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ghostintheshelob ago

Oh man, this sucks. I can probably donate some money but the problem is the brigading on here means I can only post 10 times every 24 hours, which would make it kind of pointless. I haven't even had any debates recently and it's been that way for weeks. Even Reddit doesn't punish me as much for having contrary opinions. I know this isn't the Dev's fault, but it does make me think twice. I'll think about it...

Good luck with the future and I hope you can think of something.

TAThatBoomerang ago

What on earth did you do to warrant a brigade? The only people I've seen be brigaded is people promoting pedophilia or those who copy+paste the same text about Atko being a fag or something to every thread.

ghostintheshelob ago

Pretty sure most of it came from FPH or people not liking comments about Jews, whatever. The problem is even a small brigade or mass of downvotes kicks in the 10 post limit. I'm at it now and I was considering donating today. Reaching it kinda puts me back again but I am encouraged to do it because the dev said he'd recieved a lot of donations.

My issue is that if I'm on Reddit and an sjw or anti-Trump subreddit downvotes me a lot I get restricted to posting once every 8 minutes after a few posts, but Voat outright stops me for 24 hours. It seems harsh and it perpetuates me being stuck with downvoats because I can't post anything.

TAThatBoomerang ago

I know the attitude of "if it hasn't happened for me, it can't have happened to anybody" is really stupid, but that's sort of what I'm thinking right now. I've been banned from FPH, I've called FPH out harshly in other subverses several times, and I've also said very unpopular things about jews on anti-globalist subverses. I've met resistance on those posts, but I've never experienced anything close to a brigade. But once again, that obviously doesn't mean you have never experienced it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you must have either acted like a complete dufus (or a ShareBlue shill), or just have been very unlucky to have experienced this.