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15755530? ago

Best Christmas present ever!

Thank you, Putts! <3

AR47 ago

Remain skeptical......this is what happened with Reddit too.

Besides who would buy this place? Not saying it is imposible just keep watching.

Piscina ago

Whoever has put the money into this venture now pulls all the strings. No transparency unless we are told who the financial backer is.

AR47 ago

Way I see it is that as soon as put said "we" in one of his announcement posts referring to admin and didn't answer when I asked for clarification of that, the site has been under their control for a while.

Really this place and those like it only exist for distraction. People that want help or knowledge don't come here. They only come here for entertainment. Or they come here to spew out some agenda with the hopes of manipulation of others.

Admin doesn't owe the users of this site a fucking thing. Not legally anyways,and you can bet they know that too. Just remember these facts and forget about using this place for anything else.

fuckmyreddit ago

I was agreeing with you AR47 while following the battle of the goats, until I came to your statement about people coming here for entertainment only. I came to Voat looking for clarification on the subject of Pizzagate. I think the Qtards came here for info as well, but they may have come here out of a deep seated need to annoy us with AWW pics, so I can only speak for myself with any authority. You seem to have come here for the lolz.

AR47 ago

I can see how you think I am here for the laughs, but actually no. I am here and have always been here to help people.

I am the one that made /v/smallenginerepair and /v/diyguns, and I do my best to encourage self worth and such.