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0011011000111001 ago

I wouldn't mind a extremely trimmed down version of this site. There are a few websites that have forums/communities and they run on $100 servers. I don't know how many people use Voat.. Ahh man. I am broken on the inside.

Would anyone be able to host the server from home? I could donate some old hardware........


PuttItOut ago

Lol, Voat used to run on a $100/month server. Those were the good old days. Got a time machine.

0011011000111001 ago

Would it be feasible to add real ads to the site? I am sure that most of us would allow the ads just to support the site. None of us want to see vote disappear.

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee ago

Ads would be fine, if it bothers people then they can use a blocker or maybe pay to see no ads...