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Rummel ago

Any chance Voat could use a blockchain type of deal to keep alive if the worst happens?

I think it's possible to have a website running on a blockchain, but I'm not sure of the semantics.

I would gladly host a node if so. This is the last place on the Internet that doesn't fucking suck. One thing about this idea is voat would not operate on the clear Internet any longer, I believe there are browser plug ins that you need to access .bit domains so it could be as simple as that.

Edit: shameless headline for visibility


0011011000111001 ago

I wouldn't know how to host a node.. but if you mean running a server at home and keeping it online all the time I could do that.

Rummel ago

Essentially, yes. We could bypass the money problem if voat decentralized entirely. If putting something like voat on the blockchain is possible that is.

I want this guy to play golf again and have voat running at the same time.

SeptemberVirgin ago

You people watch too much silcon valley