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anon_sk ago

In the spirit of transparency, it would be nice to understand what this “new” partners affiliations are. Could be a Soros buyout for all we know.

DammitMan ago

Do you really think that’s the partner that would be brought in?

Piscina ago

For money, of course! Anything is for sale--even scruples, integrity, honesty and transparency--if the price is right. I'd guess that the satanist pedos have thrown Voat a bone and will now call the shots. Whoever pays the piper calla the tune.

Shizy ago

So you're for sale too @Piscina?

srayzie ago

What a fricken drama queen. Since you seem to think every fricken mod, and even the site administrator is corrupt, then why don't you move to Poal with some of your friends cunt? Take Carmencita and that psycho, TrustTheTruth with you.