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Rummel ago

Any chance Voat could use a blockchain type of deal to keep alive if the worst happens?

I think it's possible to have a website running on a blockchain, but I'm not sure of the semantics.

I would gladly host a node if so. This is the last place on the Internet that doesn't fucking suck. One thing about this idea is voat would not operate on the clear Internet any longer, I believe there are browser plug ins that you need to access .bit domains so it could be as simple as that.

Edit: shameless headline for visibility


djsumdog ago

There are things like IPFS and ZeroNet, but neither are really adapted to the scale of Voat. It'd require a lot of new development. ZeroNet still has several unaddressed security issues and not enough devs.

Distributed private networks at scale are going to look more like FreeNet, which is slow and limited.

TheTrigger ago

Have you used Freenet, lately? I have it a go, on a virtual machine, a few weeks ago. It'd been a while and wanted to see how it was doing. Aside from all the kiddie porn, it was actually pretty fast. Not sure how voat would be able to run on there, though. Not sure if sites can be updated quickly enough to support real-time conversations.

But it's definitely better than nothing. Distributed hosting might just be the only way to go.

poodog ago

It's fast cause of all the FBI nodes hosting kiddie porn and tracking your ass

TheTrigger ago

As long as you're not the one downloading any of it. AFAIK, it's distributed, so you'll likely have a least random portions of that stuff on your cache file. However, it's all super encrypted and you don't even have access to it anyways unless you were specifically looking for that content through the browser itself. So I don't see what you're talking about.

It's fast because a lot of people are using it. The more people use it, the faster it goes. Even on voat, there's random jailbait shit. Like most people, though, you either just don't go to those subs or already have them blocked.

poodog ago

I thought all the jailbait shit got banned super early on

Never seen it on here

suramartian ago

Aside from all the uh... what? That's a pretty fucking major problem...

I would never visit a site where that was even a risk.

TheTrigger ago

I didn't actually go to any of those sites. But they're there, in search engines and link-indexing/categorizing sites. My point is, they probably congregate there for a reason. Obviously you wouldn't let that stuff on voat there, same as we already do here.