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9138620? ago


Ask for an infowars sponsorship, in exchange we get to see alex jones face everyday

on a fucking banner right there >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Donbuster ago

and this............ is how we become reddit. We can't take support from a partisan outlet without starting down the same road of making the site more appealing to that outlet and its agenda. Voat's defining characteristic is its commitment to free speech. So we need to partner with an organization that exists to protect free speech.

suramartian ago

no such thing as an organization without an agenda

anyone willing to pay is buying the rights to voat's speech parameters

Donbuster ago

Exactly. The way to keep voat what it is, however, is to find one which will never back down on its commitment to free speech. I'm currently writing an email to ReportersWithoutBorders. I think our best bet is an organization who's founding goal is the furthering of free speech. Such an entity would not suppress our free speech, for the simple reason that our goals align.

The day Breitbart or InfoWars or Huffpo or any other such heavily agendad organization that would willingly tread on our free speech to push its agenda enters into any kind of formal arrangement with voat beyond the buying of adspace is the day I leave this site for good.

suramartian ago

Who funds reporterswithoutborders?

Donbuster ago

Its a mix, but the fact of the matter is, their mission is to prevent infringement on free speech, both by funding and providing legal advice for outlets and journalists acting under oppressive regimes, and to ensure that legislation protecting freedom of expression is upheld where it exists. In the past it has willingly acted in ways that angered major funding sources, all in the name of ensuring accountability when it comes to free speech. Their largest form of donor funding, at around 17% comes from corporate, and the backers there run through most of the political spectrum. Are they perfect? No. Are they much bigger than most organizations of this type? yes. Will they infringe upon Voat's freedom of speech? Not likely. Hell, they give journalists in war zones Kevlar so that they can continue investigating; A little racially charged internet argument is nothing to them.