Pattern_Blind ago

I think vaccine companies make these memes. Or people that profit off of the vaccines. Same people will never tell you how many is too many? Should a baby recieve 20-30? That stops the gravy train for the next 50 vaccinations that are developed! And it unfair to new companies that want to make money off of their vaccines. So maybe 100 vaccines will be the arbitrary cap at some point?

They like to meme an obvious fake argument like Flat Earth or Moon Landing Faked and compare anti-vaxxers to that. They don’t feel organic. No one that memes alot makes these. It’s like a forced NPC Vax wage slave with no soul made this meme. There is nothing funny or witty about this.

JastheMace ago

Got that right. As soon as truth about the vaccines starts to spread, suddenly a massive wave of that stuff pops up on all major platforms, totally paid propaganda.

thelma ago

Instead they join forces and rule the world !

Metanoiac ago

I worked for a major MAJOR vaccine manufacturer. Vaccines cause autism and top brass knows. Top brass knows why. Top brass has no intention of remedying the situation. I think top brass wants the autism.

Flat earthers are stupid faggots.

JastheMace ago

Yet there still is no curve at 123,000 feet....Where's your curve?

Metanoiac ago

Ï have seen the curvature from 25000 ft so Ï have no idea wtf you are on about. I have lived perpendicular to my current location and regularly communicate with people Who are perpendicular to me. Thé Earth is spheroid.

JastheMace ago

No you haven't. I have been at 25k looking out the open back of a C-130.....No curve. Pictures from 123,000 show...No curve, stop lying

PointsOutIdiots ago

You're not only an idiot, you're a liar, too.

Metanoiac ago

Tell ya what... Go get a flu shot like a good cuck.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Sure they do. Sure.

Metanoiac ago

They sure do.

modsrcuntz ago

Go get your flu shot goy.

Crayonall9t ago

I thought they both were a part of that lunatic «everyone else but me is lying» mentality?

Uxg ago

The implication is that flat earth is so bonkers that anyone believing it is basically retarded. If you question at all vaccinations to any degree, normies will look at you like you are a fucking idiot.

People have always batted around theories about why flat earther shit gets shilled, and its purpose. The given theory is to discredit conspiracy theorists in general. Now you have a meme about a clash of idiots. Cohencidence?

I also question why there are so many memes about the wireless earbuds floating around meme blogs. The concept isn't funny or interesting. They are just expensive and there's some cult around Apple ear buds being a status symbol. Suddenly it's cool to joke about it. Totally organic and not in any way a forced meme to sell ear buds. I don't mean a few memes. A lot of the places I go are like 30% ear bud memes and 30% unvaxed kids will die memes.

ThatsSoJewish ago


immatureusername ago

It should be more like flat earthers, vs faked moon landers.

If you think they havent weaponized vaccines, diseases, bacteria, viruses, medications, drugs, the human genome. Then youre a fucking idiot.

Crayonall9t ago

Tell me more about that mass conspiracy in the health sciences. All other sciences are truthful and honest, right?

Pattern_Blind ago

Physics and any science dealing with actual math that you can check tends to be a little more honest but you have to have the ability to check the math.

Truthfully though any system designed by a flawed creature such as man is going to have some problems. Even the best intentions can cause some of the most horrible outcomes. Wildlife management is a great example of that.

The science of vaccination is very sound science the problem comes in soon as you add profit motives or eugenicists and sociopaths.