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worthlesshope ago

I'm curious anyone know what would make voat a good investment? Reddit and Twitter had to sell out to politicians and companies in order to manipulate people's thoughts. Facebook has to sell personal data..These are things people who like voat want to avoid..

Before I came to voat I thought Reddit should have used their platform for something like education, research, or analytics. A stepping stone for a business instead of the primary way to make money.

But I don't believe the same avenues would be open to voat.. a lot of the users, me included, are just angry people saying angry things. If I were running a business that wanted some sort of social networking platform to communicate I'd be afraid to use Voat as the gathering point because of potential civil lawsuits for exposing people to things they don't want to hear or see.

As it is perhaps you can leverage the fact that this is a free speech platform on the internet..Focus on eliminating paid posters, bots, and bad moderation. Perhaps it might be valuable to someone to hear what people really think about things without censorship.

JoeKerr ago

university of phoenix online: Voat campus