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Tommstein ago

[Tries to downvote some idiocy.]

"Denied - Cannot downvote more than you upvote (Submission Voting Meanie 2.3.1)".

Interesting definition of "free speech," @PuttItOut. Which is why this announcement was made three days ago and I'm just getting around to seeing it now. I wouldn't miss Voat, since I pretty much stopped using it already. On the other hand, I suppose driving off the people who actually do believe in free speech is one way to address an overuse problem. Probably not coincidentally, a post I made about this almost two years ago is still my second-highest rated submission ever.

9214584? ago

Hey downvoating your idiocy worked fine for me!

Tommstein ago

How long did you struggle to rub your two brain cells together to come up with that zinger?