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Rotteuxx ago

Not just offering... I started pricing on a few trinkets and (hopefully) by this weekend I can e-mail Putt some numbers & options.

I have goats offering their time to help with CAD desings & others with manufacturing of different products.

It's not a save-all solution, but it could be a viable merchandising avenue as well as a marketing strategy for Voat.

@Ina_Pickle, @Trigglypuff, @Empress, @Le_Squish & @I-am-me all offered to work on publishing a "Women of Voat" swimsuit calendar !

Chiefpacman ago

@Ina_Pickle, @Trigglypuff, @Empress, @Le_Squish & @I-am-me all offered to work on publishing a "Women of Voat" swimsuit calendar !

I would pay to not see that created.