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OricaTonithos ago

Sent $50 your way.

There are levels of survival I'm willing to accept, if it comes to that.

9138918? ago

Thank you, goat of all goats.

Would a smaller amount of $5 or $10 monthly be feasible for you? Those small monthly donations, among many of us, add up quickly.

DabbaDan ago

Gotta get a subscription model going. I've been a part of subscription based forums and they're always awesome. One, keeps the riff raff out. Two, self sufficient (-ish) . There's more, I'll get to it when my dumb dumb head clears a bit. It was a rough day.

Anywho, yeah, subscriptions. Or Patreon. I'll sign up on a Patreon.

Broc_Lia ago

Shit, good point actually. It'd shut down the Sanegoats and amaleks.

I'd be in favour of allowing "trial period" accounts where you can post for free for up six months. But subscribers can choose to hide all comments from such accounts.

DabbaDan ago

Hell yeah, sign me up.