Doglegwarrior ago

i think most americans would be absolutely amazed by the amount of terrorism during the formation of isreal the nation when it was being formed.. it was literaly created by terrorist

NoBS ago

The old chicken before the egg theory. Interesting.

I blame Benito Mussolini who purchased/bribed/partnered with the largest Church on Earth. A "royalty" with the oldest continuous Military Intelligence organization since before the Peodphile Prophet. The Jesuits grabbed politics by the balls in 1922 and the exploitation of their host Nation, Italy.

Revisionist history avoids mention of the Vatican and their Jesuit "Shock Troops" who organized Sicilian/Italian Mob leadership into the richest black-market "Capitalist" in modern history. The marriage of Warlords and Catholic Pedovores who ran Global vice long before 1923 (it was official the last days of '22). Thanks to Nationalized Industry operated as a collective "organized" (Mob) labor/militia. The real Terrorist of humanity. Union strong thugs use terror to keep power, well duh.

The same Italian fascist (Jesuits blackmailing Catholics/Politicians) ran vice here in the States since the roaring twenties, yet Pedowood has made Italian Mobs into Heroes through revisionist history. Organized blackmarket is Capitalism on steroids and this alone is what organized terrorism in to the Deep State we all know and love. By the oldest Military Intelligence running under the roof of the Vatican.

How the fuck can Rigid Price Controls and Nationalized Industry pretending to be a Collective Work force be considered Anti -Communist? That level of pronoun revisionist propaganda takes some very powerful mind control at a global level. The fact everyone believes the Vatican did not play both sides of the first world war is the real mind fuck. The Catholic Church was the underground railroad for the looting during BOTH wars. They were the Red Cross "facilitators" behind the scenes during the greatest wars of humanity.

The Vatican Bank is the Deep State, denial is why they helped form Israel. Optics and deflection. A ready made Scapegoat we call Mossad. Right now there are hundreds of Millions of highly educated who think Fascism is Anti communist, which is so far from the truth it is really a mind fuck on a global scale.

As Friedrich von Hayek stated the last Century, "Fascism is the stage reached after Communism has proved an illusion."

TheSeer ago

The Jesuits have been running things long before 1923. They are occultists/Kabbalists and the founders were... Crypto-Jews.

Now, they were pretending to be Christian, so it is very likely they were pretending to be Jewish as well. That I do not dispute. But what is also beyond dispute is that the original, founding, Jesuits were 'conversos'.

NoBS ago

By 1923 Jesuits made Fascism real. It is still real with a fake pronoun. They called it a Collective Industry in public, yet has always been run by organized labor (read, Mob) Yet recently educated bookworms pretend this can be a right wing ideology. WTF! Fascist are pure Marxist who exploited Blackmail and Extortion as the ultimate Blood Oath.

Fascism is biggest Bull Shit revisionist definition since Propaganda made the Jesuits stay underground for this bloody long!

NoBS ago

Jesuits are still the Military Intelligence of the Vatican and the Catholic Church Blackmail specialist before motion pictures, true.

But Pedowood is the Vatican's Jesuit Deep State that ran the Hearts and Mind. Long before OSS and even before WW1 truth be told.

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VoatContainmentGuard ago

The children of Satan. Jesus and many other great men throughout history have warned of jews.

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GoyimNose ago

It'd actually be better if the star of David was not there

satisfyinghump ago

That's terrifying.

Adriansun ago

Accurate picture.

TheSeer ago

Rothschild Zionism.

bruddah ago

the khazar milkers

NicotinicAcid ago

Blaming the jews is too easy. Why do the Rothchilds have a royal coat of arms? Are you sure they aren't under another power? I don't think very many of you understand power.

NoBS ago

Think who played both sides during the first great war. Yes Switzerland was "neutral" in both wars.

What the Swiss did was use the Jesuits to loot Europe. Both with the red cross for the last one and through the Catholic run field hospitals in BOTH wars.

The Jesuits are the Secret Police of the Roman Catholic Church. The Military Inteligence/Scientist who did the assassinations while horded the greatest collection of human history with stolen inventions. For too dammed many Centuries they had absolute control of written text and "protected" scribes.

They have been rewriting history since Military Intelligence became ORGANIZED. Sorry, broken cap-locks.

Funny how the Catholic Church and the Pope in particular helped form Israel and bankrolled some Security. Thanks OSS and your red headed step child with the single eye.

Neskuaxa ago

It's like a voat catchphrase at this point.

NoBS ago

The ultimate Scapegoat. Almost like the Mossad was manufactured to distract the real evil running the shit show.

Neskuaxa ago

Wait, who's running the show if it's not the joos?

NoBS ago

Vapid consumers. You and I.

Neskuaxa ago

You better take me to dinner if you're gonna use sex talk like vapid.

NoBS ago

Yeah. About that prostitution life choices for our impressionable minds of mush.

It is the leading cause of suicide. A few even make it to their sixties. But the collateral damage is getting harder to hide.

kingdomhearts123 ago


I’m gonna smash your head

NicotinicAcid ago

It's a legit question idiot. Why do they have a royal coat of arms and can you even read it? Fucking faggot.

kingdomhearts123 ago

i just wanted to let you know that I understand power.

NicotinicAcid ago

Well played.

kingdomhearts123 ago

but seriously...

when innocent jews scream loud enough and accurately enough about the "bad jews", maybe I'll stop.

but you should probably die because you're a shill and it's still super early. Fighting hasn't really even started yet.

NicotinicAcid ago

Not a shill, I'm just aware of a few things about the masters of the white world.

Barfin ago

rothschilds are autistic too and interested in owning the world

Pubiclouse ago


NoBS ago

Yes, very true. You think only white trash like me can be in denial?

I now know that my taxes empowered evil to exploit children in my name.

Does that make me a Pedo-facilitator?


Yes, it does. Time to understand Jews are not alone in OUR faults.

NicotinicAcid ago

Appreciate your words.

NoBS ago

Divide and Conquer is the only defense of the indefensible.

Denial is the drug of choice and requires useful idiots doing the heavy lifting for Biblically Evil older than dirt.

Sleuth222 ago


NicotinicAcid ago

Actual experience. Honestly wish I didn't know.

smokratez ago

Even got the fake globe jews made up on there. Nice.

KarateCowboy ago

Uhhhhh, wut?

This is entirely new to me. Globe lie?

smokratez ago

If the Earth was a spinning ball, all wind would only blow in one direction.

KarateCowboy ago

Why? If you spin a ball, like a basketball, the air near it's surface doesn't even act that way

smokratez ago

If you are spinning on a merry go round, your hair doesn't get pulled in one direction?

KarateCowboy ago

Well no because the merry go round moves rather slowly.

That said, a basketball is a much better comparison. Or a spinning top. The air does not move in one direction only.

smokratez ago

Suit yourself. I won't stop you from believing religious fairy tales, if that is what makes you happy.

KarateCowboy ago

I could be happy with a round, flat, pyramidal or dodecahedral Earth. It's just that I've flown high enough to see the curvature of the Earth, and aerodynamics does not work how you are describing

smokratez ago

Another maroon who doesn't know how perspective works. Keep believing religious fairy tales then. I do not care.

KarateCowboy ago

You're projecting.

smokratez ago

I know how perspective works, and I am the man of science. As opposed to you. I only tell the truth. No projection here.

KarateCowboy ago

That's a double-projection right there.

smokratez ago

You believe in religious fairy tales made up by jews. I don't. I study science. You don't. You're a dumb faggot. I'm not. No projection here.

white_male30 ago

If these people ate more meat, we wouldn't have this problem!

KarateCowboy ago

Oh on a side note, what would we call the globe if we weren't all brainwashed by DA JOOOZ?

KarateCowboy ago

I work in science. People engaged in actual science don't run around saying stupid shit like "I am a man of science" like some 2nd grade cartoon trope. I bet you think Men Of Science run around saying "brilliant" and "fascinating" all the time.

You're a stupid trailer trash poser

theoldguy2 ago

all wind would only blow in one direction

Is that why you have a one track mind?

smokratez ago

Are you that lonely again you have to resort to stalking me some more?

theoldguy2 ago

Are you that lonely

No, people pester me two or three times a day to get me to fix stuff because I have brains, but you wouldn't know about that.

Doglegwarrior ago

if the earth was spining at [ on its axis once in every 24-hour day. At Earth's equator, the speed of Earth's spin is about 1,000 miles per hour (1,600 km per hour).Dec 28, 2018]

wouldnt jets go a lot faster one direction versus the oppisite? couldnt a ballon go strait up get to low air pressure and the earth travel 1000 miles an hour then land back and travel that way? when u think aboutbit from some basic common sense ways it seems odd at least... space is a vacuum? a perfect vacuum yet air just sticks to the earth?

theoldguy2 ago

couldnt a ballon go strait up get to low air pressure and the earth travel 1000 miles an hour then land back and travel that way?

Well, since the earth itself is also moving at 1000 mph, you'd just hover over the one spot and land again. Might as well just save time and stay on the ground.

when u think aboutbit from some basic common sense ways it seems odd at least

You wouldn't know basic common sense if it bit you in the ass.

space is a vacuum? a perfect vacuum yet air just sticks to the earth?

Space isn't a perfect vacuum, but practically it's good enough.

air just sticks to the earth

Yep. Gravity. That's why you don't float off along with the air.

Doglegwarrior ago

gravity the force so fucking weak they cant measure it and it is defeated by simple magntisim? your a fucking shill a liar and an idiot... why in the world would you go up away from a spinning object and the spinning object u stay next to? yet the further away you go the faster you would need to move to stay next to it? literaly track mile runners fight for inches around a small track yet a fucking ballon thousands of feet away from the earrh stays direcrtly over the spot it took off from??? are you fucking retarded? the guy that did the record jump from a ballon landed 35 miles away? are u a fucking idiot i ask again?

smokratez ago

are u a fucking idiot i ask again?

You don't have to ask. He is.

Doglegwarrior ago

are you going to be a jew or a kike or a jdif agent or a shill? when you personal attack and dont refute any points made...


smokratez ago

He could be. He's dumb enough to qualify for that.

theoldguy2 ago

Get back on your short bus before you get beat up again, retard.

Doglegwarrior ago

nice personal attack with out refuting one argument.. jew very much ya kike

theoldguy2 ago

I can't possibly reason you out of a position you didn't reason yourself into, so the only alternative is to try to clue you in to the fact that you're an knob-gobbling idiot.

satisfyinghump ago

One of the oldest lies. Some say, where and how this all started.

TheSeer ago

Get help and stop shilling. No one buys your crap.

smokratez ago

You prefer jew fairy tales.

theoldguy2 ago

Now wait, Jews believe in god, but not Jesus, right?

And you believe in god, but not Jesus, right?

I'll let you all draw your own conclusions.

smokratez ago

I have no idea what jews believe. I take it you're the experience expert right?

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

shut the fuck up

Sleuth222 ago

I would hypothesize the globe lie started just as long range sailing became available to the average man. They needed a reason to keep people where they are, can't have them knowing there's more land and they can leave. So it's flat and you'll fall off the edge, when that idea stopped working they had to come up with the globe lie to keep people thinking there is nowhere to go. There is more land, more places to go, we can go outwards from the centre pole. The globe keeps you sailing in a circle.

GoyimNose ago

The real reason is because globe earth "validates" the atheist lie. If everyone truly believed that he lived in a created dome then they would have to believe in a creator aka God. Globe earth everything is just one big accident and there's hundred of thousands of infinite other planets with other lives on it

smokratez ago

Same with evolution. It poses that anything could happen, instead of we having deliberately been made this way.

Doglegwarrior ago

evolution falls apart when u look into the math

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

there's no life on other planets

Sleuth222 ago

Everything is meaningful and your life has a purpose. I want to believe that. I do believe it. But it's just a belief. Being inside a dome, if true, could just as easily be attributed to random chance as the big bang theory could be attributed to God.

GoyimNose ago

The thing about beliefs is that there's usually a bunch of them holding some, as Hitler would say, "world view". So while its possible the dome could an accident, if you believe in the Bible then that will be rejected as the Bible mentions no such thing as other life and infinite space

TabascoTabasco ago

The axis of evil.

The US, UK, and Israel. Terrorist states all.

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TabascoTabasco ago

And the US!!

Fried-Laptop ago

needs a few niglings &junior jihadis tugging on its skirt

fellowwhiteperson ago

The devil's tail should be a crescent and star.