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Zardoz ago

Would it be crazy to run a massive fundraiser on R/The_Donald ? well it would be hilarious and could it work?

It does sound like we need a based patriot, a grand angel investor.

Tydude ago

To be fair, $6k a month is really nothing if you consider the size of the userbase of voat plus how important that we all know it is. We don't need millions in seed capital, I'm willing to bet that a well advertised patreon would easily cover all costs associated with running the site and then some. Most people don't donate because it's so opaque at the moment.

Patreon is the wave of the future RE: projects like this and has kept many a youtuber going despite the adpocalypse trying to shut them down.

Dick_Tits ago

There are 6,000,000 subscribers on the_donald. If ever subrscriber donated 1/10th of a cent we'd meet voats goals.