danigirl08 ago

Same here

Humanbotstorm ago

Welcome. I'm in the same boat

MamaPajama3 ago

Moms need upvoats tooo! Halp!

Tank_stopper ago

New here as well, Looking for a better app than Voatify. Can't seem to find much out there. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Acmemegaman ago

Hello, same boat. I'm a stranger in a strange land.

bourbonexpert ago

The Jews caused 9/11.

Don’t be a nigger.

Don’t be a faggot.

Welcome aboard faggot!

Antiseed117 ago

Whaddya, fucking multiplying?! Go eat a buffet of leaper shit with chopsticks ya cunt.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

My favorite subs are



reaper70 ago

Hiya, bulrush! Hopefully this comment goes through...

I tried to post my own introduction, but it says I need 10 CCP to post. My CCP shows 0, yet if I go add up my upvoats and downvoats from the few comments I've made, it should be +42 / -0. Can anyone point out what I'm not understanding about CCP? Thanks much!

TeaAffair ago

Totally get you! I'm so lost how to earn CCP and how to post. I wanted to post about Intermittent Fasting for women because I have questions.

JenniferWhite ago

I also do not understand when can I post nor what does CCP stand for. Please help :c

reaper70 ago

Read the other responses to my question. There's a link to a post that explains it.

Your best bet is to hang out in some other subs and comment a bit. That CCP number will move up to 10 relatively quickly.

memorydealers ago

I'm new here too :)

bulrush ago

You do need 10ccp to create a new post and some forums give you upvotes but not CCP. So be aware of that. :)

Humanbotstorm ago

Thanks for the info

Seventh_Jim ago

Go fuck yourselves, newgoat faggots.


reaper70 ago

Oh yes, thanks to my lurking here for a while, I've noticed the usage of certain terms. :-) Doesn't bother me in the least. Because I lurked, I never really read up on the CCP thing or paid attention to the numbers next to my name...

I now understand that I wasn't earning any CCP points due to the anti-farming thing. Makes sense to me. Looks like I'm getting some in this subverse, though, so it's all good. I'll get there eventually.

Thanks for the reply!

Mumbleberry ago

Get out of the trap neon sent you to. The votes don't count there.

reaper70 ago

Thank you! Yep, this explained it. I wasn't earning any CCP points in those subs due to the anti-farming measure. Makes sense to me. Looks like I'm finally accruing some now, though, so it's all good.

Thanks again!

yeah_but ago

if you say a no no thing, a bunch of voaters will downvote brigade you no matter how right you are.

hangry ago

Miss reddit yet?

bourbonexpert ago

Fuck you faggot

How about don’t be a faggot and you won’t get downvotes?

Jesus chicken riding Christ

Mumbleberry ago

https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2725184 And rightly so, tranny.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Browse /all and subscribe to the subs you like.

hangry ago

We're full, fuck off.

bulrush ago

Thank you, cunt.

Get_fucked ago

Yo. v/AskVoat is fun. v/news is pretty cool too. I don't spend much time there, but I hear good things about v/science.

Almost forgot about v/fatpeoplehate. That's a fucking riot.

rapedbyanape ago

Hey mange u want some of my shitty chicken?

Warning may or may not contain msg. Warning may or may not contain real chicken. Warning may or maynot contain cat as chicken substitute

yeah_but ago

if you're not a liar and you're willing to be open minded, i'll be very kind to you.

bulrush ago

I'm open-minded, there's just no way for me to remember 57 genders.

YoHomie ago

Nobody gives a flying fuck what you'll do.

hangry ago

Sounds like his alt talking, kikesucker.

barraccuda ago

You are a nigger and a faggot, welcome to voat. Remember to turn on night mode. Hang around in All and All- New until you find the subs you enjoy.

bulrush ago

Oh... you're too kind, butt muncher.