Dortex ago

You don't have any, do you?

Dortex ago

Still waiting on the legal citation. I don't think you really care about being factual. I can't relate to that.

Dortex ago

SCOTUS disagrees. If this "freedom" stuff is too hard for you, why not move to the UK? I'm sure you'd need some kind of loicense to post this stuff on there.

TheAmerican ago

Death to all pedophiles

Dortex ago

Yo, faggot. Go back to Eddit.

MisterPills ago

How do people even stumble on this stuff? Been coming here for years and never have I seen one illegal image.

Dortex ago

They go to the subs and masturbate to completion. Don't let these posts deceive you: These are just self-loathing loli fanatics.

Octocopter ago

Twice now he has posted content that is illegal per USA law which Voat is under and he posted these to common nsfw subs, he is only here to hurt the site.

Dortex ago

Nope. Nothing drawn is illegal.

theoldones ago

he's on record for posting teen porn, which is till underage and illegal. other fucked up shit too

he once posted something about murdering then raping a (loli) schoolgirl

Dortex ago

Not illegal. Also, you post plenty of things that are illegal in Canada. The fact that nobody has prosecuted you has more to do with your basement dweller status than anything.

theoldones ago


you're a doing a lot of fucking talking, but no fuck explaining.

Dortex ago

I get the feeling you have no idea what this is even about. Where is this "video" from? I'm asking about the title of the original source.

theoldones ago

I get the feeling you have no idea what this is even about. Where is this "video" from? I'm asking about the title of the original source.

bullshit you are.

Dortex ago

You don't know what this is about, do you? You saw some other guy complaining about it and you felt like you had to let everyone know how outraged you are. About what? You sure as fuck don't know.

Octocopter ago

It was a video clip of a real living breathing child being beaten and raped, he posted this to /nsfw minutes after posting rape and loli drawings. Under USA law he can be arrested and charge with possessing and distributing sexually explicit material of a minor.

Dortex ago

Nothing in the modlogs or the sub. Either you're a moron, a liar, or both.

Octocopter ago

Modlogs dont show self deleted posts. Things he deleted because of fear of getting banned. You can even ask him, he admits fully to posting it.

I dont give a fuck what drawings and fake media people like, when someone crosses the line into real children which he has done twice now he needs to get a bullet in his head. BTW what he posted is illegal because of the way and place he posted it. Just like pictures of nudist children are legal, if the cops find you with them stored right next to your porn and loli drawings they become CP. Pedos really need to learn obscenity laws, or not, since it make it easier to lock them up.

Dortex ago

So... He broke no laws, did you a personal favor by deleting the post when he didn't have to, and you're still bitching? I'm leaning towards the "all of the above" option now.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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theoldones ago

stop defending pedophiles, you fucking spic.

Dortex ago

I don't recall ever defending you.

theoldones ago

don't go fucking moving goalposts here, you manipulative little shit.

if fuark posted a VIDEO OF A REAL CHILD, that's not a drawing, dumbass.

Dortex ago

He posted a clip of a movie.

theoldones ago

please explain how this lightens the situation at all.

i'll wait.

Dortex ago

I'm still wondering why any of this matters, given that, unlike you, he hasn't violated federal law.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/PedosOnVoat submission by @Octocopter.

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Octocopter ago

"he didn't have to"

Protect Kids: You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.

He did break the law, go ahead and find that clip and post it to pornhub with an account using your full name and address and see if the feds wont come knocking on your door since you "broke no laws". Hint you wont because that is against the law, the same would happen with videos containing nudist children, even while legal alone become illegal based on context of possession and distribution.

So here you are defending someone who shared his fetish for the rape of a young child and you defend him?

Is it not the place/duty of every "we only like drawings, and drawings are not real" person to distance themselves from the real pedo fucks who fetishize living children? or are they just lying? Yet time and time again the lolicon defenders on this site jump to the defense of those who lust after real children.

As long as you like only drawings I dont care, and long as you like drawings and are willing to shun and hate real pedos like fuark I dont care that you like drawings. When you defend a real pedo like fuark I will consider YOU a pedo regardless of what art you like.

Dortex ago

Protect Kids: You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.

Which he didn't.

He did break the law, go ahead and find that clip and post it to pornhub with an account using your full name and address and see if the feds wont come knocking on your door since you "broke no laws".

The full movie is on Youtube, was in theaters, and hasn't once been banned anywhere, to my knowledge. I know your point is that somehow the sub it was posted to makes this illegal, but I'm going to need to see what case law you're getting this precedent from.

So here you are defending someone who shared his fetish for the rape of a young child and you defend him?

Unless you can point to something illegal, then yes.

Is it not the place/duty of every "we only like drawings, and drawings are not real" person to distance themselves from the real pedo fucks who fetishize living children?

No. Who the fuck are you to decide what duties other people have? That's some leftist bullshit.

As long as you like only drawings I dont care, and long as you like dr...

I feel like you're under the impression anyone cares what your personal feelings towards people are. That only works for non-autists who know you in real life. None of that applies to me.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Octocopter ago

Are really trying to tell all of Voat that a video of a real child being beaten and raped that was posted to a porn collection does not qualify as "sexually suggestive content involving minors" ? You really are a sick pedo.

The full movie is not the same a specifically cut segment only showing the violence and rape against a little girl being posted to a collection of pornography, you and other pedos lack of understanding obscenity laws is amazing.

Its clear now you are just trying to run defense for a real pedo, probably because you are just like him. Fans of lolicon are forever plagued by pedos like you who try to defend other pedos hiding behind "we only like drawings" when you refuse to call them out when they cross that line.

Dortex ago

Are you really trying to tell all of Voat that a video of a real child being beaten and raped that was posted to a porn collection does not qualify as "sexually suggestive content involving minors"?

That is correct. The best you can argue is it was a depiction of abuse being posted in a suggestive sub.

The full movie is not the same a specifically cut segment only showing the violence and rape against a little girl being posted to a collection of pornography

Regardless of what you feel, it passed the Miller Test ages ago. Now we're just arguing about where it's been posted. I'm still waiting on that case law where the test stopped being the measure of what classifies as obscene content.

Fans of lolicon are forever plagued by pedos like you

I don't feel plagued.

you refuse to call them out when they cross that line.

Again: Who are you to impose duties on me? That's not a rhetorical question.

Octocopter ago

Go ahead and believe what ever you want to about how the law works with that. Hope you dont have anything like that stored or listed sharing in that context if feds want to touch you.

I am pretty much done here arguing with you.

Dortex ago

We were arguing? Felt more like you were telling me about how you feel while I was asking a series of questions you couldn't answer.