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234234242 ago

why the fuck would I add funds just to get brigades after me.

you have failed voat.

just open to advertising. you will not get one dime from me.

PuttItOut ago

I should deed Voat over to you. How does $1 sound? Good luck with Sane, FakeSane et al.

Grifter42 ago

Yeaaaah. Everyone's Sane, if they're critical of you. You let the site get taken over by SBBH and this is what you get for it.

9138947? ago

Sane has the same talking points, an acquired obsession with alts, and a notable style. It's not absurd to suggest these accounts stirring up shit at a time like this (as Sane was always wont to do) are Sane.

Grifter42 ago

Sane types like a crazy person, and almost never on topics that it's relevant.

It's not unreasonable to be suspicious of this site being compromised by SRS-types, when that exact same thing happened on Reddit, and there isn't really anything to prevent it from happening here. That, and the brigading of anyone slightly critical of him down to negative ten points in about two minutes doesn't inspire confidence either.

9139317? ago

That, and the brigading of anyone slightly critical of him down to negative ten points in about two minutes doesn't inspire confidence either.

Or maybe the Voat userbase at large supports Putt and all he has done and has little patience for dipshits bent on insulting him at every turn.

Grifter42 ago

What has he done? Seems like he's been asleep at the wheel, letting SBBH run rampant.

I told you they would run this site into the ground.

9139628? ago

As if brigaders and "narrative manipulators", if they even existed, have anything to do with financial trauma.