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i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

This is too simplistic. They'll see right through it.

A better strategy is to remind them that they'll never see any of it, or that it wont have much value by the time they're eligible for it.

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totes_magotes ago

They already know it though. And they don't care because it's literally to get the illegals and blacks to vote for them because "free gibs." But you tell them how much of a Nazi they are (use their own fucking language) and they can't stand it.

The win here is to get them to shut up long enough to maintain control of the conversation. Hell, they still haven't recovered from "It's okay to be white."

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

But you tell them how much of a Nazi they are (use their own fucking language) and they can't stand it.

You think they are that stupid, when they aren't. Most of them use language manipulation and know when it's being used on them.

If you want to have a conversation, try treating them like they are a human with wants, needs and fears. I have had conversations with plenty of lefties and they aren't brain-dead, just brainwashed. If you want to get around the automatic rejection response to new data, you need to make them FEEL valued and good, not try to deceive them.

totes_magotes ago

Most of them use language manipulation and know when it's being used on them.

You couldn't be more wrong.

If you want to have a conversation


Never have a real conversation with a communist lefty. The only goal you should ever have is to shut them up and shut them down. The time for talk is done.

If a nuclear war and an EMP where to happen tomorrow, I can tell you right now that anyone in my group that sits there and spews the shit you just did would be a person I'd shoot and kill instantly. And, yes, that includes you, Jew.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

Never have a real conversation with a communist lefty. The only goal you should ever have is to shut them up and shut them down. The time for talk is done.

I used to be one. I'm glad that the person who convinced me to abandon it wasn't as retarded as you are.


You want to lose. You have no way of convincing anybody of anything that they don't already agree with.

If a nuclear war and an EMP where to happen tomorrow, I can tell you right now that anyone in my group that sits there and spews the shit you just did would be a person I'd shoot and kill instantly. And, yes, that includes you, Jew.

More childish fantasies. You will never be in charge of anyone who would listen to you because you don't understand rhetoric. You couldn't convince a fly to land on shit.

totes_magotes ago

You say this because I don't agree with you. You're still a democrat Jew slave trying to larp as some enlightened republican. Get the fuck out of here, Jew.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

If you really wanted to counter my argument, you would do this:

  1. Find out what I actually believe rather than the strawman you posted.

  2. Study the subject so that you know it's weaknesses.

  3. Translate the subject into recognizable speech used by the greater audience of the forum you're posting in.

Face it, you have no idea how rhetoric works. All you accomplish is to get kicked out of internet forums and reinforce the general consensus of those forums that you are an "evil Nazi".

You never move the Overton Window. You don't create allies out of enemies, or even weaken them, in fact, you make your enemies more determined to destroy you. You have no arguments, or even effective propaganda, just a comic-book-tier understanding of your enemies leading to your defeat every time.

I suggest you actually try to understand the beliefs and mindset of your opponents first. Elementary school word games will never work on anybody.

totes_magotes ago

Cry some more, Jewfag. You can't stand the idea that you don't like what someone else believes and <gasp> they won't fucking talk to you about it.

There is no time or room for talk.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

There is no time or room for talk.

Yet, you keep talking.

How about this: You write that;

The only goal you should ever have is to shut them up and shut them down.

You can't even shut up one "democrat Jew slave" on a forum who ostensibly agrees with you. I keep making you argue on my terms and ignore yours. I provide counter-examples and cogent arguments and you respond with more of the same Argumentum ad Iudaem.

You can't stand the idea that you don't like what someone else believes and <gasp> they won't fucking talk to you about it.

You are talking to me about it and we don't agree. You just disproved your own point and made mine, all in one sentence.

Wouldn't you like to know how I do it? I can teach you.

totes_magotes ago

And here we are, with me keeping you from shilling on the narrative, trying to argue with a single person because I'm right, you know it, and you can't stand it.

I've kept you out of control of the narrative.

You lost.

Don't blame yourself, it's in your jew nature to want to always be right. And this exchange has been all the evidence anyone would ever need to see that not only am I right but also just how wrong the left retards are.

Congrats! You proved my point better than I ever could.

Now go suck on your shekels.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

I tried to help you. Now I'll just laugh at you as you flail around trying to be effective at something you have no knowledge of.

totes_magotes ago

Cry some more, faggot. lulz