24775821? ago

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24759069? ago

This is a speculation. Ehud Barak was heavily involved in the logistic of the 9-11 attacks on USA. People in other countries were also involved.

24758857? ago

Ehud Barak is a war criminal, blatant racist, and Zionist demagogues

Israeli war criminal Ehud Barak is leading a long list of Zionist politicians, apologizers, sympathizers, and activists willing to promote normalization who are slated to speak at a coming J Street conference in Washington DC.

A Public Relations Scam

On its website, J Street states that it “organizes and mobilizes pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people.” In other words, it is an organization that perpetuates one of the biggest public relations scams in the world today: that one can be pro-Israel and pro-peace, and that Israel can be democratic.

criminals like Ehud Barak and blatant racist, Zionist demagogues like Senator Chuck Schumer, inevitably and understandably raises serious questions as to their own sincerity towards achieving peace and respecting human rights.




"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

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24750156? ago

Ehud Barak is scrambling for cover by unleashing Anarchy. He's in big trouble. He's on Q's list of criminal notables.

24749616? ago

In reality nothing of all your ~isms will never matter....as in never. Every thought of humanity...as in polarity magic is rooted in male vs female.

The rest is just a mirage of thoughts.....built/crafted and used when the opportunity arises~ as in disparities.


24748716? ago

Arik Carmon: is that the Israeli version of Eric Cartman? Lol

24748684? ago

Sigh, just like Chinese communists overlords screw we chinese the most. So do the Jewish communists overloads screw their citizens, I guess.

24748034? ago

Wow, so he's suddenly gone scorched earth in an attempt to stop people from finding out about his little meetings at the Pedo townhouse.. Bit obvious isn't it?

24747856? ago

Clearly the Epstein/Maxwell blackmail model is in the process of being exposed. It can still be salvaged if Maxwell does not make it to the July 2021 court date and Trump is brought down. If Trump is brought down all this will quickly be buried and only be remembered as a scary bedtime story.

24747704? ago

Thanks Moishe, great dig.

24747518? ago

Israeli anon here, we're being screwed hard over here... and it's getting worse by the day. The riots are coming and they're going to be as commie as it gets... People are still violently against "conspiracy theories" so we anons have no influence. No one even laughing at our based jokes.

I am sincerely hoping netanyahu is a whitehat although to be honest... it strikes me as an impossibility.

I'm also an economist and I can tell you that the israeli economy doesn't really exist in a self sufficient manner so actually the economic crisis is inevitable.

These psychopaths are going to implement the china model since growing an authentic grassroots economy here is bout as plausible as pelosi wearing a maga hat. And the ignorant masses here will clamour for it because they are damn broke. Not every jew is eating from the stolen pies. In fact I have a feeling that these fuckers hate us slavejews even more than they hate you christian white europeans.

It doesn't seem like we have a Q here to guide the intelligent and kind hearted israelis (which exist... not in vast numbers, but still...)

I feel like I am already dead! Will need tons of therapy if Im gonna survive this, swear to God. But I am cheering for you anons, praying for your safety and success in destroying this evil disgusting and disgraceful organized crime syndicate.

24771048? ago

It doesn't seem like we have a Q here to guide the intelligent and kind hearted israelis (which exist... not in vast numbers, but still...)

Why are there so few?

24773627? ago

Good question:

  1. Historical holocaust brainwashing combined with the notion of "never again", "democracy is a good thing", "progress", it can never happen again. You're paranoid. It's uncool to be paranoid.

  2. Strong kaballah & new age influences saying "happiness is a choice", "positive thinking" etc prevents ppl from thinking about unpleasant notions. "I create my own reality". I'm personally sick of that bullshit. Could write a whole book about this faggotry.

  3. One of the first question normies ask is who's at the top... then they hear Rothschild who is known as a "jewish philanthropist" and every city has a street named after him/them. Then the train of thought is - if this is true then someone like hitler mightve had a reason to hate on us. That means that the nightmares we have been brainwashed with at childhood may indeed still be relevant. Too overwhelming. It's hard for them to realize that they arent responsible for the jewish mafia's atrocities and shouldnt carry the guilt. They feel as if they are hated all over the world and that this is beyond reconciliation. Therefore they say "fuck this. If the jewish conspiracy exists, I hope they fucking win. If it doesn't, i hope conspiracy theorists get rekt. In any case - im not talking or thinking about it any more. Fuck this guy. Fuck the truth. Fuck my intellect. Fuck beauty justice and peace. Pour me a drink. Wheres my weed. Call the cocaine guy. Oh and get me some K while youre at it."

  4. We have perhaps the most effective MSM mk I have seen anywhere in the world. CNN has nothing on Kan11 and the jewish media here. Maintaining their prestige while pushing fear and nonesense nonstop.

  5. Division is at max: arabs/jews, religious/secular, intellectual/street ppl, all the females are feminists it's disgusting, hating on men which aren't really honorable in the first place. Fags abound in Tel Aviv they are very provocative. People are concerned with being cool because thats what get you pussy but that cool is the exact opposite of humanity. Drug habits.

  6. Overworked and underpaid. Very calvinist in the sense that working yourself to death is honorable. No time for research, and even if there is - research is luxury... for petulant and spoiled adult children. Any intellectual endeavor as a matter of fact is considered something you do after you retire.
  7. People feel that they are already done with their education. "I excelled at school and uni therefore I cannot learn anything from anyone anymore. Unless I choose to read, research myself etc... you cant change my mind"

Humor is dead. The comedians have all sold us out.

Nobody believes in their fellow hebrew to do the right thing. Nobody knows what the right thing is. Perhaps the right thing doesn't really exist... that's what they think.

"I'm a good person and that's all that matters"

Nobody cares. It's a horror show.

Oh and very importantly - we have a really poor alternative media. Meaning there is no counterculture. (Almost) nobody is translating to hebrew. And high quality meme warfare is only coming out of netanyahu's campaign. Almost nothing of value from us anons, except long rants or text walls.

I have a plan tho. I wish i'd be faster in carrying it out but it takes a lot of work and so far I am completely alone in this. Even my redpilled friends which have been redpilled due to my efforts, care more about their female (gf/wife/mother) than they care about the war.


24776419? ago

We aren't fond of Jews around here and you just laid out the partial case of WHY we don't. I appreciate that. Thank you for being an Israeli with some damn self reflection.

I noticed you left out the Talmud....interesting.

24787703? ago

I am not very fond of them either the way they are acting (i mean the normie jews). But I'm not very fond of many other groups of normies which aren't jews and I'm sure you are too.

I nevertheless am delighted to find the occasional unexpectedly sharp and honest mind regardless of the group he/she/it belongs to.

Regarding the talmud i Included it in another message. Also, most secular jews have never read a single word from the talmud. Only the orthodox are familiar with it (although many unelightened secular jews would protect the name of the talmud as a tribal habit / virtue signaling)

24793851? ago

Very interesting. I hope you will stick around and answer questions. The more we can talk with one another and clarify the situation, the easier it is to untangle the propaganda and lies from the truth. Voat is largely anti-Jew because of usury, blood libel and child sacrifice, circumcision of baby genitals, Talmud, Sanhedrin UN Noahide Laws and the degeneracy like transgenderism and pornography, pushing unchecked immigration into white Christian countries, etc. If you can accept that "no shit, of course people don't like that pushed in their homelands" then we are able to move forward.

24802104? ago

I'm here and will stick around.

I can definitely accept that (wise) people don't like degeneracy pushed in their homelands. Same degeneracy is being pushed here upon hebrew speakers.

I can in no way prove this but a plausible theory is that there is an inner circle within judaism which is potentially sabbatean uses the majority of jews as cover like the masons are alleged to do.

Historically I believe that the Rabbi's have rejected sabbatai zevi and frankism as non-jewish but I can't hear many rabbis speaking out against these "movements" or ideas. Only lately did I hear one very popular rabbi start speaking out against CV19 and another slightly less popular covering most of the situation, only leaving out his opinion of netanyahu and the rothschilds and the crisis with global jews, their reputation etc.

Also an update: a rather intelligent and honest israeli jew has gone online speaking about and supporting both Q and POTUS. The questions he was asked were not as retarded as I expected. I actually was moved by the thought of these nihilsts being hit by the spark of humility... maybe something is changing

(Hebrew speakers look up Yaron Gal Weiss on FB)

25533121? ago

I'm replying to myself here although probably no one will read this - just updating that Yaron Gal Weiss is NOT AN HONEST GUY, he's trying to hijack the Israeli Qanon movement with the new-age bullshit TLS (The Light System) and their book called "The Pyramid Code". I will write a post about this as soon as I finish the book.

24804777? ago

Another thing I've wondered about...do they really play a loud siren in Israel to remind the people of the Holocaust?

I saw a video once and it was horrifying. Brainwashing 101.

It seems Tavistock has a propaganda program for Israeli's as well. Whatever is tearing America apart seems to be doing the same to Israel?

24805517? ago


Absolutely true. Every year at least since I was born. People stop their cars mid highway, getting out, looking down etc.

And yeah, I'm sure it looks horrifying to the based & redpilled. But Israelis would defend that it is a good thing, paying respects, never forgetting etc.

It also happens on Memorial Day, twice, and each time twice as long.

Definitely some Tavistock type shit for us too.

24758906? ago

Israeli anon here, we're being screwed hard over here...

Sorry to hear that anon. This video might cheer you up at https://www.bitchute.com/video/g1qeKQ4HJHFr


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

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24749143? ago

WRWY, Israeli patriot. The ‘cure’ will spread WW.

24752285? ago

Godspeed Leaf!

Here's hoping Canada anons help get it back to something more like northern United States and not the hell it's moving towards.

24752538? ago


It is the only way. Being governed by Ottawa is intolerable.

24750420? ago

Amen to the cure spreading worldwide, Canadian patriot.

God bless you and yours.

24748479? ago

Very delightful to read Israeli / Jew Anon sharing their knowledge ! Please DO share more around.

24748974? ago

Thank you! Just gathering some CCP and will start a thread! God bless you

24748081? ago

Can you leave your country and convert to Buddhism?

24748916? ago

Well, not without leaving my retarded yet well meaning family. Also got my foreskin cut, am of a jewish mother and having a rather jew-ish look, so that makes me a jew outside of israel. And betting on the absence of (perhaps justly) enraged "gentiles" is just as bad as betting on going down due to the fuckery that's taking place.

With regards to converting, Ive never really accepted judaism as a wholesale thing or in the way its propagated. Opposed to talmudic bullshit. Influenced greatly by the new (?) testament as well ad the buddhist teachings, yogic tradition, non violence etc. Very well read. Orthodox people have called me a dangerous heathen etc, so I guess I'm on the right path.

Still jot sure whether my calling is to go down with this ship or bail. I have friends in many parts of the world who may help if I gtfo, but still waiting for some intel as to wtf is going on

24747809? ago

Fear not, anon. We're leaving Israel for last. Gotta handle shit elsewhere first.

24749002? ago

Do what you gotta do. You are fighting the good fight.

I'm honored to have a chance to participate.

24747694? ago

Thank you, Mordecai. Jesus loves you.

24749015? ago

Thank you Sir/Madam. Godspeed.

24747419? ago

The US gov should do bombing runs right fucking now

24746963? ago

24746871? ago

Do a lot of Palestinian children go missing? Does Wayfair ship to Israel? Look in the “internet archives” at the “wayback machine”...just search it up. Check out their products, cross reference with missing Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian, Syrian children...then you might find out why there is so much panic in Israel.

24746821? ago

but why

24747369? ago

Exactly. And what are they even protesting? And most importantly, who cares? Shit going down in Israel? Good, burn it down and make sure no kikes escape.

24746710? ago

Let them burn to the ground to free Palestine.

24746650? ago

So the jews are jewing the jews? 🍿

24746598? ago

There is something about that name..... Barak....cant put my finger on it but it sounds familiar... were have i heard it before. Ho arse face and al... Dammit it sooooo ...........

24747431? ago

Obama momma was a globe-trotting jewess. Obama grandmomma was the president of the bank of Hawaii. Make sense now?

24746782? ago

It's an Israeli word that means lightning.

24748146? ago

Also the name of Muhameds hoarse.......... just saying..

24748756? ago

That would make sense since Muhameds mother (which means he was too) and first wife were both jews and he came from petra and not mecca.

24746051? ago

The picture of Ehud Barak masked & going into Epstein's townhouse tells you everything you need to know about him.

24758886? ago

Related video about the SAME DOOR in 2010 with Jeffrey Epstein leaving home with a young girl. Then Prince Andrew letting one out? at https://open.tube/videos/watch/d158b4a7-40b3-47b3-8b72-e6752f15b7bb

According to Daily Mail, CBS News, and Baxter, this video allegedly shows paedophile Jeffrey Epstein leaving his home with a young girl, then allegedly Prince Andrew inside Epstein's home letting one out? Video from December 6 2010 at New York's East 91st Street. Baxter lighten the picture at the end of this video to show the alleged Prince Andrews face better.

• Alternative video 1 at https://www.minds.com/media/1010022524357537792

• Alternative video 2 at https://www.bitchute.com/video/qNuHMOc52VSv/

• Alternative video 3 at https://invidio.us/watch?v=Ah5cHepaHIc

• Alternative video 4 at https://youtu.be/Ah5cHepaHIc

24747433? ago

Great piece OP, thx for sharing, checked the replies on 8kun.

Anyone got more info on Netanyahu in all this, he was Israel PM during wars in middle east, was he not able to stop them, is he a white hat, was he comped but chose to do the right thing, what about 'good Mossad, bad Mossad' , who's really in control in Israel, Netanyahu or swamp like Ehud, Wexler, Rotshits...

24747628? ago

There is a quote from Netanyahu floating around how he hates America and wants to bring it down. The quote is on a pic and lame / meme-like (Left can't meme?). Putting the quote in search brings up nothing and my suspicion it's leftist shihead in origin. Recall hearing about Netanyahu from years back and his love for America from when he went to school here (MIT). He's also been under nonstop assault (like Trump has) from the Israeli political left since he's been in the political arena. IMO until proven otherwise he's at worst an Israeli gray hat nationalist & neutral to the US. At best he's a white hat neck deep in destroying the Israeli/globalist cabal and more or less an ally. I can be convinced either way.

24747688? ago

It's a video, here it is: https://youtu.be/JrtuBas3Ipw , and this is one of the reasons i asked in anyone has more info, but take in account Trump's son in law Kushner and Netanyahu go long way back

24747796? ago

That may have actually been the source of it but recall it being more about destroying the US. It doesn't change it for me that at worst he is a nationalist. Everything he says in the video supports that. And he is spot on about Clinton and his squishy Middle East / Israel policy. I can't imagine Netanyahu having much in common with retard Kushner except as a useful idiot so again, nationalist. Thanks for posting that, not sure I've ever seen it before.

24748780? ago

Don't be calling Trump's son in law names, he's one of few people Trump trusts in the White house, which was filled with swamp, just like Washington, Kushner does lots of work for Trump!

24751159? ago

Ivanka's sperm donor also works.

24745794? ago

These people are doing everything to remove Netanyahu

These people are doing everything to remove Netanyahu

These people are doing everything to remove Netanyahu

These people are doing everything to remove Netanyahu

These people are doing everything to remove Netanyahu

These people are doing everything to remove Netanyahu

These people are doing everything to remove Netanyahu

These people are doing everything to remove Netanyahu

These people are doing everything to remove Netanyahu

These people are doing everything to remove Netanyahu

These people are doing everything to remove Netanyahu

These people are doing everything to remove Netanyahu

24746142? ago

Which tells me Netanyahu is a white hat.

24747536? ago

Workfagging so don't have links, but I've seen many videos of Bibi going on about how they're going to loot and ruin America.

24747115? ago

this is the single dumbest god damn thing i ever seen on here unless its sarcasim. net3nyahooooo a fucking white hat! might be the most evil vile human on the planet.

if sarcasm got ya

24746639? ago

And that's where you are wrong, Shlomo.

24746429? ago

With jews you loose. Theyll play both sides until it kills you.

24751233? ago


24746217? ago

It's Jews.

Where have you been?

Regardless of what happens Jews still get what they covet

24746174? ago

lol ok