kalbasa ago

maybe you all act like this so newbs would quit using voat

Wonder_Boy ago

I was once a newb, and so was everyone else.

This was a PSA. I just saved you weeks/months of learning.

It's true, Voat has a strong immune system. Can't take it? Too damn bad. Freedom & truth ain't for sissies.

mightnotbearobot ago

This is cringe

Wonder_Boy ago

You're cringe for using the word "cringe."

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

I thought hooktube doesn't really work like the way it used to anymore. Now it just embeds youtube videos into its own site, doesn't it? invidio.us is the way to go.

Wonder_Boy ago

That's the spirit.

ubermk3 ago

Feel blessed to have seen this first. Thank you sir.

Wonder_Boy ago

Will save you lots of heartache

thebassdude ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago


Nice shorthand.

Legalize-Murder ago

You all can fuck off back to reddit, your precious points are still safe. You can get gold again for gay ass puns after the admins open up the new and improved kosher the_zion for you faggots to lap up.