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rwbj ago

I think there are some simple 'clean' monetization options Voat still has not even attempted.

Why not enable users to have some silly fun for money?

  • Add a user title (name appears PuttItOutt [ My Putt is Out :( ] in all posts) for a month. $5
  • Add a colored user title for a month. Same as above with color. $15
  • Set another user's title for a month. Same as above with some indication it was set by somebody else (and whom). $50
  • Set another user's title for a month if they set yours: $10
  • Make your username bold for a month. $5
  • Add an emoticon by your name for month. $5
  • Add an emotion by somebody else's name for a month. $10

  • Bring any post to the top of a thread. $5

  • Have any post appear in a slightly larger and unique font. $1 (bought in packages of 5)

Replace the ad box on the front page with a basic thread type box. Put it at the far top right on the main page, above even the search box. So everybody will see it. Allow a user to post a message there, visible to everybody for 6 hours for $5. That price linearly declines to $0 if there's no purchaser for 6 hours after the last message expired. Similarly the price exponentially doubles for every 3 messages queued. So that'd be $10/message if there are 3 messages ready to go, $20 when 6 are ready to go, etc. Suddenly you can have Amalek fund Voat all by himself. Seriously though, even if it never received commercial usage, this would add a silly but neat little feature to Voat.

There are dozens of similar ideas. Given the large audience of Voat only a tiny fraction would need to participate to make all you want for Voat come to fruition. These things would not exactly be high brow appeal, but I'd bet that they'd be more than enough to keep the site funded and then well more than that.