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Riva ago

What kind of monthly membership would come close to covering this cost? Of the 'literally doezens' of us, are we talking $10 dollars per month per active member? $100 dollars? Give us a number. I wouldn't mind setting up a recuring subscripton to keep this place free speech (And make sure someone doesn't come in and say hey, we own you now, take those down - cuz that's what's going to happen when a single entity owns this.).

But srsly, if the math doesn't work out, delete this thread, put the site up for sale on empire flippers and get your money back (as much as you can). There are peopel who would kill for this much ready made traffic, even if it is full of us goats.

9138901? ago

If every active member paid $10/month that would be WAY MORE than enough. Way more.

More realistically, if a small minority of the active members paid $5/month ($10 if you can afford it) that would cover things nicely.

If every active member was donating monthly the necessary payment would be less than a dollar each. That will never happen, though, which is why persuading people to donate $5 or $10 a month is ideal.

baneofretail ago

How do I get set up for recurring payments of 10 bucks per month?

9139658? ago

I'm not sure there is a way to pay any amount monthly automatically, but if you click on the donate button in the sidebar you can pay whatever amount you desire, and subscribing to the newly created /v/Goats4Voat will send you out reminders each month.