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22784550? ago

more kike vs kebab crapo from another islamo apologist?

22816264? ago

Did you notice /u/Joe_McCarthy @Joe_McCarthy defending creepy criminal Jews, also claims Jewish weirdos do not work in the porno industry?

23160408? ago ? the 1988 movie Betrayed

23190890? ago

I prefered being confused with SGT Report because both of us dared to disagree with the Qoomers. Being called a Turk is a new one.

23190888? ago

Not quite.

23190842? ago

first thing kike and kebab retards sell is confusion

23160456? ago

@Doglegwarrior kike or kebab?

23162555? ago

from: doglegwarrior

the real dogleg who always reminds you

circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits.

I dont underatand the question. never a kike. so always no to kike. im irish ancestry multi generation american back before the civil war.

23102462? ago

Why include me in that group? I'm just an occasional OE poster.

23100381? ago

Do not put me in that group. I'll let you guess which name doesn't belong.