Cynabuns ago

This has my vote - excellent idea, Owlchemy.

Owlchemy ago

Yeah, I was just a little put off when i saw a two month user was awarded a 34K sub that I post to, when he clearly just wanted to do the minimum to get the gig. I could've put in for it myself, of course, so I'm not contesting that ... the rules are the rules, but it would've been nice to know that the thing was pending.

heygeorge ago

Someone today requested v/gifs (edit: updated & confirmed). Rather new user who didn't meet subverse requirements and very quickly posted today only.

Owlchemy ago

Yeah, there's a lot of that lately. They aren't even reading the rules, some asking for multiple subs one after another. I think we inherited a bunch of Reddit type empire builders. It sucks.

heygeorge ago

I think you are correct. I remember a thread from not too long ago listing the subs that could use more... seemingly trustworthy... mods.

Owlchemy ago

All I know is I'm pissed about the v/space take over, but it happened legit, so I what's done is done. But the guy was a zero Voat timer, did the very minimum amount to be eligible, asked for it, and was awarded it. Had I known it was going down, I would've protested, but it all happened with no warning ... and he got a sub with 34K subscribers. Doesn't seem fair to those of us who actually post there. Whatcha gonna do.