WD_Pelley ago

Blue eyes on a nigger are unnatural, IMO.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

She went tap dancing in a mine field, and has the obvious scars.

ichlibejuice ago

Should have just said nigger and blocked

Anson ago

"my everything" yeah... like a woman can focus on jack shit... she couldn't possibly be a single mother if that were they case so she's already lying.

and honestly guys, these girls wait to show the kid because they know you'll say no if you see it first, so then once they think they've got you interested they start with the "my bastard child is my everything" which is priming you to give her money to take care of it or for her to tell you she's doing something (probably someone) else and her child is the problem and you're getting in the way.

It's so fucked up. I'm sorry guys. I'm going to be moving out of America for a long time. I shouldn't have to deal with this where I'm going.

Itgetsbetter ago

If the kid was her everything, she'd have made sure he had a good dad that stuck around. She's a liar and a bad one at that.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Burn the coal, and you pay that toll for life!

TimMasson1 ago

Pure trash.

DontBeRacist ago

I went to check out some new business next to my gym. They're apparently selling teas and smoothies for too damn much. There's a Christian theme in the name. I walked in to get a menu and there are two white ladies with a mocha mistake sitting there. The products are expensive garbage, and even if I was interested, I wouldn't go back to some coal burner's attempt at business.

TechDumb ago

Side note: She's got a pretty tight body for a post-partum woman. No excuses, sloppy women!

GlowWorm ago

Imagine having to send nudes before the first date to get a guy interested.

Tallest_Skill ago

Don't forget the accident that cause a complete write off by the insurance company.

european ago

Why does the colour of the blue look different in the two messages?

Boyakasha ago

iPhones do that. The color lightens/darkens as you scroll.

Truthsayer9000 ago

omg hes so uggly

hillbilly_guy ago

Lets you know up front to stay far away.

Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago


Holy fuckaroli that's the best response. Goddamn my sides!

Eddy261153 ago

Run away, the last thing you need is a Niggers left overs.

foltaisaprovenshill ago


yids_rape_kids ago

No not really because those automotive problems are all easily fixed where the whore has aids and is irreparable.

963189_137 ago

He better 'be her everything' because no man is going to be that now. What a whore as well. Did she seriously think that showing up with tats and unclothed would INCREASE a mans confidence that she isn't a coal burning race traitor slut? Why do nigger women have enough common sense to abort their nigger spawn and these trashy race traitors can't figure it out? I mean, that level of stupidity alone (other than the bestiality) would disqualify them from any future White partner. Women!

Firevine ago

I wouldn't exactly call that a sports car. More like a Yugo with a body kit.

Caliope ago

I just can't understand why a white woman will even look at a nigger, much less have him fuck her. Disgusting!

ichlibejuice ago

Rape, obviously.

qx4chenxp ago

It's becuz wymyn r insecur about themselves, so the nigger testostyrone swoops in, and has them off their feet, because with testosterone, comes the false appearance of confidence. They're not confident, they act without thinking, but women are too stupid to tell the difference.

anticlutch ago

They don't.

That's likely a jewess, and if it is a White woman then it's one of the extremely rare, extremely few.

Anyone pushing otherwise is an antiWhite jew or an antiWhite, self-hating cuck themselves.

mralexson ago

They get a thrill from the social taboo

foltaisaprovenshill ago

99% of them don't. Niggers are incredibly unpopular with white women.

However, they are EXTREMELY popular with (((white))) women.

Kike brainwashing is only working on their own women.

Tallest_Skill ago

Its simple.... a sexy white woman that was with a nigger is an ugly whore. They might find a cuck or a guy that just does not give a shit, but a decent white guy will write off a coal burner. Once you go black, white guys don't want ya back.

ALIENS2222 ago

Jew brainwashing and beta men everywhere

Tandemlee ago

The jew brainwashing created the beta men

BushChuck ago

WE fucked with natural selection. We did this to ourselves.

Too fucking clever for our own good.

ZOGDOG1488 ago

Yeah, i feel sick just by thinking about stucking my dick inside of a sheboon, no matter how hot or tight she might be. They are practically apes, animals. It is a form of bestiality. Disgusting. The good thing about coal burners is that they pay the toll sooner or later. Either by being killed or severy beaten by their beloved apes or by being a sad creature like in the op pic. No white man except for pathetic soyboy betas would fall for a woman with a mixed pickaninny. In the end she will either end up with another nigger or live a miserable existance of a single mother. Either way, the toll will be extracted. That is the Nature's way.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Thanks to jewish brainwashing, they feel obligated to try it. Media shows them it's "normal" and so they think it's okay to add it to their bucket list.

rocketshot95 ago

Hypergamy, simple as that. Black men embrace aggressive masculinity via hip hop instead of self loathing nonsense like "toxic masculinity" which is a political weapon to stigmatize masculinity for white men. So as a result, relatively more masculine behaviour is more commonly found in black men. However, women would still rather compete for the few remaining white chads judging by how low interracial dating is in terms of white women dating non whites.

weak_penis ago

Its the fault of European men that they let their women be conquered, not women.

voatuser1128 ago

Thanks to jewish brainwashing, they feel obligated to try it.

Thats not all of the reason I feel. There is something off about white women and their attraction to niggers. Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Indian, etc. women born and raised in America and still exposed to Jewish brainwashing are not hooking up with niggers a the rats of white women even accounting for population.

Also white women are more often to be dog fuckers as well. Every news story I seen about a woman who got caught fucking a dog has been white.

OppressivePatriarch ago

Every news story I seen about a (person doing a bad thing) has been white.

Fixed that for you.

Brawndosaurus ago

Nobody is targeting curry nig women. What would the tribe gain from her getting blacked? Waste of shekels

B166-ER ago

The irony is that the thought process is in itself racist as your making race the only determining factor as to why you want to have sex with them. There's a laundry list of "requirements" a man must meet to be appealing to a woman, yet all that goes out the window if he's black and she feels the need to check that off her list.

I also find it fascinating how many women have bad sex with their current man or if they're stupid and keep selecting the same kind of useless douche bag they have nothing but terrible experience with sex. Apparently many of you guys are terrible at fucking but that's just on my limited yet consistent observations, though I have a feeling it is true. And to add to that point. The few real alpha guys that I've known that literally bring two different women home each week have all said they don't eat pussy. Which I just thought was fascinating, but I suppose it makes it easier to ensure none of your one night stands stick around.

Does anyone actually enjoy sex or has it just become some power play thing that each gender gets something different out of? When I have sex I want her eyes rolling into the back of her head like some scene from the exorcist. Or when they walk to the bathroom afterward all bow-legged like some newborn foal ( https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=VAXcPwu7Iqc ). That's hot, 9/10 times women are much easier to be around after they've been serviced properly. They act right, suddenly they want to do shit for you and they don't bitch and complain.

Anyway, Merry Christmas to you all including the paid shills and the AI board scrapping tools.

blit416 ago

you're giving too much of yourself away, in my humble... they dont deserve that much from yeh unless shes going to stick by ye and raise yours. otherwise... being Don Juan de PussyLover just means you're trying to get them hooked on you for some reason.

tldr? fuck'em, they just women folks

21875110? ago

There is a show on Amazon Prime called Fleabag. It's basically about a slut who doesn't like sex but has a bunch of one nights stands to forget her miserable life, feel some brief, non-commital connection to another human and feel wanted.

I hate all the characters but really enjoyed the watching the show.

RacistCatWhistle ago

This goat gets it

maaaxheadroom ago

I’ve been with one woman since 2001. We have two children together. She survived my military career and her health care occupations. She nearly died in labor once. I’m 40, she’s nearly 50. Neither of us are in amazing shape, or very fat. Just average.

Our sex is amazing. The signs of age on her body are a turn on to me. The c-section scar is a reminder she made great sacrifices for our children. Her still firm breasts are a miracle. I love eating her out and she rides me like a banshee on bath salts. Sex does have more meaning in monogamy.

MockingDead ago

I saw a dozen or so at the mall yesterday

963189_137 ago


IsaacJan ago

Malls are nigger haunts. You’ll find every dredge of humanity there, they’re not good standards for overall society.

Degenerate daycare if you will

BushChuck ago

Malls were the shit during the 90's, at least up here in Canada they were.

We didn't have any niggers in the country, back then.

shiffscreek ago

Because of Niggers infesting malls, in the USA, once a mall hits 26% black clientele , the whites all immediate flee to malls with less than 26% blacks.

There are studies on this.

The 26% black malls immediately go from 26% to 75% black, then languish a few years and close FOREVER.

The locals call the dying malls "Th BLACK MALL"

Many 13 billion dollar megamalls became "BLACK MALLS" and closed.

THOUSANDS of malls in USA closed because they became Black Malls.

The only solution is to live over 80 miles from niggers. But such locations do not have enough whites to justify huge malls.

Why? Because welfare niggers are spread out to all the whitest zip codes by democrats.

White Replacement :

Outlawing White Neighborhoods & Freedom of Association :


More than 9,300 Black area stores are closing in 2019 as the retail apocalypse drags on — here's the full list:


50 haunting photos of abandoned shopping malls across America:


Malls are dying (too many blacks). The thriving ones are spending millions to reinvent themselves.:




Fucking hilarious! The few businessmen that bring up race as the sole factor of even a millionaire's mall closing from being ghettoed out by blacks, is termed RAAAAAYYYYYCISSSSST!

Once a mall hist 26% Black, whites flee! Whtes feel they "CANNOT RELAX around blacks"

I wonder why?

I wonder Why White people dont like being sized up by hundreds of potential black muggers eyes and black rapists eyes gazing at Whitey, when they accidentally visit a mall that tipped 25% of more black?

I wonder why!?

MockingDead ago

I hated it.

Overdriver ago

Used up whores aren’t like sports cars, haha. Have some standards. Whores would be more like a fast moped with crazy steering and only a front brake. Real women only respect real men though, so betas aim low.

Quotes_retardation ago

Old sports cars can be restored.... skanks, not so much.

InnatelyAcidic ago

How would he have known she was a used up whore, if this was initial conversation. When she outed herself as coalhauler, he immediately said "bye"

Overdriver ago

He probably didn’t, but you can’t say she’s a “sports car” just from a couple pictures either; and whores aren’t sports cars.

RacistCatWhistle ago

Just fucking look at her

ThisIsMyRealName ago

They're a rusting Honda Civic with a blown head gasket. You can drive it around a little bit, but it's not going to get you to and from work every day.

ichlibejuice ago

Honda Civics are great cars. Everyone's first car should be a Civic. They're incredibly reliable, they are literally the cheapest roadworthy car in existence to maintain, easy to work with, easy to customize and tune. A Honda Civic will never let you down. This whore is nothing like a Civic.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I'm more of a Focus fan myself, but I do appreciate the Civic. I haven't owned one yet, but due to their reputation I would buy one if a good deal presented itself. However, I would not touch one with an engine that's never had its oil changed and its brakes squeal for dear mercy at the slightest touch of the pedal.

Gargilius ago

....and you won’t want to be seen driving it.

undertheshills ago

A lemon sports car is a good analogy for a hot coal burner.

Overdriver ago

Le mons? ... haha yeah, more like it.

The whole point of a sports car is it functions/performs well; not likely for a coal burner

963189_137 ago

IDK lemon sports cars might be stretching it. Also no sports car is going to invite animals to cum inside them in the garage while you are sleeping.

SearchVoatBot ago

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i_scream_trucks ago

yeah the tatts on the arm and fact shes sending you half naked selfies before you fucked her should be a clue in itself.

templurker ago

Tattoos are trash.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

If she will fuck you before marriage she's a whore

InnatelyAcidic ago

Found the faggot getting no pussy.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Found the spiritually weak superfluous


He wasn't lying. You just happen to like fucking whores. Everyone's different in their desires. You desire women who fuck men before they commit to them. Other people prefer a marriage commitment before they share that particular behavior.

slapstick2 ago

If you make virgins feel better you will get upvotes on voat. 99% of women are whores by your definition. Humans are not monogamous animals.

yids_rape_kids ago

99% of women are whores though. Its up to you to find the one percent who are respectable.

Nevulox ago

They are.


Perhaps that is true in the culture you were raised in. But I assure you it is not true in the culture I was raised in. All things the same I would prefer to live within a culture where women are expected to remain virgins until their marriage. I think it typically results in healthier relationships, longer marriages and happier children.

But everyone has freedom to live as they think best.

ichlibejuice ago

His culture must be there culture of not dying a lonely kissless beta virgin.


His culture is jewish moral subversion.

DrShitlord ago

Maybe the dude just wanted to collect all red flags. "Thot CTF" in gamer language.

i_scream_trucks ago

good point.

actually that sounds like an entertaining way to spend an evening.

ALIENS2222 ago

Thot capture the red flag is pretty much what online dating is.

DrShitlord ago

Yeah, but online dating is the "easy" mode of thot CTF.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I guess, if you're into that sort of thing.

tokui ago

They're all guilty until proven innocent.

Quotes_retardation ago


GrizzlyDark ago

Lol I loved the setup. No "cute " or "awww" - JUST barely over the line of "oh if course you do, is it black? "

963189_137 ago

I laughed.