to bop t_d. they should know better than to get rid of their own controlled opposition. jews aren't what they used to be i'll tell you'hwhut


This is to let the project veritas and the debate to blow over. Consensus will be had and T_d will be up by sunday

Ocelot ago

I prefer my content kosher because boy do those Jewish fellas know how to cook a good meal!


Haha.... ha... WUT

Ocelot ago

I sure am glad my parents had me circumcised because that gives me one more thing in common with God's Chosen! Boy I sure do love those Jews. If only I could have been a member of such a great race! Not that I'm a racist of course.


We dont celebrate talmudic blood rituals here, Avi

Unknownknowns ago

Fuck reddit


There's some copypasta guy who has a great break down on the JQ. He needs to be pinned to the front. Many of the cucks fleeing will flee here due to front hole tenderness but many minds have been open and are more receptive to red pills...


Did someone say the Jews?


The seat of global power and control will be Jerusalem with the Jews in charge

They will disarm you so that you cannot prevent it.

White Genocide Is Real In Their Own Words Full Documentary

How Zionists Divide and Conquer

Immigration They are replacing you...

The U.N. has a full report on how it's happening

It all started with The Kalegri Plan for the genocide of whites

Kalegri, Rothschild, U.N. connection/plan for the genocide of whites.

Kalegri plan impact on the UK.

Prominent Jews openly admit to advocating and enacting white genocide through mass migration.

Jews freely admit to their central role in the mass migration of military age African and middle eastern men.

Prominent Jews state that the goal is to create a global race of brown people with lower IQ and easier to control.

Rabbi Haviv at the World Jewish Conference reiterating that the goal of mass immigration is the end of the white race.

Again, Jews openly admit they are behind the immigration of Africans and South Americans into Western nations with the purpose of genociding whites.

More pervasive proof Jews are behind the immigration push and genocide of whites.

Itemized list of Jewish pro immigration organizations advocating for mass migration into the West.

Compilation of Jews advocating and implementing migration policies to genocide whites.

US Jews demand Israel export unwanted African migrants to white nations.

Jews advocating and enacting mass migration into white nations to genocide whites. Mega compilation.

More extremely prominent Jewish figureheads openly advocating for genociding whites.

Multiculturalism is bad for Israel but good for everyone else.


Diversity is a cancer pushed by the Jews to destroy society from within. 1. 2. 3. 4.

They popularized the melting pot lie that laid the groundwork for the mass import of non Europeans in the 1960s and beyond

Whites on the chopping block. The Jewish lead genocide.

They destroy our institutions from within

Destruction of white identity by historical revision and installation of white guilt

Only 1.6% of the population owned slaves at it's peak in 1860. Only .35% of these were white.

Ben Franklin warning against the Jewish invasion. (Validity disputed)

At the height of the slave trade 78% of slave owners in the U.S. were Jewish. (Validity disputed)

75% of Jewish families in the major southern cities owned slaves. 40% of the total Jewish population in the US owned slaves.

The Jews have been THE central group in slave trading and owning throughout history.

The Jews were so dominant in the slave trade that slave auctions were not held on Jewish holidays because no-one would show up.

They destroyed the Catholic Church by installing sleeper agents to corrupt and destroy trust in the church from within

Media in all forms

This is the main mechanism through which the Jews maintain control.

Why do you think they've been kicked out of 1,030 countries over the last several thousand years?

gonight ago

@hrcisdone is already being called a shill by new accounts. Hope everyone's ready to deal with shabbos goyim defending kikes!

expose ago

hrcisdone is a disinfo shill, spams offtopic links of fake shit in 100s of topics to set up pro-whites to look retarded. won't fix wrong shit. want proof, open that in new tab. he uses other accounts (thegoyimmnose, thought dragon, az patriot, gonight) to agree himself and uv boost his spam. account above (gonight) came alive (just like hrcisdone) to defend him in all different topics with disingenuous bs. it got half my ccp but been here 25x as long.

gonight ago

I know I'm a good goat when I get called a sock-puppet account of fellow jew-haters.

expose ago

this shit helps jews by making us look fucking retarded.

gonight ago

Look man I'm sincerely trying to understand your point: Look bad to WHO? Anyone even Jew-curious is going to do their own research and find the inevitable, regardless of the infographic and/or HRC's posts. The faggots that read it are going to go OH NO MY GOOD BOY POINTS and disregard it regardless.

Who are you trying to have good optics for?


Thx fren

expose ago

lmao at you agreeing yourself like you do on your other accounts thegoyimmnose, thought dragon, and az patriot. gonight is hrcisdone, came alive (just like hrcisdone) to defend him in all different topics with disingenuous bs. it got half my ccp but been here 25x as long.

gonight ago

Dude at first the wall of text copypasta annoyed me, but then I realized I was being a faggot and that you're doing god's work. Good job son, don't let the shills get you down.


Yea it can have that effect on people. I'll admit some find it annoying, however you aren't my target audience. I'm trying to hit newfags and lurkers who stumbled here from someplace else and need to be told a story. It's meant to show a comprehensive picture of one area of war between us and the Jews.

I do, however, make these pastas do that they are easily spread all over the internets. They are self contained red pills. If you are so inclined please drop it wherever your internet travels take you. Don't worry about giving credit, just get the message out there.


I worked hard for my big house and big TV and if you stir up my cognitive dissonance too much I might stop valuing them more than preserving my heritage.

gonight ago

This is what boomers and soyfags actually believe.

The absolute state of the west.

DiscontentedMajority ago

requiring the user to opt-in to viewing the hit meme suppository.

Not sure if this was a joke or the author is retarded.

superspathi ago

What is reddit?

Joker68 ago


9000timesempty ago

Why are being such chan level faggots in these comments?

You should be pissed T_D got quarantined.

You faggot shills. Stop hating and pay attention to what's going on.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

We are paying attention. Its all just one more step to war.

Do you have an AR and 7 years provisions and Ammo?

Thats what you need if you're paying attention

superspathi ago

Why should I be pissed? I got banned from reddit. I don't go there anymore. I'm ok with reddit being a hangout for leftist fags.

Broc_Lia ago

You should be pissed T_D got quarantined.

Should they? I'm delighted. It's an enormous mistake to allow the enemy to literally control their dialogue. They're better off pretty much anywhere else.

theHubrisOfMan ago

Why would I be pissed that a bunch of good goys aren’t allowed to circlejerk to their favorite kikepuppet? Hillary would have sent us to the gulags, Trump is going to have the Jews do it for him in 2024.

TrueAmerican ago

Fuck off Jew.

RedditOMeter ago

I'm only mad they're coming here.

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

In the land of the blind, the eyed man is king. The_donald would one of the blind who ripped out their own eyeballs.

Ocelot ago

Shills? Fuck off. All T_D does is suck nigger and Jew cock while cucking to women and homosexuals.

gonight ago

Boomers whores and faggots will deny this.

flapjack_charlie ago

There is a concentrated effort by ShareBlue to turn people like us against Trump, and a lot of idiots here buy it because they're edgy douchebags.

hello_reddit ago

lots of white nationalists try to ignore the fact that they're actually helping shareblue. you don't have to love trump but to work alongside shareblue towards their primary goal is pretty silly.

most far right wingers should just ignore trump completely and focus on themselves and their local militia. screaming "drumpf is a kike!" at the clouds does nothing no matter which way you look at it.

theHubrisOfMan ago

You’re a faggot retard who has learned nothing from Voat if you still have any confidence in political leaders who are dem or republican or businessman turned reality star turned Jew puppet.

flapjack_charlie ago

I didnt say voting, or political leaders, I said political change. Were not going to achieve it by violent meats right now either.

basedmangod2015 ago

or because trump is a jew rat and he sucks.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Just because the left is trash, it doesn't mean trump is good

flapjack_charlie ago

No one is saying hes good, although the thought of him getting a second term scares the shit out of all the tech giants, Brussels and the entire Davos set. And yeah, Israel likes him, but any Dem is gonna suck their cock just as hard. So consider, at the very least you have the opportunity to elect someone that everyone you hate, hates.

Imjgalt ago

Name a better us political figure in the last 2 decades.

aintwrong ago

Voat is falling for it

gonight ago

$38 billion. You're an idiot or a kike.

flapjack_charlie ago

Anyone who occupies the White House is going to kowtow to Israel. A Dem will so kowtow to big tech, China, Muslims, illegals, trannies and everyone else you hate.

gonight ago

Faggot cucks accept getting fucked in the mouth instead of the ass.

Men make a third choice.

flapjack_charlie ago

Yeah, and you're no man. Worse yet, youre going to make the choice for all of us to be fucked in both.

gonight ago

I have zero intention of voting in 2020, only imbeciles believe the kike voting system is effective. But keep holding out for MAGA/WAGAWAGA while trump Makes Israel Great Again.

flapjack_charlie ago

It wont. The purpose isnt to fix things, it's to make sure we aren't fully disarmed when theSHTF. We're not at a point yet where acceleration will work. And if you dont think Trump, as pozzed as he is, is a problem for globalism, why do you think hes being attacked so badly?

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Everyone already knows wtf is going on, you stupid faggot.
They tolerated the quarantine and banning of subreddits they didn't agree with or were indifferent to; remaining on and supporting the offending platform, so fuck 'em. Reddit shit where they eat and they ate it with a smile.
The proper response is mockery and ridicule not sympathy or empathy, otherwise they learn nothing.
You don't cower down or shrink back hoping not to get hit with the next motar shell. You charge ahead and attack the ones launching the mortars.

flapjack_charlie ago

Dont be stupid. We dont have the numbers to effect political change by any means at the moment. Allowing them to be silenced is just self destructive. We need normies, like it or not and they dont come here. Allowing td to be silenced is just quarantining ourselves.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

How am I being stupid? They reaped what they've sown. r/the_donald mods censored the shit out of their own subreddit subscribers. All the ones who were truly against it, left. The ones who remained are the ones who supported the act of censorship, you dumb fuck.
They're not normies, they are civants and Israel firsters they believe all races are equal and that Jews are innocent victims. They are fundementally against Voat/Goats.
All the people of quality and those susceptible to being red pilled already left reddit and are already here or on some other platform where the views held by the majority coincides with their own.
You're the stupid fuck by showing the slightest bit of sympathy. They will take advantage of it and run with it.
And, no. We don't need any of them.

flapjack_charlie ago

They censored the shit out of what they needed to to have access to the ears of normies. Like it or not, that is needed.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

lol r/the_donald is the hill you chose to die on?

flapjack_charlie ago

They're retards but 1) we dont want them here in their current state and 2) they redpill people in a more socially acceptable way. Many people wont read voat because were seen as too extreme. It doesnt matter if were right if no one can hear or believe us.

Shit like TD is OUR "long march through the institutions "

SearchVoatBot ago

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9000timesempty ago

You want the normmies to flock here? You want them to have their little softy ways soften Voat? You won't be able say NIGGER or FAGGOT anymore.

I don't want them here. They have nowhere else to go either. Maybe they make an alternative. It would destroy Voat since Voat is to tough for them to swallow, the soft fucks.

You're not thinking this through. It's just nihilism. No logic but only arrogance from your stance.

I agree Reddit must burn. But it won't.

Glownigger ago

Don't be a retard. It wouldn't be the first migration. Voat drives them away before they can soften Voat up, only the more thick skinned stay after a while.

finix_666 ago

They can Assimilate or GTFO.


Fuck T_D their 100% JEWISH mods ban patriots. That place is nothing but bots and jidf talking to Baptist boomers. I would like to push a button and kill everyone associated with t_d

aintwrong ago

I know you believe that, but it really isn't.


Please enlighten me, you fucking retard. Your account is 18 MINUTES old. Fuck your mother with a curling iron, you kike faggot.


Not arguing, just want a source as I wouldn't be surprised if they were kikes

Chimaira92 ago

Go to T_D and browse it's top posts. The front page will have stuff that promote homosexuality, niggers and Jews as the greatest ally.


Yeah don't get me wrong, they have a shit ton of normie fags there, I'm just specifically asking about if the mods are actual kikes or just faggots who promote kike agendas

Chimaira92 ago

I've only got anecdotal evidence from 2 years ago when I was banned from T_D.

That was 2 years ago and the place has only gotten more infested with kikes since then.

speedisavirus ago

Failed to support your point

Chimaira92 ago

The mod banned me in his hebrew kike language.

speedisavirus ago

Gee, I wonder why he would reply in Hebrew that he probably got from google translate after your post.

Slugmate ago

Fuck yeah OSRS

Chimaira92 ago

Wc lvl?


You can directly quote me. I am your source. Q is Jerome Corsi

shrink ago

It's 2019 man. Anyone who's remained in T_D after all this time should stay there. They're irredeemable, and are very likely huge Trump fanboys who hold to the naive and retarded mainstream neocon idea that we can just vote our way out of any mess.

freshmeat ago

because this is old news

Anyone dumb enough to still use reddit deserves to be ridiculed. T_D hasnt been organic since 2015.


Ever since Whitecismale SOLD mod spots to the jidf .

9000timesempty ago

I get more Trump and American centered news from there then anywhere.

Shutting down ANY forum for any reason is against free speech. You sound like you're against free speech. That's pretty unamerican.

There is no alternative to T_D especially not Voat. It's to hard to swallow for the normmies out there.

Kristov ago

While that’s true, it’s also a good thing because it opens even more peoples eyes.

So yeah, I can’t be upset Redshit shut down TD.

Shekelstein6M ago

be pissed that a containment chamber is being quarantined

Lol no. The only thing that can come of this is a bunch of pissed of boomers that might get redpilled and reddit becoming an even bigger echo chamber. Either way it's a win win.

ColaEuphoria ago

and reddit becoming an even bigger echo chamber

Same with voat. You must be retarded if you aren't aware this entire website is nothing but an anti-Jew circlejerk.

Shekelstein6M ago

You must be retarded if you think voat is anything compared to reddit. Go spend a month there then come back. It's night and day. People call you out on your bullshit here. Anyone here will debate you on jews. No one will debate you on reddit.

ColaEuphoria ago

Voat is unironically opposite-reddit. Both have the same exact hivemind bullshit just in opposite ways. Both have a voting system that pushes views outside the hivemend to the bottom of the comments section. You must be retarded for not seeing it.

You're right about calling out bullshit here though, as I'm doing right now.

Shekelstein6M ago

muh horseshoe theory


Both have a voting system that pushes views outside the hivemend to the bottom of the comments section.

False. You're just an asshole so no one likes you. People who present themselves properly instead of starting their argument by attacking the community receive upvotes. When you start calling everyone retarded (I guess you heard that word a lot from your parents) people don't tend to take you seriously, because you've already proven that you're unwilling to have an actual discussion. It's ironic that you bitch about hive minds when you act exactly like part of one.

You must be retarded for not seeing it.

See this right here. Instead of providing evidence for your claims you instead decide to insult. I was willing to give you the benefit of a doubt but you're insufferable and no one can have an actual conversation with you. You can't bitch about being downvoted when you act like a complete ass then expect people to take you seriously.

You're right about calling out bullshit here though, as I'm doing right now.

You've provided nothing but rattle noises.

ColaEuphoria ago

See this right here. Instead of providing evidence for your claims you instead decide to insult.

lmao so it's fine when you call me retarded but when I throw the same exact phrase back to you suddenly you ask for proof and haze me for it. Fuck outta here.

You're just an asshole so no one likes you.

Fucking lmao. Try saying anything even remotely like what is said here on voat on reddit and watch yourself be down voted to oblivion. I'll remember to say the exact same thing to your double standarded dumbass. Or maybe you'll just call them "shills" and dismiss them entirely. Clockwork.

Cockboy ago

Leave then faggot.

ColaEuphoria ago

Why leave when it's so easy to trigger you faggots?

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

This place is a grass roots movement where the truth is recognized and told. Reddit is an astro turf, but dominated, politically controlled and suppressed echo chamber.

ColaEuphoria ago

You're not entirely wrong. As shit as Voat can be it's a lot better than Reddit in terms of authoritarian censorship bullshit. The only reason I come to Voat is because sometimes the truth breaks through all the circlejerking that you would never find on Reddit because it's censored.

Cockboy ago

Only one triggered here is you soyboy.

ColaEuphoria ago

Sure buddy.

invisiblephrend ago

voat already has its fair share of neocon christ cuck boomers who start screeching anytime you insult their precious kike daddy.

Thatoneghost9 ago

Boomers disgust me

speedisavirus ago

You are an idiot. People in their 60s are not on voat or reddit

Thedude1942 ago

Not a win win. We had a albeit censored place for fragile minds to awake. This place is nice but fruits and other misfits might get scared away.

gonight ago

Then fuck 'em. Anyone still asleep at this point is worthless.

Thedude1942 ago

I admire your spirit, but this war has been upon us since before you or I were born. More kids and strong families are the only way this war will be won. Bullets and death will just make it easier for the enemies of freedom to destroy us.

gonight ago

If you wanna spend your life trying to teach carol and her half-breed with no father about Uncle A I support you in doing that, just anywhere other than voat.

This is the one good part of the internet, the trash you're talking about will turn voat into Reddit 2.0

Thedude1942 ago

Your probably right, but I got to try. We should all be proud of who we are there is no shame in that. But I have met many shitty white folk. All can be worthless and filthy. I have met great folk of various races. We cannot destroy our country in a civil war, the chicoms are already hungry for that outcome. The masters of the money have chosen them to be the future. Let’s not Sid them.

AlphaOmega ago

I like your attitude

subofassholes ago

i agree this shows how fucking weak these pussies are.

BentAxel ago

Exactly who do you think is on Reddit, hint. It ain't boomers. Boomers are, what? 58 years old? Surfing the net isn't a highlight. Forwarding email is their schtick.

speedisavirus ago

Faggot idiots here don't seem to know what a boomer is

Broc_Lia ago

Exactly who do you think is on Reddit, hint. It ain't boomers. Boomers are, what? 58 years old? Surfing the net isn't a highlight. Forwarding email is their schtick.

I think that particular sub attracted a lot of them.

aintwrong ago

It is funny to see the boomer meme here. I'd think this place sounds oldere comments.

Vidarr30000 ago

lol tell your parents they're way behind


Exactly so. There is a certain amount of White anger that is simmering. Trying to contain that will only decrease the amount of space in which that heat can exist in.

nukeclear ago

white anger man, this white anger, le white anger, is really setting in now goys!

verybaddragon ago

And they somehow think that silencing people will stop the anger instead of stoking it? It's like these flabby morons want civil war. They don't seem to realize that when their army is composed of a bunch of chemically neutered, overweight morons with warning colours for hair take all their testosterone blockers and load up on estrogen, they can't actually fight.

Thorne14 ago

Of course they want war. They want the blacks and the arabs to fight the whites. Then they'll release biochem weapons to kill off all the blacks.

9000timesempty ago

You sound pretty damn unamerican there.

Shutting down a forum for whatever speech should be shunned. So you would be okay if you lost whatever platform you're using for speech?

Sounds like a instigating shill to me.

dunklederf ago

sounds like you should report back to your JIDF mods back at T_D and tell them what the situation is.

TruthSemen ago

Goddamn you fucking halfwit kids are fucking cancer.

Chimaira92 ago

Ironically T_D users are the npc's of the right. They even promote lgbtq, niggers and Jew agendas akin to the left.

Cockboy ago

Kys kike.

Shekelstein6M ago

You sound pretty damn retarded there.

Creating straw men should be shunned. So you would be okay if someone just put words in your mouth?

Sounds like a retarded boomer to me.

9000timesempty ago

Dumbshit doesn't know what win win means even though he said it.

Its a win that a pro Trump but castrated subreddit was quarantined and a win that Reddit becomes a bigger echo chamber?

You dumbshits don't know how to think a damn thing through do you? You would rather the degenerates win and let a subreddit with content contrary to the degenerates lose.

That's pretty fucked man. Not very free speech advocating from what I hear.

I want the world to burn also but it's still not okay to shut up the voices of Americans. For any reason.

Shekelstein6M ago

It's a win win because a containment chamber gets destroyed. Dumbshit doesn't know what a containment chamber is.

TD wasn't a free speech zone. It was a hugbox full of retards jerking each other off while getting their heads filled with kike propaganda.

Brap_Sugoi ago


trevmon ago

who cares if they got quarantined


Close the goddamned gates

ViperCarbz ago

Look, Reddit is a liberal echo chamber. Just stop visiting and obsessing over the site.

pathlesstrod ago

You know how many folks have been converted from semi-liberalism to libertarian or NSDAP in less than a year on this site? I honestly think we are better than 4chan or infinity chan.

fightknightHERO ago

we are much better than 8chan or cripple chan

purely because shills can be downvoted while on 8chan 70% of the posts are riddled with Shills

User4965 ago

Literally everyone here is from reddit at some point or another, it's kind of natural to be curious and commenting on the factors that created voat further spinning out of control.

Majorfatboy ago

Literally everyone here is from reddit at some point or another

What? I've never held a fucking reddit account in My life. I came here from the steaming shitpit of AIDS known as 8chan.

God have mercy on My soul.

VillaLopez ago

You are one of the exceptions, of which there are always some. Most of us were on Reddit first, and that is fact.

Imjgalt ago

Reddit just slit their wrists in the bathtub

SpitsMonsters ago

“Literally”...hey everyone, this user has been here 2 months and already got voat all figured out.

invisiblephrend ago

creeping through people's account history to "win" arguments is reaching peak levels of reddit tier faggotry. and to save you the trouble: mine is going on 5 years and active. gas yourself.

SpitsMonsters ago

Who’s creeping? If I hover over the account name I see the user info, but don’t let that stop your aneurysm.

mightnotbearobot ago

And Voat is an alt-right echo chamber. I would say TD would be happier here, but even the worst on Reddit are nothing compared to the average Voat user. And didn't they try to migrate before but got bummed?

ViperCarbz ago

And Voat is an alt-right echo chamber.

Maybe, but the content here is not heavily moderated. Speech ins't suppressed. And maybe a commie site like Reddit sways people to a more right point of view.

but even the worst on Reddit are nothing compared to the average Voat user.

Whatever, faggot.

mightnotbearobot ago

Maybe, but the content here is not heavily moderated. Speech ins't suppressed. And maybe a commie site like Reddit sways people to a more right point of view. I'll take this shitshow over the censorship on Reddit any day.

Voat is suppressed in a way you agree with though, isn't it? You can't downvoat, post more than ten times in 24 hours and you can't post topics unless you have enough karma. It is just a different form of censorship but one that the majority agrees with. Which is fine because it is your website and you can dictate what happens, but you can't really brag about free speech when it is limited...

Asshat69 ago

You know you're a fucking retard when you use the term "alt right"

cantaloupe6 ago

Alt right is a leftist slander label used to brand everyone to the right of chairman mao as a heretic. It's to keep the masses divided. Some liberals, libritarians, even some Bernie fans, realized the Democrats don't care at all what citizens think. The problem the media faces is an amorphous blob of people who realized this. That no party actually represented citizens. So they made the alt-right strawman label and fake leaders and fake rallies to gather and condem those who see through it.

mightnotbearobot ago

Oh, my bad. I should have used the word cunt.

cantaloupe6 ago


Othmar_Regin ago

Grrrrrreat! all we need are more (((Trumpstein))) fans here

Wonder_Boy ago

Never fear, Voat orientation is here


Now how will all those boomers suck jew dick?!


They'll still be Baptist

shrink ago

I would say that I'm surprised so many goats are being triggered faggots over this comment, but then I remember Putt opened the floodgates yesterday.


I pinged him to change it to invite only

Hyst ago

So you want an echo chamber?

gonight ago

member for 1.2 days

Go suck kike dick elsewhere, you nigger loving faggot.

Hyst ago

So is anything I said inaccurate? Even just referring to it as "invite only" is disengenious and manipulative.

Cutting off all contact from the Web, how does that benefit us?

Again it's an issue when Reddit does it to communities and is why most of us came here in the first place. So why does it not bother you that someone is actively calling for that to happen to every subverse on Voat?

It should bother you. And my account age should be highlighted and used against me if I'm spreading false information or deceiving. I've done neither of those things.

The fact that you can't even respond to what I've said and want to simply refute my points using base insults... That won't work. Try using your words mate. Explain how I'm wrong.

gonight ago

You've been here for less than 36 hours and you're saying "we" need open borders.

How the fuck are you this jewish? Conform or fuck off, nobody is making you stay.

Hyst ago

Four year old account with hardly three months posting history.

I've spent far more time on this website than you.

So you support the censorship on Reddit and believe that Voat should have the exact same censorship. Then you appeal to emotion by referring to censorship being "opening borders".

No wonder you want a safe space, your shit at arguments.

Continue to shill it up though.

gonight ago

Stop trying to put words in my mouth kike. Also "four months" > 1.2 days.

P.S. The holocaust didn't happen.

Slowly, I came to hate them.

Hyst ago

How am I putting words in your mouth? You're playing right out of the JIDF handbook. You're refusing to engage in actual conversation. I've asked you several times to explain how anything I've said is inaccurate. You refuse and instead make appeals to emotion and childish insults.

I've been on this website for a lot longer than a day and a half, and you likely would have caught on to that by now if you were an actual Voater yourself.

Again how is putting all of Voat in quarantine a positive thing? How is labeling it "invite only" when invites don't even exist not deceptive?

You will continue to ignore my clear and legitimate questions in favor of stupid Jewish tricks.

And don't worry kike, there's going to be a holocaust. Don't you worry.

gonight ago

You're saying I support anything reddit does. I don't care what reddit does. I just know I'm sick of every single wave of reddit faggots getting banned and coming here to shit the place up with kike, nigger, faggot and roastie apologism. If you're an actual old goat you should be well fucking aware of what I'm talking about.

Go through my comment history if you want to see what I think about putt/invite-only. I personally think putt got a NSL and was forced to give CIA niggers accounts while registration was closed. I personally hope this is just a paranoid conspiracy theory and putt's just dealing with IRL shit.

Hell in general go through my comment history and call me JIDF after you do so. I spend my time on this site doing my best to call out CIA nigger/JIDF bullshit. You wanna say I'm shit at what I do, I'll accept that. But you know what? I've kept my 4+ year lurker account with embarassingly low SCP/CCP because I'm willing to own the shit I've said and I don't fucking care about or fear faggots who want to try to use what I've said against me.

I know the holocaust didn't happen, and I'm proud to say it. Had you done your duty and read comment history you'd know that that's something I bring up regularly.

So what's your old account (if it even exist)? Post with it. What are you afraid of?

Actual goats don't fear the truth.

tl;dr: Voat quarantine keeps out boomer/roastie/nigger scum that infests The_Zionald, the holcaust didn't happen and kikes did 9/11.

Next you're going to tell me how these 'vibrant and diverse refugess' will 'enrich' voat culture. Or you can just say "OY VEY WE NEED REFUGESS TO REPLACE US IF WE'RE GOING TO SURVIVE!"

It's all so fucking tiresome.

phoenix883 ago

I came here when MDE got bopped. This place changes people.

Get still called a Jewish shill once in a while. I guess that means the antibodies here in the system are doing their job.

CameraCode0 ago

MDE is way different than The Donald. Sam was calling out kikes pretty much from the beginning.

Vidarr30000 ago


trevmon ago

it means you are a jewish shill

john_mccains_tumor ago

Have an upvote and reddit gold stranger!

john_mccains_tumor ago

Nigger - for that kind gesture you get a gold star, now wear that shit on your arm ;)


Thanks for the jewjew cummies, kind rabbi!

john_mccains_tumor ago

Oy vey!