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Michael_Obama ago

I still see the dire need for Free Speech in this world

Pretty ironic considering what's been implemented and who it has benefited.

and I still will do anything I can to continue providing it.

Not being ungrateful but this doesn't match reality.

Voat needs funding. Without it, Voat will be no more.

Where did the initial funding come from? That is an interesting question.

PuttItOut ago

Fuck you Sane, unlike your little army, others have donated and contributed.

oiseaulibre ago

Putt, people say I'm a part of this "sane group" too. We're not a group, the chat restrictions, the spammer, and the people who pushed for restrictions have just pissed the people in chat off time and time again. I've donated a small amount when I came here, turned my adblocker off from the first day that you and atko said there would be ads, and I bought a shirt and sticker the first time you guys sold merch. Now that I have seen this post I will be donating again sometime soon, because although I complain, I do love it here. However, what the hell is with this comment? You know MYG isn't sane. I have a lot of times given you the benefit of the doubt and defended you when people would talk shit about you being "corrupt". But what hell? Is this a witch hunt? Is everyone who criticizes you SaneGoat?

Rename the site

ExpertShitposter ago

Sane group faggot detected. He sees website data and probably knows more than anyone who is or isn't sane. And myg7 was sane.

oiseaulibre ago

MYG isn't Sane. They're two completely different personalities. None us have talked to Sane in a long time. He's gone dormant.

There also is no "Sane group". I don't know if you remember the /v/TIL fiasco, but I was one of the most vocal anti-sane users during that time. I had a couple posts about him hit the front page and created /v/CCSAT to make fun of him.