Dortex defending fuark_auf's posting of a fetish rape video of a real child. (
submitted 5.8 years ago by Octocopter
SearchVoatBot 5.8 years ago
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theoldones 5.8 years ago
he'll have to be dealt with somehow.
ongoing little shit, that one
Octocopter 5.8 years ago
He is like the majority of pedo activist I have encountered before, they try to be very subversive and dont like to discuss the topic directly.
oh why the fuck did Aged think that thread would be a good idea?
"i'm being downvoted for not being a nazi"
"no dumbass, it's because you're a spamming pedophile"
dortex is one of the very few Aged defenders
he's done this shit before.
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @TruthDefender.
Posted automatically (#39037) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
theoldones ago
he'll have to be dealt with somehow.
theoldones ago
ongoing little shit, that one
Octocopter ago
He is like the majority of pedo activist I have encountered before, they try to be very subversive and dont like to discuss the topic directly.
theoldones ago
oh why the fuck did Aged think that thread would be a good idea?
"i'm being downvoted for not being a nazi"
"no dumbass, it's because you're a spamming pedophile"
theoldones ago
dortex is one of the very few Aged defenders
he's done this shit before.