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Metanoiac ago

Was working at my kid's school function over the weekend. I was paired up with a mother of one of the kids in his class. She works for a MAJOR vaccine producer (all the big ones are headquartered where I live, I even used to work for them myself, computers). She is one of the develloppers. She doesn't vax her kids. She is trying to get out of the company because she can no longer live with doing what she does knowing what it does on the receiving end.

You are full of more shit than the chick on the can.

virge ago

The U.S. has 62 vaccines on it's schedule. The EU has 12.

Does the EU also give the companies that produce vaccines full legal immunity from lawsuits due to the effects of vaccines, or is that just something the lobbyists snuck in Stateside?

Metanoiac ago

Ha ha ha, we make your vaccines man, right here in town.

No, they are pretty well shielded from lawsuits. I'm not sure if there is a special court or anything, but even if it goes through regular courts, the payouts are nowhere near what they are in the States for malpractice and whatnot.

Our government is cucked to all hell. They want us sick and dying young. Now the push for 5G is going full swing. I just read an article in one of the kid's science magazines he's subscribed to. Major propaganda.

virge ago

Vaccine manufacturers in the U.S. have complete legal immunity for any liability for their product. This is especially concerning given the number of States that have made vaccines mandatory.

Nothing says "I care" like giving a contract to the lowest Government bidder, then forcing everyone to take the vaccines, and giving legal immunity to any harm caused by the lowest bidder's shitty job.

Folke ago

You understand you and Metanoiac have the same view point on vaccination right.

virge ago

You understand you and Metanoiac have the same view point on vaccination right.

I was attempting to clarify as it wasn't immediately apparent if his response on "special court" was in reference to the U.S. or the EU.

Folke ago

ok, cool