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21893414? ago

Did someone say AIDS?

22082173? ago

not sure about that Joe thing

22082178? ago

The Joe spammer also wanted to ban cartoons?

22082183? ago

The same porno shills you see at reddit? @ex-redd

22082211? ago

what?--I'm hurt

22084657? ago

Notice the addicts defending an industry of trafficking, crime and filth. Protect voat and Reportspammers should have airlocked JoeMc a long time ago but the voat system is shilled, infiltrated, kiked and broke @MaxineWaters @cT9NlRLhxlyr ? @Sh-shh-shaaa @i_yam_wat_i_yam @Majorfatboy seems to be more than sbbh crap

22093165? ago

Find me an actual kike that supports every human being having the freedom to say what they want, make whatever pictures they want, make whatever movies they want, or anything else for that matter. You're here arguing for centralized control of pornography, apparently too stupid or ignorant to realize that doing so requires bureaucrats or politicians to decide what is and isn't "pornography." Once there's a mechanism to outlaw certain films, even if only "pornography," it won't be long before oven dodgers define movies naming the jew as pornography.

Unfortunately for humanity the only way to keep freedom is to periodically kill enough of the statists that they keep to themselves for a while. It's unfortunate because people who love freedom don't generally like killing other people for their beliefs, so it takes a long time for them to get fed up enough to do it. Worse still, once the killing starts and the kikes sense that they're gonna lose they just switch sides and corrupt the next regime.

22085223? ago

Here is me arguing against a SBBH regular earlier today:

Here are my posts exposing the Jews:

You have no case against me. I am against SJW's like you who can't differentiate between what is free speech and what isn't. I don't support porn. I have never posted it and have never promoted it. Go ahead, look through my profile.

What you are advocating for is your big daddy government to get rid of free expression by pushing the overton window toward things you find objectionable, but which doesn't harm those who don't consume it. This will allow them to do the same to us through hate speech legislation.

If you were to ban porn on a societal basis, you would instantly create a black market for it. If you want porn to make a lot of money for some very sick people, go ahead and ban it.

If you really want to halt the effects of porn on people, then you need to teach your children better and promote strong bonding between families and spouses. Make divorce a taboo again. People don't consume porn because they have a loving, caring relationship with their loved ones. The opposite in fact.

You are trying to eliminate the symptoms of a disease rather than the cause of it.

22085930? ago

Porn used to be black market and everything was fine.

Only a WW is going to reset degeneracy though. People need to see/feel the results of poor decisions. Lots of people need to suffer and die for a long period of time to know why we don't tolerate degeneracy.

22092443? ago

You need a world war to teach your children not to be degenerates? You need one to become a good person and be close to your family?

If the degeneracy is so bad, then the results of the poor decisions will accumulate with or without a world war.

If you knew anything about those wars you wouldn't be wishing for them. Like any of the previous wars solved the problems you described. Your worldview is hopelessly naive to think that the very thing that brought prosperity to the Boomers will correct a problem as old as time. They don't call prostitution the "worlds oldest profession" for nothing.

The internet changed the game on black markets, especially porn. It can't be stopped.

You need to figure out who the problem is.

22092566? ago

None of what you said. People need to suffer to respect life.

Now move along.

22092766? ago

Life is suffering. Sinning against nature produces additional suffering. This is what degeneracy is. The sinners already suffer. They still don't change. Why? If you can't answer that, get the fuck off my planet.

Now move along.

Make me.

You are ignorant to law, history, ethics, morality, psychology, religion- any human endeavor of worth.

You have no idea how to create anything, only destroy. You're worse than a Kike or a Nigger. They can't help it. You at least have a choice.

22092830? ago

You haven't suffered enough yet, obviously

22092953? ago

Nope, wrong.

Suffering doesn't produce change, only leads you to the realization that you should change, not that you will change.

If one can't realize what the correct change is, then the suffering continues and the old habits persist.

I already know your response: you will say that these people must be killed.

Lets say they are dead now. How will you keep it from happening again?

22094092? ago

You don't know what's wrong so don't declare it like some wanna be totalitarian douche bag.

Watch any movie of our past and you will see that our society was far more polite and God-fearing.

This is due to a cycle of decadence followed by devastation, suffering and then repentance that cannot be avoided.

You can wish all kinds of happy thoughts but this is how the world has worked for millennia and millennia. Think about why Notre Dame looks like it does. Hell comes to earth to set us straight again. We didn't evolve and figure out how to stop it, we only made it worse. The evidence is all around you and this website archives it.

There has never been a moralization of society without a desperation to recover from demoralization.

Get wiser.

22096799? ago

Watch any movie of our past and you will see that our society was far more polite and God-fearing.

Keep worshiping your holy comic books. Your evidence is Hollywood?

I can see you have no response to what I say. You have no idea how to prevent degeneracy. You can only pretend you'll kill people who you disagree with while never getting to the root of the problem.

Get wiser.

Fool, I've studied law, history, ethics, morality, psychology, and religion enough to know you're ignorant. I don't get my facts about how society was from the movie screen, and I know what war can and cannot do. War cannot create a proper moral or ethical system to counter degeneracy. It certainly can't create a homogeneous culture that is capable of warfare on the scale necessary to eliminate the people you want gone.

Ethics and morality come first, then you can agree on who to kill and who you can cooperate with. You have no greater moral or ethical framework to agree upon, and so you'll stay stuck on how to organize- which is exactly where we find ourselves and where we'll stay until people like you get smart about polity and social construction.

22096853? ago

So now you debate that people were more polite in the past? Don't you know any old people? stupid fucking moron.

22096904? ago

Enjoy the downfall of the West. You are utterly powerless to prevent it until you get smart about polity and social construction.

22096943? ago

So there it is. You aren't even a Westerner and you think you can teach about how to build a society.

22097212? ago

You are utterly powerless to prevent it until you get smart about polity and social construction.

22097761? ago

Polity and social construction are the very amoral communist concepts the world is fighting against.

You must be South Indian with that communist garbage. I was always surprised how you fucks could actually post communist flags all over your cities while I was looking for a toilet.

22097297? ago

The online strategist who craps in holes literally just removed the sentence that destroyed his entire legitimacy, restated, and kept moving forward.

Can't you see yourself and laugh?

22097458? ago

You have no idea what you're talking about, so you can't cogently counter anything I say with facts, just by ad hominem and shitting out your mouth. You should be lucky I even copypasta anything for you. I see you're worthless for anything except shitposting about how you're gonna kill all the brown people.

I'm laughing at myself right now for thinking I can interact with a low IQ retard with facts you can't possibly understand. I know better, and yet I keep trying to help you mouthbreathers. Oh well.

22097522? ago

The shorter version of your answer is no.

21870707? ago

To what do I owe the honor of being summoned?

22084537? ago

they knew it was coming

22084582? ago

So the porn wars are on... @ggolemg @SparklingWiggle ? eventually the plan is to spam the place up with Low IQ degenerate filth and smut? Strange how he doesnt put a NSFW tag on any of that porno crap @Wonder_Boy @PeaceSeeker @chirogonemd We were warned

22086236? ago

I, SparklingWiggle, have never posted or endorsed porn. I think I got thrown into this because I responded to someone by asking "define porn."

Go fuck yourselves.

22087614? ago

Same here. I cant figure out why I got dragged into this post ?

22089197? ago

They may going after certain posters who have a high comment count or that hate Qtards.

22084785? ago

What's going on?

21870373? ago

warning signs, 1 trashy dressing 2 manly wrinkled hands with toxic tatoo 3 the monrgel half negroid