jervybingly ago

Hey jews: Immediately go fuck yourselves.

dan_k ago

So much drama in the LBC its kinda hard being Far to the A G E

Just_thinking ago

Israel needs to become Multicultural

Israel is going to go through a transformation and the Jews are going to hate us for it.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

I hate that smug Jewess. As a matter of fact, I hate all members of the Synagogue of Satan.

The hard truth of the matter is that they aren't going to just leave. Hitler figured this out. We are their cash cows. They are free to suck money up through usuric means while we toil our entire lives just to survive. They won't leave until we start killing them. Trust me, I was just as averse to the idea of violence as any sane person would be. But we have been castrated by them. They aren't afraid of litigious means of survival, in fact they thrive in that. What they abhor is violence; physical violence. They are a weak, ugly race. Once we actively, and openly start culling them, then maybe they'll leave. Or die. I don't really care. I'd love to kill me some kikes to be perfectly honest. Time to stop talking about it. We ALL see it coming. Once it's here, we all know, it will indeed be too late to do anything.

Just_thinking ago

You know, Its not that I hate all Jews, Most are probobly normals.

What really gets me worked up, is the fact that they think they own America Europe and Russia.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Thus proving him 100% right.

fluxusp ago

Oh no, some faggots with a fixation on their pet topic don't agree.

GODFREY1096 ago

I pray everyday that Jesus will send all the Jews to hell, to make the world a better place.

GODFREY1096 ago

Jew will show you just how powerful the Jews are, the Jews control the USA.

theoldones ago

thus proving his point

lord_nougat ago

Farage vs Ferengi!

Yuke ago

Is LBC affiliated with NPR at all? They appear very similar when it comes to their logo.

Bigz_Sarducci ago

Muslims are going to out number Jews in the USA soon. I wonder how the faggots will complain about the Jews now. Trolololol.

ravensedgesom ago

points out clear facts gets lambasted. Voltaire's quote strikes again.

Alhambra ago

wait...i thought the goal was equality so why shouldn't we be talking about a group having disproportionate influence and power??

hmmm maybe that was never the actual goal in the first place.

NeoDankZer ago

What, he actually said it?! I thought it was a satire or fake news site, god damn he's in trouble for real now.

HydraWolf ago

For those here, please check out the following:

Book- On the Jews and their lies by Martin Luther book- Mein kampf by Adolph Hitler

Hooktube- the Greatest Story Never Told

KosherHiveKicker ago

"In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act" - Orwell

wisdumbb ago

The greatest lie ever told. mein kampf jewish version. The hollowcost.

Rabidfish88 ago

“Anti Semitism is on the rise, goys!”

I’m sure it never has anything to do with shit like this.

22jam22 ago

I think this could be turned into a song.. A country song.. Just don't call me a jew

I live above the law I got rich friends I don't mind taking everything in the end How I do it, is my crime But if you catch just Don't call me a jew.

Obviously not a song writer here, maybe someone on her can make it better.

stradian ago

What are the jews to do? Prove him right?

aria_taint ago

The worst thing you can do to a jew is call him a jew.

lord_nougat ago

Funny thing, I used to call my jew coworker a jew all the time, and people would act all shocked and offended. It got to the point where it became like our comedy duo tagline. Someone would act all shocked and offended, then he'd respond with, "what, I AM a jew! Are you implying that's a derogatory thing to be called?!" Goodish times.

wewuzgoyim ago

There truly must be something wrong with your ethnic group if your own name is an insult

gazillions ago

Farage better not apologize. He'll become the enemy if he does.

facetumor ago

The Jews are proving him right by censoring him, just like they did to Jordan Peterson when he was strongly opposing C-16 (use gender-neutral pronouns or be jailed/fined). They don't care how hypocritical they look, they only know how to control people by manipulation and threats.

KEKjudo ago

Anything remotely critical of Jews/Israel is anti-semitic. Strange. Jews force population into ghettos, believe in Jewish racial superiority, kick indigenoious people out of their land, yet they are incapable of doing wrong in the eyes of the media, and the world in general.

The irony is that their parallels to is astounding.

RedditIsForLiberals ago

That's why the world wants them all genocided.

For the good of mankind, we need to find every last Jew, and eradicate them.

NihonDaisuki ago

With stuff like CRISPR and the advances in genetic engineering it won't be too long before someone comes up with a biological agent targeted towards jude genes, then we won't ever have to hear from them again ;)

the_magic_man ago

The alt right and Muslims do. The rest of the world doesn't give a shit about them

RedPillEh ago

Awww, it still thinks it's free

KEKjudo ago

My grandfather was Jewish. Will you be eradicating me? I need to know what side I should join.

DeadFox ago


AndrewBlazeIt ago

Is your idea of heaven getting $5 off your matzah ball soup at Barney's Beanery by lying about a hair in it?

KEKjudo ago

I was actually hoping for $7 off and a waiver for a free meal. Very prescient of you.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Based on that response and the downvote, I'd say yes, people do want to eradicate you.

KEKjudo ago

Well, based on your response, I’d say people want to eradicate you as well

BrmBrm_ ago

If Israel considers you Jewish enough to pass their ''Law of Return'' right to come and live in Israel and to gain Israeli citizenship.Then yes, you will be murdered.

We won't look to the Hitler for a guidance.We will look to the Israel instead.If anybody knows how Jewish someone has to be to be considered a Jew, it is them.

To cut a long story short.Yes, we will want to eradicate you.

Nothing personal.It's just the way it is

KEKjudo ago

Good to know. Thanks.

BrmBrm_ ago

You should not take this too seriously though.Among the ''black pilled'' people this is quite a bit of a grey area, so to speak.

Just because i (heavy heartedly) consider you Jewish enough to be eradicated, it doesn't mean that the others are on the same page with me

jervybingly ago

You are not jewish.

KEKjudo ago

According to Nazi geneticists, I’m a 2nd degree mischling.

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago


NihonDaisuki ago

"The goyim now know ... SHUT THEM ALL DOWN"

Cheesebooger ago

Crybaby jews think they are above criticism. That's why we TURN UP THE HEAT

Samchay6 ago

Naming the Jew is the first step.

Keep naming the Jew, so that even the Normie's can see the pattern.

Then many will realize...

It's not a coincidence, but rather a (((cohencidence))).

SunWheel333 ago

Exactly.Just like you said its about pattern recognition. The next step is learning to how spot crypto yids.Too many gullible people do not know about the jews "Fellow White People" bullshit.

Crypto Jews In The Media, Hollywood, And The Music Industry Hidden In Plain Sight

Cheesebooger ago

Indeed. That's what I do. I know some are sick of me but I consider what I do important

SmokeyMeadow ago

"You can't tell people we're all-powerful! Take that back or we'll pull every string to get you fired!"

-Some Jew, without a shred of irony.

SunWheel333 ago

They really don't like it when humans bring up this.either. Blood Libel - Metzitzah B'Peh (Perverted Jewish Blood-Sucking Circumcision Ritual) Jewish power is to shit all over humanity and nature, then suck mutilated baby dicks and tell everyone you are god's chosen people. What a bunch of cocksuckers, literally.

antiliberalsociety ago

"The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

Joseph Goebbels

mrgreenjeans9 ago

well it is almost thanksgiving season. goebbels goebbels.

Drenki ago

Has anyone checked out whether CAA is a legit organization or is this high level trolling?

EyeOfHorus ago

Apparently they like to put bloggers who disagree with them in jail.

mrgreenjeans9 ago

a legal REEEE

grubbypixie ago

It seems that it depends on who you ask: Antizionism is NOT antisemitism Wiki archive seems to indicate that they are mostly lawyers involved in lawsuits

They seem to be a legit organization for a single purpose, but it's questionable if they are a legit charity as opposed to a business entity. They are certainly lawyers trolling for clients.

ImYoursuperior ago

Those are Hebrew words disguised in English. zionism,semiteism ect..... it's a distraction..... It is a way for (((them))) to label people who simply don't like them.

sept ago

This goes to show that they really aren't that smart


Ubris ruins everything

ImYoursuperior ago

Generations of inbreeding can cause this as well. The simplest answer is usually the correct one.

Ocelot ago

They're smart and crafty, but only when operating from the shadows. If you do anything to touch or mention them directly they lose all control and fly into an indignant rage that obliterates their critical thinking. It's like an entire race of autists.

surprisecockfag ago

It's the inbreeding I bet.

ImYoursuperior ago

I think you have some definitions confused. Sinister is not the same as smart and crafty.

scoobatron ago

Or women

Samchay6 ago


Ashkenazi Jews ( in their own biased studies) score extraordinary well in the same categories that women score high in, yet score poorly in the areas that men traditionally score higher in.

Samchay6 ago

Facts are often anti-Semitic...

Pres_Jack_Tunney ago

Don't call us powerful or we'll use our power to destroy you!

Lafall ago

what's LBC? let me guess....(((they))) also own British tv/radio network?

MadLordBeef ago

Ashley Tabor, Owner of LBC's parent company is the descendent of Russian-Jewish immigrants. So yes, he is a Jew, but it is hidden (((obviously))), his father gave him £375 Million to start the company.

GHDW ago

Aww poor demon worshipers are BUH'URT

shmuklidooha ago

What did Farage say?

shmuklidooha ago


The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

22jam22 ago

This statement is so true its becoming comedic. They never say shit until you call them a jew. Because they are a pig in shit when they are conning people out of money. Call them a con man a bankster a fucking piece of shit lawyer a pedo director it means nothing to them. Call them a ponsi scheme piece of shit, call them a porn mogul smut pusher call them anything just don't call them jew.

Shekelstein6M ago

That's my favorite Ben Garrison quote.

opa_was_SS ago

Seen it in real life, but I didn't under it till I started lurking around here ;)

kammmmak ago

It is just so fucking true.