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crunchyscallop ago

Voat needs to purge the Nazis... and then maybe an Angel will appear.

Haramsin ago

Then leave.

crunchyscallop ago

Fuck no... it's too much fun laughing at all the moron goose steppers around here.

Haramsin ago

Is that something you do to cope with the fear of your ignorance being dismantled?

Stay if you'd like, but you will be a retarded shill wherever you go; here we will notice and you will get called out for it.

Have a great day. .

MaxEisenhardt ago

I don't really identify with a party... But knowing the history of Germany.. And then the scenes in Europe during the 80's.. 90's... And now... "Nazis" are a bunch of far-left dipshit retards. Sorry dude, but being identified as a "nazi" is no different than being a Democrat.