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9138620? ago


Ask for an infowars sponsorship, in exchange we get to see alex jones face everyday

on a fucking banner right there >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

go1dfish ago

Breitbart might be another option, could use Voat to power the comment section instead of Disqus with a little bit of dev effort.

9139863? ago

Breitbart might not be as interested in ties with Voat as InfoWars, but it is still worth a shot. If we can get enough sponsors from the big media outlets in the New Right, then we can save Voat's finances while also making Voat become more popular.

HeavyBrain ago

Guess thats the only way to go on the long run.

Eventually shit will start to go South ans Voat will start censor for the sponsor but such is faith of all free internt communities.