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clamhurt_legbeard ago


I'm going to keep reminding you of this.

frenemy ago

speak for yourself. what he is doing is ethically wrong. he's tidying up the sub just like reddit does. he made up a whole new word just for aged... after he banned him. that's fucked up on a fundamental level.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The sub had no mods and given the current software the only remedy is for the admin to do the modding required of a default sub.

Aged was spamming by posting things the sub is not about specifically to troll users. He's free to post that on any of the loli subs. Posting a porn video of a woman in cosplay belongs in nsfwcosplay.

frenemy ago

i disagree with your assessment. so where do we turn to now? there doesn't seem to be any guiding principle. free speech would be a good one, but that's not important anymore. a man can dream, right?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

We're about to be able to remove and add mods via voting.

The problem will become a non-issue.

frenemy ago

it's an issue RIGHT FUCKING NOW. how do i know these new mods won't just follow putts lead and start banning whatever they don't like? there's zero reason at this point to think that won't happen.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Because you and the rest of the users can remove them via voting them out through the software.

They do what the userbase wants or they get removed.

frenemy ago

that's even worse. pure mob rule. fuck that. it won't work. someone has to guide with principal. i was told that principle was free speech. putt was that guardian. but now, even he has forgotten what really made this place grow. the freedom to post whatever we thought. this will have a major chilling effect on the whole site.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

the dictator isn't doing what i want!!!

It's ok, we're about to have pure democracy.

wtf noes i need a dictator!!!


frenemy ago

guardian. not dictator. you have the wrong job in your head.

pure democracy is stupid. socrates and plato sum it up rather nicely. source

"Plato would later describe the trial of Socrates as a doctor being persecuted by a pastry chef and judged by a jury of children. Still, Socrates was not the only man to be executed in such a manner."

this was the description socrates used to illustrate democracy.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

If I'm giving a talk and you come in and start screaming like a child, you are not exercising your free speech, you are destroying my free speech.

Children are free to scream in the playground. Aged can post loli elsewhere, but he was filling the board with the wrong content, which is why users called putt in to begin with.

You're mad putt didn't do what YOU wanted, and you're also mad we will soon have a way to handle that and prevent the issue of abandoned subs from ever occuring again.

At this point you're just pouting. Look at the posts you made, screaming in all caps....

frenemy ago

the users didn't call putt. this has been a pointed campaign by theoldsones. it's been going on for a month. check out v/ProtectVoat if you don't believe me.

frenemy ago

and he did it badly by the rules i have come to understand this place is run on over the past 4 years.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You just gonna skip over how wrong you just got shown to be?


frenemy ago

that was after a month of pushing. are you dense? check the dates.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You have no coherent thoughts. I'm sure ONE OF US is.

frenemy ago

enjoy what voat is about to become. you deserve it.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I am!