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100011 ago

Oh no i love this place . Some of the best ideas i've seen in the comments are > 1-Bring the cost of operating down some how . 2 - Find sponsors Pornhub, Vape companies ,Marijuana companies ect . 3- Private rich donor someone like Kim Dotcom does the Minecraft dude hate liberals ? 4) Make it easier to donate anonymously and i bet your donations would increase by 30 % or more . 5 - Start selling Goats how much does a goat go for these days ?

dynamiteVacancy ago

The minecraft guy is a cuck, offered to buy 4chan (i think?) and promised to "keep it the same but without all the hate" or something stupid like that so people flamed the fuck out of him.

9144290? ago

Start selling Goats how much does a goat go for these days ?

I chuckled :)