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baneofretail ago

We all thank you, info to donate is on the Sidebar. I'm going to create a spreadsheet later and see if I can get funding updates from @puttitout.

toobaditworks ago

You have to spell the name right for the ping to work: @PuttItOut

disinfo sorry.

baneofretail ago

really, cause when i spell it in all lower caps, it directs me to his page, or did i completely duff the spelling?

toobaditworks ago

The links will work without caps but people have said when you ping someone it needs the exact spelling (caps) due to the code. This could be wrong. Maybe putt can shed some light on it.

works without caps... sorry

baneofretail ago

I think his inbox may be a bit full for the next couple of days.

toobaditworks ago

I'd say test it on my username but I don't have caps. Maybe @ToObadItWorks will work?

toobaditworks ago

Got it. So caps doesn't matter. :)

baneofretail ago

Awesome, learn something new every day. Do you have a moment to speak about our savior Voat the Goat and how you can help support this website? v/Goats4Voat

toobaditworks ago

I do! Do you have any literature?

baneofretail ago

If you can, please donate to help us keep Voat running and free. As a thank you, we will display a donor badge on your profile. You can also donate Bitcoin at Coinbase. Coinbase seems to have shut Voat's Merchant account off! Thanks Coinbase, love you too. New Bitcoin Wallet Address: 1PhBpbED6uEnrvy5s9F9axBZbK8fWAeZdc

Copied from the sidebar, but if you enjoy free speech, please be sure to dontate what you can. Feel free to comment on v/Goats4Voat to receive a monthly reminder to donate any amount above $5.00