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Metanoiac ago

I worked for a major MAJOR vaccine manufacturer. Vaccines cause autism and top brass knows. Top brass knows why. Top brass has no intention of remedying the situation. I think top brass wants the autism.

Flat earthers are stupid faggots.

JastheMace ago

Yet there still is no curve at 123,000 feet....Where's your curve?

Metanoiac ago

Ï have seen the curvature from 25000 ft so Ï have no idea wtf you are on about. I have lived perpendicular to my current location and regularly communicate with people Who are perpendicular to me. Thé Earth is spheroid.

JastheMace ago

No you haven't. I have been at 25k looking out the open back of a C-130.....No curve. Pictures from 123,000 show...No curve, stop lying

PointsOutIdiots ago

You're not only an idiot, you're a liar, too.

Metanoiac ago

Tell ya what... Go get a flu shot like a good cuck.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Sure they do. Sure.

Metanoiac ago

They sure do.