HesitantUnsureness ago

I don't agree with your post

see link:


anoncastillo ago

On the one hand, there's very little evidence that vaccines are dangerous or harmful. On the other hand, there is evidence that our healthcare industry caused a prescription opioid epidemic, made antibiotic resistant vacteria evolve, supports the transgender movement for their own personal profit, etc. So I won't pretend being anti-vaxx is crazy when our healthcare industry had so many fuckups under its belt.

BentAxel ago

A Beer for you and your well articulated post.

anotheronelikethis ago

Yeah vaccines can't possibly cause harm.... Oh wait

modsrcuntz ago

Get your vaccines dumb goy

BentAxel ago

My sides.

Metanoiac ago

Was working at my kid's school function over the weekend. I was paired up with a mother of one of the kids in his class. She works for a MAJOR vaccine producer (all the big ones are headquartered where I live, I even used to work for them myself, computers). She is one of the develloppers. She doesn't vax her kids. She is trying to get out of the company because she can no longer live with doing what she does knowing what it does on the receiving end.

You are full of more shit than the chick on the can.

Grospoliner ago

Thinks apocryphal claims are sufficient as evidence.

Metanoiac ago

I'm not here to prove anything. I see bullshit I call it out.

Grospoliner ago

Yeah. And so did I.

Metanoiac ago

Shit. Shinola. Learn the difference.

Tell ya what. You obviously haven't done your homework. Start with the recent Italian supreme court case regarding the relation between autism and vaccination. Then read up on thimerosal, squalene and aluminum adjuvents. Then look into the use of immortal cell line material in vaccine devellopment and manufacturing. When you've done all that, you can start to read on some of the people that have been doing research into this.

Or you can revel in your ignorance. Up to you.

Grospoliner ago

Try harder douche.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Most don't in the industry. I also did IT work in the industry. I've said this before and will say it again: If vaccine temperatures go out of range, even a couple of degrees, even for a couple of minutes, then they become literal vats of bacteria. If a small clinic has 10k worth of vacccines in their freezers and coolers(common) and these go out of range then they're out 10k. There are only X amount of insurance claims you can make. This is exactly why most of these clinics use things like sensaphones, that record nothing so there's no record of anything and they only have local alarms and alerts to certain people. The last thing these places want is a SQL database of records that goes out over the WAN or that could be recalled and used in court.

By the time a clinic gets a vaccine it's gone through 5 hands, shipped in trucks, sometimes overseas and I can guarantee you that none of those nurses in the clinics, truck drivers, ship captains, medical tech workers etc say a goddamn word when vacccines go out of range. They have no RFID based monitoring system where a 3rd party watches them. Many don't even have any alarms on them at all. Even the ones that do, they rarely have databases. If they do have a database or historian on an alarm then it usually goes to one computer where one nurse is.

It is common in the industry, extremely common for some of these vaccine batches to go out of temp ranges in the double digits for hours. There is no batter-backed cell connectivity or UPS system on most of them.

If you get your kids vaccines then try and look up the most reliable place you can get them from. Stagger the vaccines. Don't get them all at once.

Metanoiac ago

One of the stories she told me was about a batch that spoiled. What did the company do? Instead of shipping them to the national market, they became humanitarian aid for Africa.

virge ago

The U.S. has 62 vaccines on it's schedule. The EU has 12.

Does the EU also give the companies that produce vaccines full legal immunity from lawsuits due to the effects of vaccines, or is that just something the lobbyists snuck in Stateside?

Metanoiac ago

Ha ha ha, we make your vaccines man, right here in town.

No, they are pretty well shielded from lawsuits. I'm not sure if there is a special court or anything, but even if it goes through regular courts, the payouts are nowhere near what they are in the States for malpractice and whatnot.

Our government is cucked to all hell. They want us sick and dying young. Now the push for 5G is going full swing. I just read an article in one of the kid's science magazines he's subscribed to. Major propaganda.

virge ago

Vaccine manufacturers in the U.S. have complete legal immunity for any liability for their product. This is especially concerning given the number of States that have made vaccines mandatory.

Nothing says "I care" like giving a contract to the lowest Government bidder, then forcing everyone to take the vaccines, and giving legal immunity to any harm caused by the lowest bidder's shitty job.

Folke ago

You understand you and Metanoiac have the same view point on vaccination right.

virge ago

You understand you and Metanoiac have the same view point on vaccination right.

I was attempting to clarify as it wasn't immediately apparent if his response on "special court" was in reference to the U.S. or the EU.

Folke ago

ok, cool

BentAxel ago

Hahaha what a fucking stooge. No one believes your bullshit. Make up some more shit that never happened.

Metanoiac ago

You have no fucking idea. Go choke on a dick niggerfaggot.

BentAxel ago

By the salt, I'd say I'm spot fucking on.

Metanoiac ago


Check the date on it bitch. Wasn't setting up for this post. While not definitive proof, I'm not making shit up to answer to your shitposting.

BentAxel ago

No one cares. Grasp that. Hold on to it.

Metanoiac ago

Obviously you do, or you wouldn't take the time.

BentAxel ago

Trolling niggers is like breathing for me. Though you are more of autonomic reflex being you are so full of shit. It was easy.

Metanoiac ago

Last word

thelma ago

Both women.


They can't do research. We all know that.

BentAxel ago

Never seen more triggered niggerfaggots in my life. I'm gonna go find more vaccine memes. Maybe one of you jerkoffs will go on a kike killing spree over it.

thelma ago

Maybe one of you jerkoffs will go on a kike killing spree over it.


BentAxel ago

Yes, a boy can dream.

thelma ago

Got a permit for that?

canyou ago

Rofl, because there's absolutely no good information on the internet, including your post.

BentAxel ago

Hey! I at least bring humor.

poopdawg15 ago

now I trust Jews cause I saw this

BentAxel ago

Oy vey. Username checks out for the image.

Folke ago

Vaccination is a medical procedure! It is not 100% safe, if a parent is concerned that their child could be hurt from the vaccination. It's up to people like you to address their concerns! When you choose to misdirect instead of addressing their concerns it proves them right.

BentAxel ago

It's up to doctors you Trust to address concerns. I'm having fun watching the wincing from the monkeys. They just can't let it go. "Must comment" add a healthy ammount of salty tears too.

Folke ago

You post something and start a convo then when it doesn't go your way you name call.

They don't trust any, and since you came here with this, its up too you to defend it. All I've seen is people like you push vaccination thru name calling, peer pressure, and then threats. You can't simple understand a Parent has parental rights, and has a right not to vaccinate their child. So if you want them/think they should its up to you and people like you to change their minds. You can't do that by the tactics the left take.

BentAxel ago

I didn't want a conversation. I wanted to brighten peoples day. The trigger reaction was as bad as showing some Tranny a photo of Trump. Big fucking deal.

Voat has taken a turn over the past couple months. It hasn't been a good turn. It's gotten dumber. Near nigger levels of dumb. That's disappointing. So, my name calling? File that under butt hurt.

I'm not a doctor, it's a meme So? Who the fuck cares. Lighten the fuck up Francis.

Folke ago

I just tried to bring laughs, when people pointed out I'm using propaganda and that they're tired of seeing that shit. I got butt hurt and acted like a leftist little bitch.


BentAxel ago

Triggered? I'd say you are. Please use more full caps. Tell us how much smarter you are for swimming in the v/funny sub of Voat.

Folke ago

And yet you would be just as wrong as your meme.

Tell us how much smarter you are for swimming in the v/funny sub of Voat.

this in almost every post you've done on here shows me you're triggered.