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Owlchemy ago

The systems broke. v/space (w/34K subscribers) was just taken over by a new user with a two month old account and zero credibility in the sub. He posted just enough to put in a sub request, and was awarded it. His first act there was to post a sticky asking for mods to volunteer to help him ... which stinks of squatter. I have no beef with the transfer, it's water under the bridge ... however, that being said, in a sub with 34K subscribers, and multiple regular daily posters, there should be a system in place where the subscribers are informed that a sub request has been put in. That way it could be challenged, if necessary. As it stands now, if you don't regularly review v/subverserequests, you never know a favorite sub is on the verge of being taken over by someone with no credibility there. I put in a v/voatdev thread to address this, but not sure if it'll be considered.

blipblipbeep ago

G'day Chemy mate.

there should be a system in place where the subscribers are informed that a sub request has been put in.

Awesome idea mate,

To expand on @Owlchemy idea, all subverse requests could be indicated in the /v/all sidebar as a number showing the total of existing unresolved requests. Hovering over the number activates a drop down that contains a list of the subverse titles being requested. Each subverse title in the drop down links to the corresponding request in /v/subverserequests. Also system sub requests should have their own drop down in the /v/all sidebar.

Further measures to insure everybody that wants a say gets a say.

When clicking submit for a system or regular subverse request, it starts a one month/week timer that is visible within the request submission and next to its corresponding /v/all drop down subverse title. Any request still counting down can't be granted. The requests that have the shortest time remaining should be at the top of the drop downs.

Breakdown of idea:

  1. A subverse request submission starts a visible countdown timer within the submission header.

  2. A number within the /v/all sidebar shows the total of existing unresolved subverse requests.

  3. Hovering over the number activates a drop down that contains a list of the subverse titles and the time remaining before it can be granted.

  4. Each subverse title in the drop down links back to the corresponding request in /v/subverserequests.

Do the same with a second drop down that only lists system subverse requests but also have any requested system subverse titles ticker/scroll across the sidebar as well.

What do you think Chemy mate? Also I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna post this as a fresh submission to /v/ideasforvoat.

All the best mate,


Owlchemy ago

Not a bad idea ... I did put in this suggestion of what I thought would be helpful, in v/voatdev My Suggestion ... but anything that would flag people to the fact that a sub has been requested would be helpful. The next thing though is that I don't think the current system takes into account any negative feedback when granting a request. If I understand the process correctly, a bot simply goes thru and if the criteria for transfer is met, the sub is handed over. so, there also needs to be a way for the people in a sub to contest a transfer ... if someone is just trying to scam the system and get a sub, as I think is the case with v/space ... the active users there should be given a say in whether that transfer is acceptable to them or not. After all, it's those who post there that make a sub, not the mod. Without dedicated posters, ya got nothing.

blipblipbeep ago

More awesome points that can be used to fine tune the idea mate :)

Can you please re-post your above comment in the comment section of the fresh discussion post here, so your new input can be used to refined the overall concept.

Then I can start to incorporate any new input and ideas into the visible post with edits.

Thanks Chemy mate,
