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0011011000111001 ago

I wouldn't mind a extremely trimmed down version of this site. There are a few websites that have forums/communities and they run on $100 servers. I don't know how many people use Voat.. Ahh man. I am broken on the inside.

Would anyone be able to host the server from home? I could donate some old hardware........


PuttItOut ago

Lol, Voat used to run on a $100/month server. Those were the good old days. Got a time machine.

0011011000111001 ago

Would it be feasible to add real ads to the site? I am sure that most of us would allow the ads just to support the site. None of us want to see vote disappear.

SeptemberVirgin ago

Oh yes, the racist anti-semitic homophobic body-shaming conspiracy theorist far-right wing nutters are such a desirable target market for Madison ave.

z_impaler ago

Did someone keep you locked away and rape you for years on end? You are one more bitter mass of carbon.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Wew look at those SCP and CCP numbers.

Also I noticed someone once said how the ShareBlue shills have months in thier usernames. Just a coincidence, im sure ;)