FilthyDisgustingGuy ago

Lets start firing the jews who express pro-Israel sentiments.

retardicus ago

off topic and grammar Nazi, but an important point. when you want to be 'apart' of something, you want to be away from it. when you want to be 'a part' of something, thats when you want to be a part of it. its all about the space between the 'a' and the 'part'. ive been seeing this a lot, and the only reason I'm bringing it to attention is because this slight error actually changes the meaning to the exact opposite. in that respect, it can be dangerous and decietful. it can potentially be a tool used for disinformation, simultaneously providing plausible deniability. we don't want to be a part of that. we want to be apart of that.

iLuvJews ago

Link " news through a Jewish lense" got an unusual pop-up asking firewall access/privileges.


QuickMafs ago

That organization has terrible leadership, what kind of retard didn’t see this coming when you use discord?

Oxi-Glo ago

And Professor Bike Lock walked. Honk honk

iLuvJews ago

Yeah, wtf?

I want to see the people responsible for letting this happen.

Related to Kim Foxx?

CarrotBottom ago

(((Someone))) has vilified and criminalized normal natural healthy white behavior.

ConservativeDev ago

Sorry, but isn't a government school suspending this teacher a direct violation of the first amendment??

ConservativeDev ago

Molesting kids? You can still teach just at a different school. Not teaching at all? No problem..the union protects you. Oppose group think? You're out!

obvious-throwaway- ago

Someone's upset about the genocide of their people? RACIST!!!!

HeavyBrain ago

Teachers in RAF like groups still ok.

basedmangod2015 ago

play stupid games win stupid prizes.

KVD ago

Awesome Jewspaper link.

Shotinthedark ago

And yet professors with ties to anti, BLM and the Muslim brotherhood are ok

Base311 ago

RIP Joe McCarthy. He warned us Cultural Marxism was infiltrating American education.

ice007 ago

Wouldn't it be interesting if the Discord leaks were a setup?

What if IE/AIM created fake dialogs that AIM knew would be falsely identified as coming from persons who are (in reality) radical leftist?

The radical leftist would deny being an AIM member. But that's just want an undercover AIM operative would say isn't it?

How many radical leftist in our society are really undercover AIM operative? Hmmmm.

Seems like if AIM conducted a proper disinformation campaign, they could cause a lot of radical leftists to constantly turn against each others.

This would also cause a case of realistic deniability of true AIM members when they are doxxed.

TekJax ago

What discord leaks?

Was that from this article?

IE... internet explorer?

AIM... AOL Instant Messenger?

antiliberalsociety ago

No one gives the left better ammunition on the right than @TexasVet. He was a part of that discord server and this is what they did with it. They say they tied him to a terrorist and he's using his fake GoFundMe to buy weapons.

He's also constantly calling for violence - over, and over, and over again. With his track record of calling for all religions to "unite" then quickly choosing sides with jew structured atheism, I started to suspect he was working for the jews when he called for abandoning the Swastika and supports communism but when downvoted he had to edit the post claiming he hates communism.

After calling him out on all his hypocrisies, he contacted the FBI stating it was harassment. even going so far as threatening putt to give up my IP

Be very careful of those calling for violence, or promoting their accounts on other sites.

TekJax ago

I don't know much beyond the first picture you posted, but the part about taking Antifa masks off is good.

I mean, you know that's a weak spot/point for them, why not go after their masks?

HillarySuckDickDaily ago

every time you fire someone for this type of legitimate political activity you push them to engage in much more radical political activity. take away peoples family, career, quality of life and you force them to come back with violence and terror. keep it up kikes.

Base311 ago

It's similar to when a white man is incarcerated in prison. He may be sensible at first but when stripped of his status and thrown into a concrete jungle he must adapt to survive. An example would be the Aryan Brotherhood. I use prison as an example since the truth of racial division and radicalization displayed more in a controlled environment.

HeavyBrain ago

Its not forced, as it is more like "meh fuck it they can't do shit to me thats worse anyway"

Greasy ago

I thought the establishment wanted people to stay apart from such groups?

Cid ago

It's okay to be a political activist educator, just not a pro-white one.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that it’s illegal to be white.

basedmangod2015 ago

just saying, im white and ive never been fired for being white. freedom of expression is not freedom from consequences

Numnum_ ago

(((Im white)))

NastiN8 ago

Be gone faggot. I cast ye into the abyss!

Amphiprion ago

How many people have you told that you are proud of being white?

basedmangod2015 ago

im proud of my irish heritage, "white/euro pride" is different from black pride because most white people can A. Trace their origin to a country that still exists and B. find a pride/heritage group in a nearby city for that country . it's easy when all your looking for is pride in what you are and not pride in what you ARE NOT (like white pride incel faggots).Most blacks in america can't because most blacks in america are the decendants of west african slaves and those countries dont exist anymore.

Amphiprion ago

None of that answers my question?

Well, I guess it does in a roundabout way. Zero huh?

Tallest_Skil ago

Because you're a fucking good goy, you goddamn shill.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Sweet! 1 person has not experienced something, therefore anyone else that says they have experienced that thing is invalid, cause this guy has not experienced it.

Phantom42 ago

There should be no consequences whatsoever for whites being white and being 200% pro-white in white lands.

65Creedmoor ago

Can’t say that group has a done a single thing other than be pro white

con77 ago

I wore a Soldier of Odin shirt to the gym. Got a few looks but no one said a word

iLuvJews ago

What do you think about the Proud Boys?

I've met Proud Boys and other conservative groups like young americans for freedom or whatever and most of them are really dumb.

Which makes me think that maybe us white people really deserve all the negativity that's happened to us because white people have been on top so long that we've mostly become idiots.

rgwibu ago

Proud Boys act like niggers and have nigger-like initiation rituals. If you're proud to be white, don't act like an aggressive sub-Saharan.

White people aren't mostly idiots, but the people who openly support white supremacy right now tend toward the stupid and disagreeable.

iLuvJews ago

Seems like the people who support racial supremacy/separatism tend to be the worst of that racial group in most cases oddly enough.

RamzPaul seems to be a reasonable person though and I like Malcolm X and he said earlier in his life that he advocated for the seperation of races and diversity in culture often creates a gridlock in society in many areas so I'm not sure how to feel about this stuff.

Thomas Sowell probably wrote about these things in a book I should read.

con77 ago

youre full of shit

iLuvJews ago

Are you calling yourself stupid?

I mean, your lack of punctuation would point in that direction.

I just need one more piece of information for confirmation, so I'll be awaiting your reply.

con77 ago

KYS posuer

iLuvJews ago


basedmangod2015 ago

because no one wants to talk to you cuz youre a fucking loser and a child rapist.

con77 ago

The only child I would rape is your mouth bitch

HeavyBrain ago

Oy vey look at all the projecting.

Aprioned ago

Go back to reddit and then commit toaster bath.

Two_Soup ago

Have you heard of Legio Gloria? They make good clothes.