Drsrangegov ago

Well this is probably a good place to post this obligatory post.

ZenoOfElea ago

why has this been the top post on voat for 22 days in a row? The fuck is going on?

phillyjoe ago

fucking kill it with fire already

Drstrangewhatever ago

You guys ever see that cow that someone shampooed and conditioned it's hair?

GretaThornburg ago

why is this the top post for 20 days now?

alyssamo ago

🍑💦Hot girls waiting for you - cutt.ly/AsxQ9bv

alyssamo ago


🍑 Wanna play with sexy girls online? - bit .ly/30MCEDD

💦 Dating in your city - bit .ly/3hxHGud

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/aww comment by @AcceptableWays.

Posted automatically (#123113) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@TyroneDeNiggero: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @AcceptableWays)

RaySwore ago

Anybody else watching this in 2032?

BlackChila ago

cows are such intelligent and sweet creatures! I hope humanity will finally start treating and respecting animals as living beings, not too different than us

WhoFlungPoo1132 ago

16 days now....

GretaThornburg ago

is still top post for you? It is for me.

WhoFlungPoo1132 ago

3 weeks later.....

alacrity167 ago

so fucking annoying

i_hate_fats_still ago

please fix

ALIENS2222 ago

... Feels like this has been in the front page for a month.

AdaptOrDie ago

Oh how cute, fucking repost.

Cat-hax ago

It's not a repost, it been stuck, nothing is updating

Cat-hax ago

Wtf is wrong with voat

phillyjoe ago

Two ducking weeks of this ducking bullshit

jimibulgin ago



TreeMan32 ago

it's a cow. I'd eat it without blinking an eye.

LettItBurn ago

Cow is cool. Look at that cow! Like a horse. Cow can do the same as a horse.

This is a euphersimn... or an alogaricy for equality. Cows and horses are all the same like niggers and White people. Don't you see? We can all dance together.

whitesilk ago

It is not a cow having fun with 'his' friend. A Cow is always a her.

MisterMistyEyed ago


CDC C19 data [actually] lower than reported?

Why did select [D] govs [4] mandate nursing home C19 positive insert?

Election not virus.

Win by any means necessary.


Real data (again) comparing seasonal flu deaths in Texas in 2017-2018, & 2018-2019, to C19 deaths in 2020 (data from Texas Dept of Health): 2019 flu data

https://dshs.state.tx.us/IDCU/disease/influenza/surveillance/2019/19Wk39Oct04.pdf ;

2018 flu data


2020 C19 data as of 7/14/20


MisterMistyEyed ago


FBI Agent Peter Strzok and his FBI Crossfire Hurricane unit were focused on the White House during President Trump’s inauguration celebration, so much so that the “angry” agent complained he was kept out of the loop on a bureau counter-intelligence briefing there.

MisterMistyEyed ago


Judiciary Committee Releases Declassified Documents that Substantially Undercut Steele Dossier, Page FISA Warrants

MisterMistyEyed ago


C.D.C. Labs Were Contaminated, Delaying Coronavirus Testing, Officials Say

How do you provide cover for invalid 'positive' test results?

Think pawpaw.





blazinaxe ago

Yo can we get this off the front page? What's wrong with Voat?

Usernamenameuser ago

I needed this today, thank you.

petevoat ago

I am always shocked by a cow can leap. I have always thought them to be really heavy.

doubleanalbypass ago

aww, I'm sure the cow says she is a cow when it's about to play into horse mind's victim-complex, and goes to claim it's a horse when it did something terribly genocidal or criminal :)

blazinaxe ago

Is this stuck as the top front page post for anyone else?

thachunk ago


neuschwabia ago

Bulls have horns, cows do not.

ArielQflip ago

Where's the GOAT of VOAT equivalent?

I'm sure /🐐 or v/GOATS has something. Show it please!

Whats_my_password ago

So many links and pics i could post.... just please ... stay my hand....

Sympozium ago

"all of this just works"

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Mr_Wolf.

Posted automatically (#121439) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@TyroneDeNiggero: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Mr_Wolf)

SparklingWiggle ago

The top post on Voat is a bull playing with a horse. You have got to be kidding me.

royalof ago

cow can jump but not like that

MuckeyDuck ago

Why don't we meet somewhere neutral, pick a place, name the time.

MuckeyDuck ago

I would whip your ass, and send you home crying boy.

MuckeyDuck ago

Nope, I'm a regular white nigger. I don't know how I ended up seeing that cow thing.

What is a Jew anyway? How do you define who is a Jew, and who is not. It's not a race. It's not a religion. Judaism is a religion, but a Chinaman converting to Judaism would not make him a Jew,would it? And what about Jews that do not practice Judaism, they are still Jews, right? Is a Jew defined by have Jewish genes?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Jews submission by @TyroneDeNiggero.

Posted automatically (#121317) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@MuckeyDuck: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @TyroneDeNiggero)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Jews submission by @TyroneDeNiggero.

Posted automatically (#121315) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@MuckeyDuck: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @TyroneDeNiggero)

realmonster ago

any abomination cast from the mold satan made for his attempt at human life

MuckeyDuck ago

Ah, hate to break it to you, but that is not a Cow, it's a Bull.

Cows do no have horns in the same way girls do not have penises.

rostislav007 ago

Very nice animals.

phillyjoe ago

One week of this stupid fucking thing

phillyjoe ago

Day 5 no update to front

dukey ago

Try v/all

Alt_Account_No_738 ago

All hail Front Page Cow!!!

13igb ago


videocodec ago

THis cow is now trollong the hot page of voat

slevin_kelevra ago

I thought cows were female

Ave_Satanas ago

that's a bull, son

Scrooblemeyer ago

I think it's a steer. A bull still has his balls.

flopsymopsy ago


CrownDependence6 ago

Link's dead?

Whats_my_password ago

Party down! Jump the rail thingies. Run around in a circle! Wooooooo-HOO, y'all!

Modernmisery96 ago

I wonder how friendly voat is to vegans. I know suggesting to people on reddit to go vegan to not kill these animals would trigger all those fat fuck lard ass whales.

Helena73 ago

Friendly enough if you arent a completely fragile moron. They dont always go together.

Blacksunshine ago

Bwahaha, that's not a cow you urban monkey Tyrone...

RaccoonJanitor1 ago

How is this still the top post? It’s been days. It’s not that interesting. Is something up?

Brodude101 ago

I think the 'hot' post ranking algorithm is not working, loads of posts have been the same for a few days now

SharkRemix ago

Dicks and penis

DanielR ago

THAT is not a cow my friend

Thats a bull

Fuckyounigger ago

Really is the front page frozen wtf

generate ago

@puttitout fix this please

falsemonkey ago

Still, I thought I was the only with the problem

Fuckyounigger ago

I call that the jewnique personality disorder. We all think we’re uniquely alone. I’m pretty sure it’s the cause of the bystander effect. I wonder how many more words I can start with the word jew?

RobAlter ago


Zestyclose_Marketing ago

What the hell? Why did this website freeze in time?

Timur9000 ago

ZE WARUDO Toki yo Tomare!

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Sorry I dont speak Wapanese

phillyjoe ago

1.6 days ago, and still #1.

voat broke again

Helena73 ago

What the fuck. Same fucking posts like 3 days in a row. How many times can I look at the cow.

phillyjoe ago

I guess another day....?

Jesus Christ, for all the tax dollars the FBI & Secret Service take in, the least they could do is keep the fucking site running.

Helena73 ago


phillyjoe ago

holy fuck it's still up! Day #4!

rubberdougie ago

I need to quit eating mammals again. That creature is more than sentient. That is a loving creature that deserves better. They taste really good but I don't want to contribute to warehousing and slaughtering sentient creatures. Maybe Adolf had it right.

Helena73 ago

Ive been a vegetarian since my “morrissey” phase, a long time ago. I never really regretted it. Occassionally it is a challenge, but not often. Makes it pretty easy to keep off the weight, as long as I stay away from the booze. I wouldnt say its healthier, other than keeping one’s weight down, but it doesnt appear to be bad for your health, if you ensure you are getting sufficient B12. And the meat industry is, lets face it, kind of psycho. After a year or two it ceases to look like food to you, although I will admit that sometimes the neighbors barbecue smells kind of good.

Void0101010101 ago

Morrissey to Voat.

That's like moving from Hawaii to Mogadishu. Or maybe the opposite.

I do like Morrissey sometimes, it pairs well with a big steak.

Helena73 ago

Lol. Its not such a big leap. Seems there are quite a few ring wing folks that have a soft spot for him. He was the thinking man’s pop star, never produced a lot of trashy songs about hooking up, or dry humping on the dance floor. Even though he was a fag, his songs were not really about that. And he turns out to be quasi-based on immigration and the muslims taking over England. Crusades a lot against halal butchery. Sort of tepidly supported brexit. The left cancelled him a couple years ago as a hopeless racist.

Void0101010101 ago

You gotta laugh when all of a sudden Morrissey is declared to be a racist xenophobic fag and the leftists hate him.

BigTruccker ago

have no friends NIGGER

I love fucking little girls. something about forcing an over sized penis in a tiny slit makes me hard. i feel little girls want it. around 9 they start shoving hot dogs and crayons in their honey holes so that tells me they want cock. using lube does help but god i love when it is in and blow a load all over their faces and tongues. god bless little girls.


Tempest311 ago

That was unexpected...

LOVERunderagePUSSY ago




My twin boys birthdays are coming up (will be 9). I need to rent a few toddler NIGGERS know as “Nigglets” for a Human Dart board game we play called, “Pin the JIG”. Need ~3-4 no older then 5. I am sure there are some adult Male and Female Porch Monkeys that can use a few bucks to keep your Crack supply stocked up. Also NO need to worry if these THINGS are house broken as no NIGGERS are allowed in the house. They are typically not house broken until ~45-50 years of age. Last time we did this besides all of our silverware and DVDs attempted to be stolen, they urinated everywhere and were finger painting in the walls with their feces. Please make sure you have those Gorilla diapers. I will pay $5 an hour please have some hog moss and pigs feet ( and of course hot sauce). Hit me up NIGGERS!! This is a big day for my Son’s and don’t need you FUCKING IT UP!

My Dad dragged a NIGGER in 1976, KILLED HIM AND was never CAUGHT. Wish we could send all of these FILTHY PORCH MONKEYS COD to Africa. I will even provide the 4 pounds of tobacco and 3 pounds of Jewelry that their PUNK BITCH SELL OUT ANCESTORS took for STRONG WHITEY TO bring them back to MY LAND>

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

This hits the feels as one digests steak.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

We should stop calling fat people cows it’s clearly an insult to beautiful creatures like that one.

Maybe first we could settle for simply not calling bulls, "cows".

On a moar serious note - if that video is real [and not some software fake] - then that shit is INSANELY dangerous.

In a few tenths of a second, that bull could kill every single other mammal in the picture - the horse, the woman, the cameraman, all of them - and the bull might not even mean to do it.

Any of you youngsters ever heard of a sodomite couple, called "Siegfried & Roy"?



Z37iW ago

If another human cares for you as much as someone does those animals, you really are truly blessed.

boekanier ago

That cow is a good jumping horse, made me laugh.

PsychoticBreak ago

Bull. City folk, sheesh

GritD2 ago

White cows can't jump

FridayJones ago


friendshipistragic ago

I feel like there’s a Fruits Basket joke in here somewhere.


that would be a bull.

thebearfromstartrack ago

How long until the EAT HIM?

modsrcuntz ago

How dare you assume that cows gender.

i_scream_trucks ago


MisterIdealInLead ago

Cow = female

Khash36 ago

Living on a farm doing natural, hard work & being with animals must be awesome. I was born in the wrong time

friendshipistragic ago

What is stopping you from buying land and some animals?

Turnagain ago

My Father (born 1901) spent half his life working draft animals. Such people seem to develop an affinity with animals. I can't articulate it but they are...different.

Rickwd ago

Is she preparing a bull for some kinda competition? :)

errrordog103 ago

CUTE! Cows deserve better than mass factory farming.

Khash36 ago

We need their protein atleast it is done humanely. Read up on halal and kosher butchery. It is the circle of life but we need to be their guardians also

uab ago


phillyjoe ago

week old bull

SIayfire122 ago

I hope he doesn't trip, otherwise he'll be ground beef.

Israel_Did_9_11__ ago

voat under attack

hatrickpatrick ago

The order was given, to turn cows to whoppers.

Enforced by the might, of ten thousand coppers.

But on the horizon, surrounding the shoppers...

Came the deafening roar:

Of chickens

In choppers.

cheatch ago

these type of comments are funny and fuck the haters that don't like them


Good one...you just may qualify for the "nigger faggot " of the week award.

LostInTheStatic ago

Yes officer, this comment right here.

i_scream_trucks ago

well thats my day ruined

friendshipistragic ago

You get 6 gorrilion points for your user name.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

Thank you and just a reminder, it came from this

friendshipistragic ago

Yes. That’s why you got all those points and a Jew joke.

voatre ago

le sigh take le my le upvote to the left fellow bacon eating m'sirs

thecajunone ago

I want reddit to go back. Every thread is starting to look like a reddit thread.

Greasy ago

He identifies as a cow?

i_scream_trucks ago

go on. argue with it. post pics.

notyouraveragellama ago

Am i the only one who's sphincter clenched a little bit for the woman with the whip? That bull was huge and those horns are wicked looking. Even if he didn't mean to that bull could wreck a human.

truckboattruck ago

Bulls no matter how tame are still slaves to their hormones. At any moment the most well behaved bull can turn on you. I know that's impossible for many to understand but they are more dangerous than almost any other animal for this reason.

Mr_big ago

Kind of like a nigger

spreadthosecheeks ago

Except for niggers.

Fodder01 ago

That one is a steer and not a bull. Entirely different temperment.

Don-Keyhote ago

Relax, she's white and can take bull cock for fun (and likely has)

HiJoker ago

Found a nigger/jew.

slwsnowman40 ago

He looks tasty.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

They are! I was just eating one. Clicked this link after the last bite.

MrPim ago

The way I understand it cows are used for breeding and milk. By the time they are done usi g them for those two things thwy would be tough and bad eating, so they arent meat. You ate a male cow.

Turnagain ago

Some heifers are kept for breeding stock. The remainder are slaughtered. Bulls are usually castrated at an early age for slaughter. Old milk cows and bulls are called "canners and cutters" and go for hamburger.


That's a bull

whitesilk ago

No, that is a horned Herford cow you idiot.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

it's a steer. a bull still has his balls.

Helena73 ago

One of the best gags in cinema history.

Who the hell downvoted that?

blumen4alles ago

LOL classic

noob_tube ago

I didn't know cows could jump like that.

Mustard_Monkey ago

OP did not intentionally steer you wrong but it's no cow.

HateCumbuckes ago

Shame on moo.

gazillions ago

"And you shall have dominion over the animals",or something like that

Mustard_Monkey ago

I say Bull @noob_toob

yaksarefinetoo ago

elephants can't jump

DukeOfRaul ago

Once they become fence jumpers you have to make them into hamburgers

Mustard_Monkey ago

Before clicking the link I said bullshit. I was pleasantly amused by what I saw.

Yachtzyachtz ago

We should stop calling fat people cows it’s clearly an insult to beautiful creatures like that one.

Dave_ph ago

Whats wrong with the traditional "Hamplanet"

Yachtzyachtz ago

Nothing. I don’t eat pork as health thing. Not a fucking muzzle or kike.

Amaka ago

Fat women are called fat cows, not cows. Cow refers to their stupidity, not weight.

HiJoker ago

A cow is a female, that was a steer because there was no giant nut sack flopping around back.

Cows are dull, they chew their cud and are entertained by chewing. I think the analogy fits. Stop being such a precious snowflake that wants to change things for virtue signaling.

whitesilk ago

Huckster, you obviously are a cityboy fgt. The animal has no pizzle. That is the part in mid belly of male bovines that looks like a hairy belly button that is the penis in both bulls and steers. That animal is actually a very playful cow.

Fuckyounigger ago

Hey boomer shut the fuck up and die already

HiJoker ago

Fuck off, Rabbi.

jamesed ago

If you think cows and dull and stupid you obviously have never met up with a free range cow protecting her calf. She will stomp you ass into the ground before you can blink your eye. I personally had to take suture up many tears and torn muscles of a cow that fought off a mountain lion that was after her calf. Calf didn't have a scratch on it. Cows when they are allowed to be are pretty smart and down right ornery.

Dave_ph ago

Mountain lions are actually pretty tiny

HiJoker ago

Gee, I've never had to shock prod them out of a trailer at the fucking auction house, have you? There's no free range cows here, just premium livestock that the entire planet salivates for. These cattle will never know a hungry day in their life, often growing up on massive feed lots where they stand around chewing. Free range? All property here is fenced in and premium priced.

Trust me cowboy, the optics of waxing romantic about cows is gay larpy. They stand around chewing until they end up chewed on by us. I think it's a wonderful way of making something useful out of grass. So, fat cow analogy with fat women is still spot on for me, you kiddies and fruit bats can play wtf ever you want.

whitesilk ago

Obviously you have never been to a cow/calf operation. The romance of bull and cow still goes on in the pasture and the cows do fight off predators., unlike dairy factory farm cows that only know the artificial insemination pipette and who's calf is taken away 24 hours after birth. They need the colastrum or first milk for their immune system to function.

prairie ago

Actually it was a sarcastic joke denigrating land whales.

Yachtzyachtz ago

Suck my dick faggot calling me a snowflake cause I like cows more then fat fucks.

HiJoker ago

Look at this fat homo projecting! You sure run to the gay stuff fast, don't you ever wonder why?

You're still virtue signaling, 'Precious'.

Busty_Neckbeard ago

I agree with him, cows are not dull and they are not disgusting. Also they would not be tasty if they were as fat as human deathfats or scootypuffs or planets. Also people like to look at cows, cows do not cause people to gasp in utter horror upon their mere existence.

You should try spending some days working a farm, would put hair on your chest and you would have a good time.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Kikes keeping the same content on the front page

Busty_Neckbeard ago

@Yachtzyachtz what I say is true

HiJoker ago

You should STFU you larpy faggot cunt.

Busty_Neckbeard ago

I mean I have sucked a cock or two but only when a woman wasn't available

Yachtzyachtz ago

Lol ok enjoy your internet smugness faggot. I’m sure mommy and daddy are proud of your psych degree.

Fuckyounigger ago

Psychological Arts certificate*

SouthernCracker ago

I prefer 'walrus' as it tends to also encompass their ornery, shit attitude.

Sorryent1 ago

Manatee is a good one