Like honestly what the fuck, no one cares about your fucking hentai stash.
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To save time and because there's a comment reply cooldown I won't individually reply to comments, but you can tell I've read your comment by your name being on this signed list.
EDIT: Since he was banned while I was sleeping, I won't bother adding any new names to the list since Aged was banned.
EDIT 2: Old habits die hard. When I was making the post, I accidentally put subreddit and not subverse in the title.
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heygeorge ago
v/gaming is a system subverse. This makes deleting anything that is not illegal a bit of an issue, especially if it is not blatantly breaking the rules (as seen in just about all of the deleted posts).
If you really want to get rid of @Aged’s posts, you’ll want the mods to sticky something and make a rule change which is clear and can be objectively applied.
Rotteuxx ago
Pretty sure all the mods are back on reddit. The last active one was 10 months ago.
I'm wondering if any sub member has formally asked Putt to get the position to deal with it.
heygeorge ago
It seems like a job for... VOAT VOTES
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PuttItOut ago
I pulled a dictator already.
CameraCode ago
I'm cool with Putt being our dictator. But if he screws up we get to banish him to Nigeria and a new dictator will be whoever wrestles control by force.
Laurentius_the_pyro ago
Extremely disappointed in you putt, you can't ban users for things that do not violate the rules of a subverse.
Which subverse rule did aged break?
Will you also ban /u/theoldones for constantly making off-topic spam posts about /u/aged?
PuttItOut ago
Sorry you're dissapointed in me, I really am. But @aged will remain banned.
When the Vote feature is released we can call a Vote to unban him.
heygeorge ago
We’d need more action here than that. The subverse could/should probably nominate a new mod who also happens not to be @theoldones.
PuttItOut ago
"not to be" lol
theoldones ago
(obligatory response telling you to go eat a dick)
heygeorge ago
Understood. But I was only giving solid advice. I’m sure you can understand this. I think you’re the bees knees!