Feminists, the Vatican, the Masonic Shriners the Eastern Star branch and Jews all had a perverted agenda....4th Feminism changed the West to a Matriarchy? (catbox.moe)
submitted 5 years ago by 3691913?
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22785811? 5 years ago
one religion mutilates the penis, the other child abuse mutilates the vagina? .... not a joke .... this is a crime? https://voat.co/v/funny/3691462/22783583
22785821? 5 years ago
at one time Masons banned women and negroid
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22785811? ago
one religion mutilates the penis, the other child abuse mutilates the vagina? .... not a joke .... this is a crime? https://voat.co/v/funny/3691462/22783583
22785821? ago
at one time Masons banned women and negroid