Palaver ago

Most of the success of the Jewish people can be attributed to their supremacist dogma and sense of community. There certainly are some evil bastards out there (a small fraction of the Zionists) and they should be exposed.

Joe_McCarthy ago

This is a useful gut punch to Judeo-obsessivism if I don't say so myself.

All the nutzis have are downvotes though. Not even their typical illogical/ignorant arguments and conspiracy theories.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Granted this is a quarter century old but I don't think it can be said Jewish power has increased substantially in the intervening 24 years.

I guess 11% of US elites is Jewish world domination to some people. Not world elites, mind. US elites. Jews are less of a factor in Europe and good luck finding too many elite Jews in Japan or China.

10110198? ago

Jews in China have a far different life