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MaxEisenhardt ago

This is my first post, I just joined. My life is too busy and I have too many responsibilities to stay active in any given forum. However, I think Voat represents something pretty cool. I have children and I worry about their future. I'm worried that the rest of the worthless fucking world along with liberals will destroy this great place. With the propaganda and total government control of our schools, our media, and the internet... Where will my children find solace with other non-third world shit stains? Reading this post and the replies, gives me hope. I'm tired of the world and the current assault against what my people have created.

For the past however many hundreds of thousands of years men like me have been hunting, gathering, and procreating while those liberal faggots stayed in camp and drew pictures and complained. This is how they fucking repay me? Fuck them. Fuck all of them.

I want to help.