czarnews ago

Of course stating the obvious truth is going to cause anger. Those with the opposite view will try to put their thoughts across, in reply. That does not escape the fact, that what Nigel Farage has stated, is the truth. So what do you want to do about it ? Stifle the truth and promote the lies ?

obvious-throwaway- ago

Others spoke similar speech in UK before it was pushed into a war with Germany in WWII. They were bashed by street fascists and overrun by the completely Jewish controlled media in the UK, forcing millions of young UK men to go off and die in order to stop Germany from destroying Communist Russia. Historical fact is some of the most extreme anti semitism out there.

DeusExSapientia ago

Nigel is /ourguy/

Cheesebooger ago

oh shit

Shekelstein6M ago

jews are highly inbred. They might come from initially mostly white stock, but genetically they are extremely unique. So much so that they can be considered their own race, and indeed in Israel they do genetic testing to determine "jewishness" of immigrants.

BlacklistedEvola ago

just call them kikes. they're going to play the victim either way

ChosenUndead ago

Gas the fucking kikes

SonOfSnowden ago

I fucking love Nigel Farage... it's amazing how a little honesty goes a long way.

novictim ago

And Nigel is NOT anti-Jewish. He is just being truthful.

forexmaster ago

Oh, so now it is the Jewish that have the greater influence now and not the Russian social media trick? Politics indeed

BlacklistedEvola ago

pretty much always. russians spent a couple bucks buying media from the jews that own it entirely

jervybingly ago

He is absolutely right. Trump is fixing many things and I hope this is one of them. No jews within a hundred miles of DC, or simply, no jews at the US. Thank you Mr Farage.

freedumbz ago

And the elephant in the room is named. Inb4 2 bullet back of head suicide

Fagtardicus ago

their as white as a mulatto or a quadroon, the thing that apparently confuses you is that the non-white portion is also a homo-sapien

facetumor ago

An article can't just make up diseases or an observable predisposition. Go be a kike sympathizer on some other site.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they just look white, they're semetic. It's about genetics and geneology not skin color

ardvarcus ago

It's nice that somebody's got the balls to say the obvious. He's about the only public figure with enough balls, though.


Though it's pretty pussyfoot, I never thought Nigel would name the Jew at all. I love the denouncements, like the Jewish lobby is some crazy conspiracy theory.

BlacklistedEvola ago

israel doesn't lobby, that's an antisemitic conspiracy theory. have you forgotten the holocaust? how could i be wrong when the holocaust happened? tell me.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Ooooh, anti-Semite!

SayTan ago

So do the Saudis.

XxSanityIsSanityxX ago


eatmorealmonds ago

And their buddies too

jewsbadnews ago

BREAKING NEWS: Nigel Farage found dead in apartment with 3 gun shot wounds in the back of the head, apparent suicide.

ShabbosGoy666 ago

Why do you idiots double down on your retarded beliefs even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary of your foolish beliefs?

Is it pride? Extreme close mindedness due to religious brainwashing? Fluoride?

The fuck is wrong with you stupid cunts?

Why are you breeding?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago


eatmorealmonds ago

Finally! The best that the normies in my life will admit is that they are "disproportionately represented" in offices of power then drop the subject never to be mentioned again. It takes lot of training over a life time of "wtf" and curiosity to try to understand why this world is so fucked up. Money money money power power power. All of those Abrahamic "religions" are not without guilt either btw. Give me the Tao or the Vedas anyday, with a bit of Jesus.

gentlemanadventurer ago

jews aren't White.

Joe_McCarthy ago

There is a clear middle ground between PC types including many Jews that call such statements bigoted or whatever and tards that think Jews control the US outright. Farage appears to have struck that balance but tards won't see it.

According to Prof. Benjamin Ginsberg's study in the 90s for example Jews made up 3% of the American population but 11% of American elites.

Disproportionate? Yes. Jewish control? Nonsense.

And before anyone mentions that Ginsberg was a Jew let it be noted that he is cited by anti-Semites like Mark Weber as evidence of what power Jews do have. Jews are also unlikely to have significantly increases their share of US elites since then much less come to exercise some ZOG-like power.

eatmorealmonds ago

By deception thou shalt do war Mossad

We shall destroy you from within Kruschev

Joe_McCarthy ago

You guys basically just know just enough to be onto something here but still essentially stupid. Unfortunately for you my knowledge of Jews is not gleaned from memes but in depth study.

Fagtardicus ago

your "knowledge" isnt fit to wipe my ass with. logical fallacies and inconsistencies everywhere.

eatmorealmonds ago

And yet you never present anything to debunk, ever

Joe_McCarthy ago

And this is why you are tards. Lulz.

eyeVoated ago

Straw man, degenerate projecting, with a twist of appeal to authority fallacy. Back to freshman philosophy you go.

Joe_McCarthy ago

What are you talking about?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

he's calling you on your bullshit niggertalk

you act like you're so much smarter than everyone here, yet you never say anything of substance. all you do is call us stupid

go fuck yourself, kike shill

Joe_McCarthy ago

Nutzis are stupid. Though that's just my opinion. Not a 'fallacy' though. He clearly doesn't know what an appeal to authority fallacy is for example.

Instead of degenerating into your usual hilarity about how everyone who calls your bullshit are Jews you could try and engage Ginsberg and Weber's citation of him. I linked to the original IHR article in my link.

Truth is you people are such kooks that you even make a Nazi like Weber seem very on target. But at least he reads more stuff than retarded Jews rule the world memes.

You people waste countless hours talking about your bullshit too.

eyeVoated ago

Unfortunately for you my knowledge of Jews is not gleaned from memes but in depth study.

Appeal to authority fallacy

Joe_McCarthy ago

An appeal to authority fallacy is an appeal to an authority that is not really an authority in the field being discussed. For example, citing a political scientist on the issue of chemistry.

As it happens though Ginsberg is a political scientist and what I made mention of is derived from a book he wrote on Jews and American politics. He's the authority appealed to.

I did say I know more about this topic than you dolts - but that is obvious.

eyeVoated ago

Yet somehow you’re still not convincing anyone of your arguments except yourself. Bravo!

Joe_McCarthy ago

I don't believe that at all.

You people are in desperate need for nuance in your view of Jews. It is my task to lead you there. Some will come around. More info is what they need. Others will remain ignorant.

I've been doing this for years. I know how this works.

eyeVoated ago

Let’s add delusional to your toolkit. I know more about ancient desert sky worshippers than you’ve demonstrated here. Fact is, you know very little about esoteric judaism.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm primarily interested in Jews as it relates to racialism and white interests - which is what the overwhelming percentage of Jew talk on Voat relates to. I know a lot more about than anyone on Voat. Though Voat is pretty damn bad there. You guys are about a decade behind the more sophisticated racialists found on more traditional fors using vBulletin and such.

You may very well know more about esoteric Judaism than I do. No idea. But it's not something I focus on so could be.

Radical Jew haters are pretty dumb on everything about Jews though so it's take some convincing for you to demonstrate you know much of anything beyond some fringe conspiracy theories.

yewotm8 ago

You absolutely cannot barrage him

1764_sugar_act ago

He is also a critic of US gun laws, he says we're crazy to have laws like this. He is a mixed bag.

shill343 ago

And there already calling him and anti semite

ZFG ago

He's not an anti-semite; he's a counter-semite

Guy_Justsome ago

It's a complement when you understand how vile and ugly Semitism is -- a murderous & petty vindictiveness that infects people with promises of power through endless layers of deception. Codified into Talmudic scripts, Semitism menaces the entire planet.

Two millenia ago an anti-semitic Jew taught anyone who would listen how to free yourself and prosper without being at war with the universe. Semites hate the Christ as passionately today as they did when they murdered him then; they still attack his churches, infiltrate seminaries, and rewrite scriptures in an ongoing battle against this escape-hatch from their evil world.

When you think of "anti-semite" as a harsh label, you've been infected by them.

SexMachine ago

Naming is half the battle

PsyOp ago

I wanted to like Farage, but he would never point the finger at the Jews...hopefully this marks the beginning of a new, more truthful, Nigel Farage.

neogag ago

You have to build up to it. Call them out prematurely and you lose. Pragmatism is important.

PsyOp ago

Has Farage apologized yet? Usually these guys speak a truth then turn around and apologize for what they've said.

neogag ago

They're calling for him to apologize now, and I bet he'll do it. I don't think he thought this through. You have to plan these sorts of things.


PsyOp ago

Right, because (((they))) control the money.

"Allow me to issue and control a nation's money supply, and I care not who writes its laws." ~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild So, the question is: WHO allowed them to control our money supply? The Christians did, that's who!

neogag ago

Christianity was co-opted. Actual Christian principles are quite anti-Jew, and the Jews know it. (((They))) are obsessed with destroying Christianity for a reason.

PsyOp ago

You are correct: Christianity has been heavily infiltrated by Leftists, Jews, Satanists, and government agents...BUT the "real Christians" are allowing the infiltrators to do as they please!!

neogag ago

They are failing at Christianity. I expect you'll invoke the No True Scotsman fallacy, but you'd be wrong, because Christianity is an ideology with known principles that we can use to verify adherence.

To attribute to Jews any kind of special status goes against that ideology.

Target the virus, not the patient. Christians are only one of many, many, many groups that have been infiltrated by the Jews. Your focus on Christians is unwarranted; in fact, it helps the Jews, who very clearly attack Christianity in everything they do.

PsyOp ago

Christianity is culpable because they have sat idly by and let the Jews wreck the most important institutions in the West. Christians are spineless cowards!

neogag ago

You could say the same about absolutely any group, given that the Jews have infiltrated our society on basically every level. Your focus on Christianity seems irrational and obsessive, if not part of an agenda.

PsyOp ago

When the SHTF I'll go straight after the Christians because they are culpable...they must be brought to justice!!

neogag ago

Total nonsense.

Who fought against the LGBT movement? Christians. Who supported LGBT and mocked Christians for opposing it? Atheists and Jews.

Who fought against the commodification of abortion? Christians. Who supported abortion and mocked Christians for opposing it? Atheists and Jews.

Who fought for business rights to refuse service to degenerates? Christians. Who mocked the Christians for it? Atheists and Jews.

Who warned about the "slippery slope" of allowing degenerate behavior into our society? Christians. Who mocked the Christians for it? Atheists and Jews.

What is the stereotype depicting the typical pro-gun American? Generally a conservative Christian. Who mocks gun rights? Liberals who tend to be atheist.

tl;dr: You're completely full of shit if you think Christians "did nothing." You hold Christians to a much higher standard than anyone else because you have an agenda.

PsyOp ago

Christians are weak and spineless...wide spread abortion is the law of the land! LGBT is also wide spread and being taught in schools from kindergarten up to all levels of University. The biggest pro-immigration NGOs are Christian organizations. Christians aren't fighters, they are complainers.

neogag ago

Oh yeah you aren't mentally ill or anything, totally normal reasoning there. /s

PsyOp ago

Christians must pay for their cowardice.

ardvarcus ago

The finger has to be pointed at these Jew motherfuckers, because they are running our lives. I don't know about you, but I don't feel like being a slave to the Jews in my own country.

PsyOp ago

Don't forget the role that the Christians have played in this mess...they have been lying to us for over 100 years; covering up the crimes of the Jews. The question you need to ask is where were the Christians while the Jews were taking control of the most important institutions in the US. For example, how many Christians know that the Jews control our media, entertainment industry - including pornography - banking, and educational system?

ps...How many Christians were involved in the JFK investigation? Why did they lie to us?

LonelyWorld ago

A Christian that sells out to Jews is no longer a christian, he/she becomes a satanist

PsyOp ago

There are about 50 million Evangelical-Zionists Christians in the US...and they really believe that they're doing Gods work!

Sueshia101 ago

Bravo! We have become the United States of Israel...our elected officials take an oath of allegants to israel when they are sworn into office. That has to yesterday! Swearing allegents to a foreign country? I wrote my rep...asked him why...still have no answer. They get all anti semantic shit...don't care..really don't care.

sannleikur ago

Jew's must "suicide" him now

stillinit ago

The whole world is on the same page. Guess they have to suicide the world. Oh wait they're already doing that.

shrink ago

Incoming assassination detected, be it character, physical, political, or all three.

Fiveonit ago

They've been trying to character assassinate him for years. As /u/LionElTrump said, he's had a few brushes with death.

You literally can not barrage the Farage!

LionElTrump ago

They have tried, or atleast know way they didnt know who was going to attempt it. Farage survived a few times leading up to BREXIT, man is legend

Helicopter Crash

and on the highway

SonOfSnowden ago

Am I the only one who thinks that "flying your helicopter" while wearing a pinstripe suit is reminiscent of GTA Vice City... Tommy Vercetti approved.

facetumor ago

Second link, holy shit

tapsnapornap ago

Is he invincible?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

cancer didn't stop him either iirc

gentlemanadventurer ago

Fusion GPS is out of order so they will have to hire the mosad to hire Arabs to set him up for a typical Israeli smear campaign. First he will be accused of financial crimes, then sexual abuse woman children etc. Then he will be accused of being a racist. And if any of that doesn't stick, they will assassinate him outright.

Usereman ago

This guy is a smoker ... Hitler would have hate him.

Fagtardicus ago

hitler was also a vegetarian. clearly no one is perfect

SexMachine ago

Who gives a fuck about Hitler? He lost the war and now his country is being raped by shitskins.

jewsbadnews ago

gentlemanadventurer ago

Awwww too soon bro, too soon.

mrgreenjeans9 ago

jesus h christ on a pogo stick, finally 'someone' has said it out loud

QuickAnims ago

Let's he doesn't get stoned to death... symbolically

shill343 ago

I am glad that he specifically called out AIPAC. Everyone always screams the Jews without naming specific organizations.

Breizh ago

It's quite amazing that making such a simple observation would even draw criticism. Imagine a debate like this taking place in America today (Firing Line, 1974):

How did it become such a taboo in the span of forty years?

22jam22 ago

I looked for the book and guess what u cant buy a Kindle edition!!!

gentlemanadventurer ago

Cultural Marxism, jews gaining a military style foothole in our media, government, financial system, and education. If you want to know what it was like in Germany just as Hitler seized power and you live in the United States, go outside and take a long look around. Same goes for Russia when their Czar and his entire family was murdered.

The jude are the most destructive race in the history of mankind and they must be stopped.

SonOfSnowden ago

Protip: Jewish women hate the fact that they're expecting to fuck such ridiculous wankers. Where do you think feminism comes from?

Crensch ago

Always liked that dude. Especially the "Wakey wakey!" meme from the brexit.

Ocelot ago

I'm pretty sure that wasn't him, but a fan account.

Crensch ago

Oh, I know it wasn't him. If he hadn't been so awesome, that meme would never have worked.

jewsbadnews ago

I was one of the top post on that tweet and one of the first to respond.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

That was an amazing. It was a unifying tweet of a generation.

Pwning4Ever ago

Naive liberals having to wake up to the fact that their views are now being defeated. It's gonna be a helluva a ride to make the UK normal again before it's too late.

MadLordBeef ago

It's not going well though. The liberal fucks today have managed to force a binding vote in the commons to force the government to release reports on the effects of Brexit - whilst we are negotiating still, which will weaken our hand and make a no deal situation more likely.